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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Yes. Fuzzy is extreme.
  2. Mega Wolf


    Hado's necklace. Yo.
  3. Bowtie. Coolness. Hampton is awesome.
  4. Well, I speak of the main page mostly, but hey, what could be improved on the forum as well?
  5. I plan on asking the DJ to play it at prom. Hahahaha.
  6. New idea: Everyone. Make a topic in each forum, each of which should somehow relate to the forum. Proceed to reply to the topics of others.
  7. Seriously guys, we post here, but how many of us actually listen to the Hampster music on a regular basis?
  8. Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop-Landon Pigg Then it was... Stuttering-Ben's Brother And then it's... New Soul-Yael Naim
  9. Well, the problem with drum corps is the amount of time involved. I'm doing it regardless of what he thinks of it, though. He'll just have to deal with it. Basically, it would mean that I'd be gone a lot when I'm not otherwise busy halfway through the school year and I'd be gone most of next summer. But hey, he usually gets over things once they happen and realizes that he was being an idiot at a given time. So it's all good. XD Besides, I'm not letting anyone get in the way of what I want, and I mean that in the least selfish way possible and there are of course exceptions in the case that there are actually people getting hurt. XD
  10. Hehe, all is well, except when I bring up drum corps.
  11. Haha, Julian said that he really liked Wall-E. He said it was really cute and it was funny.
  12. Falcon PUNCH! Aaaand as for Weird Al... "She eats like she got a hole in her neck And I'm the one that always gets stuck with the check Can't figure out how come they don't weigh a ton Oh, girls, they want to have lunch Oh, girls just want to have That's all they really want Is some lunch Don't know for certain but I've got a hunch Those girls, they want to have lunch Oh, girls just want to have lunch"
  13. Haha, yeah, my friends' parents always tell me I'm way ahead of even adults in terms of maturity level. It's hilarious. Every time, I'm like, "Really?!", because I always figure that by the time people are adults they know how to get over petty arguments. Then I actually take a look at the arguments amongst adults and I go, "Ohhh."
  14. So far, it's working pretty well. We get over things with a lot more ease knowing that we're being stupid. XD
  15. Well, okay, so I keep disappearing. Sorry guys, I just keep on doing other stuff. XD Well, from the 29th-6th, I was busy at fair with pig-related stuff. Neither of my pigs made the 200lb minimum for the auction, so I had to figure out how to sell two pigs without being in the auction after working my you-know-what off to try to have them make weight. Well, fortunately, I did not lose money. I sold one to a friend's parents and the other to a friend's grandpa who proceeded to donate it to the school, therefore making it quite a possibility that any meat I eat at the ag department may in fact be my pig. o.o Anyways, through fair, there was a lot of annoying drama and bickering that was not needed at all. For most of it, I was uninvolved or attempted to get people to chill out because they were flipping out at each other for absolutely no reason. Then, of course, someone was mad at me for defending someone else, when really all I was doing was telling her to chill out and that what the other person said wasn't a big deal. Honestly, your own opinion about yourself is all that matters. She wouldn't have been so miffed about being called a tramp behind her back or the opinion that tattoos are trampy if she didn't think she was being even slightly like that. So, what'd she do? She texted someone saying, "OMG jeanette is on her side" and then I didn't read the rest because I had just glanced over with no intention of reading, but she hit send and when I said that, "Okay, so you don't want people talking about you behind your back and you'd rather be told stuff to your face but it's okay for you to talk about me behind mine? I saw the message you just sent, but I'm not going to flip out." And I swear it, I did not flip out. But then she lied to my face and said that someone else had sent that to her when her phone clearly said "sending". It wouldn't have mattered so much if she hadn't proceeded to lie about it, yet unlike several other people regarding their little problems, I did not cause drama over it. People were being completely rediculous about nothing and I was fed up with it. My friend that I had vented to (he was staying out of the drama so it was chill) said that he was surprised that I hadn't flipped out earlier despite being caught in the middle of a bunch of nothing fights amongst friends. What annoyed me the most was the switching around from, "I hate this person!" to, "This person is my best friend!" Irritating. So. Irritating. On a brighter note, I saw a Weird Al concert and played Rock Band a few times.
  16. So, this may sound like a silly idea, but my boyfriend and I have agreed that if by September 1st we have had a major argument, we're like, not together. 'Cuz that would mean that we fight too much. Basically, we're keeping track of how much we argue without really keeping track. Doesn't make much sense, but really, it's more of a, "Hey, wait a sec, I think we might fight a lot. We should check that." XD Okay, so maybe the idea is completely nutso, but whatever.
  17. So, we never got the Wii, but my dad is still considering PS3 or Wii. So yeah.
  18. Well, let's see. Yesterday I went to the mall with boyfriend, ex-boyfriend's-ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, other friend, and other friend 2. Ex-boyfriend's-ex-girlfriend(let's refer to as "A") and ex-boyfriend(referred as "B") like each other. He called her the night before from plots from random friend of A. But then A tells B that she likes him, but just wants to be friends? That was a little bit confusing. So last night, A was pretty quiet and didn't talk must at all and would have small conversations with B, but for the most part just talk to me. I was the only one instigating fun and "Let's move on to the next store!". So it was fun, but it seemed that they wouldn't have known what to do if I hadn't been there. XD We all wanted to pitch in to buy a shared copy of Mein Kampf because of its historical value, but then realized how cultish that sounded to have a shared copy of that particular book and decided that if we were going to be cheap about it we should just check it out from the library. Oh, and we went to KB Toys. Funny thing, we were supposed to meet at 6, but B, Boyfriend, and I were late by about twenty minutes and didn't see them anywhere. So we ate in the vicinity of where we were supposed to meet and they came around 6:45 because their movie had lasted longer than expected. XD So I was laughing because they had thought that we'd been waiting for the entire 45 minutes, when really we thought they'd wandered off because we were late. XD
  19. I totally forgot to get back to you on that!
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