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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Thirty days... that's a long time for you. As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain. You will find someone better to go to homecoming with. As for the thirty days... lol, well, it has a lot to do with the timing of homecoming. XD Oh, they believe him, they speaketh against my name, whatever. Can't please 'em all, yes? It's funny, though, because the majority of people that I actually talk to on a regular basis are actually happy for me as opposed to supporting his side because they actually know how he really is. It's actually the other group of people I know that don't know him very well that are "siding" with him. So, I think I be dating not-emo ex-boyfriend and now boyfriend(?). The one that happened to date that other friend at that other time that I liked but couldn't really do anything about it because I was too busy being in denial and pretending the other relationship was good. lol. Problems with this relationship only include jealous exes. My jealous ex doesn't want to be friends unless I dump(?) new boyfriend(?). The ex of boyfriend(?) sees us together and goes all emoface melancholy which kinda puts a strain on a friendship. I'm actually not worried about any of this at all because I realize that high school is not the time to stress this stuff. lol. I mean, not to say that he isn't potential marriage material, just saying that I'm not stressed about these problems because they're not worth being stressed about and stress is the only potential problem I see in high school dating, which I totally avoid with my nonchalant attitude.(which doesn't show well here because the events I list look more stressful than they really are) You sound like you have a very good understanding of all this. Smart! The only thing I would add is that none of these guys will end up as your husband. My feeling is that you will meet the man of your dreams once you have put high school behind you. As for jealousy... what a stupid emotion. People have mental images that are conjured up by jealousy, and these images are way out the realm of normal thinking. The imagination goes wild and then the person who is suffering from jealousy does stupid things. People with problems handling jealousy need to be avoided. That can only mean a bad relationship. Yeah, I know they're unlikely marriage material, seeing as currently I'm sixteen and don't really consider marriage a top priority for at least another five years, thought I'm thinking it'll be ten before I actually do want to be married. No need to rush. Yeah, Julian is having a hard time, but I think he's come to terms with what's going on and realized that not everything is my fault. As for new boyfriend's ex, she's been waving herself around in front of him and hanging out near him when I'm busy, along with being emo when I am there. The funny part is he realizes it's happening and he's just rolling his eyes about it because he asked her back out in the middle of summer and she said no(and she told me at around that time that she liked him).
  2. Indeed, I do! But with band and AP classes I am left with little time.
  3. Thirty days... that's a long time for you. As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain. You will find someone better to go to homecoming with. As for the thirty days... lol, well, it has a lot to do with the timing of homecoming. XD Oh, they believe him, they speaketh against my name, whatever. Can't please 'em all, yes? It's funny, though, because the majority of people that I actually talk to on a regular basis are actually happy for me as opposed to supporting his side because they actually know how he really is. It's actually the other group of people I know that don't know him very well that are "siding" with him. So, I think I be dating not-emo ex-boyfriend and now boyfriend(?). The one that happened to date that other friend at that other time that I liked but couldn't really do anything about it because I was too busy being in denial and pretending the other relationship was good. lol. Problems with this relationship only include jealous exes. My jealous ex doesn't want to be friends unless I dump(?) new boyfriend(?). The ex of boyfriend(?) sees us together and goes all emoface melancholy which kinda puts a strain on a friendship. I'm actually not worried about any of this at all because I realize that high school is not the time to stress this stuff. lol. I mean, not to say that he isn't potential marriage material, just saying that I'm not stressed about these problems because they're not worth being stressed about and stress is the only potential problem I see in high school dating, which I totally avoid with my nonchalant attitude.(which doesn't show well here because the events I list look more stressful than they really are)
  4. So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later. Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc. And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing. You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to. However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really. So I ought to clear that one up.
  5. So, what with my little time and all, I've just dropped by and noticed a lack of posts! Dear me, I look around this board and it's depressing.
  6. I like how Giles Corey goes out with a bang. "MORE WEIGHT!" We have now come up with our actual band name. Cynosure. It's out of a vocab book because we needed a name that sounded less like a punk or heavy metal band. lol
  7. Because he has a thing for the dominatrix type. ...Wait, can I say that? Anyways, emo ex-boyfriend was finally told off today after bugging me about how he's changed for the PAST TWO FREAKING WEEKS. He swears he's changed, he swears that he'll not be a trouble for me anymore... gets a bit redundant. And ex-boyfriend prior to emo-ex-boyfriend that is basically my best friend seemingly likes me, and it's not that I don't like him like that, it's just that I don't trust my emotions immediately after a break up.
  8. Our teacher said she would like to read it in class, but it would take too much time since our class is usually a class for seniors but at our school we have it as a Junior class, so we rush through things more. XD Yet, supposedly most score well on the AP test. Anyhow, life? Um, my best friend at school is Mike(one of my exes. In fact, the one that doesn't annoy me). We had a four hour conversation last night. o.O You know how I've been considering making a band for over a year now? Well, he was in a band, but that never worked out because they didn't have a vocalist. So now Prisoners of Insanity might exist. XD lol. However, there is another band that we know that might end up thinking we're copying them because they're newly formed, one of the band members being my "rival", or so it always ends up seeming so. Really, we're just making a band for the lolz.
  9. It is because that is the "trouble" with having friendships with someone of the opposite gender. You get along, they assume they have a chance because you can stand being around them for a few hours. Most of my friends are guys, which sometimes can get a bit awkward in terms of that. lol.
  10. Oh, I love AP, we can actually have intelligent conversations. Example, yesterday was a question of whether or not we feel safer since 9/11/01. Now, if anyone would like to debate that, please, not in my topic, take it elsewhere. lol
  11. It's getting frustrating, really. He's been way too emotional about this. I feel bad for him because last week he had strept throat, I dumped him, and now he's been feeling like for the past two days that he's been kicked in a particularly painful spot so now he's possibly having surgery tonight because of that. BUT just because I feel bad, I know I can't crack under the pressure. The way he's acted since then has been rediculous and has lowered his chances of ever being with me again to minimal, as in I'm thinking it's basically not possible.
  12. See blue comments above. Well, it is in fact highly unlikely that we won't get together again because we just bicker incessantly and it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes. XD A double negative? I meant will. XD Gimme a break, it was three in the morning.
  13. Right now, for English, we are reading The Crucible.
  14. See blue comments above. Well, it is in fact highly unlikely that we won't get together again because we just bicker incessantly and it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes. XD
  15. Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol. Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager. JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college.
  16. No, it was like 50 different things from the Bible... but I didn't read it. >.< Oh, and I really love Pride and Prejudice. The subtle humor is the greatest thing ever. XDDD I read it in 7th grade, and then I picked it up again last year. "You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least." lol.
  17. For how long? Last night was when I broke up with him, and I'm not going back. Yay? Yes, yay. It was an awful relationship and I was completely in denial about that fact. (seriously, it was that bad and it took a thousand and one fights for me to fully realize it.) I didn't really see the problem, I was forgiving him and staying through all of it, despite how unhappy I was. What did one of my friends have to say about this? "You have the patience of a saint." "Thanks?" Still, a bit odd, having had a year and a half gone by and now I don't have the same goodnight call. Creature of habit. And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. Yep, I'm going to end up laughing at myself later. Again. That's half the fun of the internet.
  18. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No? No. Spoiler or color change?
  19. For how long? Last night was when I broke up with him, and I'm not going back.
  20. Yes, it was enjoyable, except I'd read it earlier in the summer than I should have and didn't review much.
  21. We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD
  22. AP American History and AP American Literature.
  23. So, apparently AP is a tad difficult.
  24. A medieval weapon-Hand grenade. They could have been thinking of the Holy Hand Grenade! A famous pig-Your mother-in-law.
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