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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. You think some parents would volunteer to organize the music library. Yeah, but of course it never happens. There are the parents that help that donate more than enough time and then there's a bunch of parents that don't help at all. We've attempted to organize some, but it's not worked well. Perhaps a couple of the file cabinets are organized, but it's still hard to find things.
  2. He spent like, three days on the things. O.O I made him a pillow thing. lol.
  3. You forgot really, really rich little girl who is the daughter of a superstar. Do I have that correct? And don't forget her uncle is Lance Armstrong. lol How dumb of me... I had forgotten this, the most important aspect. Was it a four story house she lived in?
  4. You forgot really, really rich little girl who is the daughter of a superstar. Do I have that correct? And don't forget her uncle is Lance Armstrong. lol
  5. So, those are all of the stuffed animals Michael gave me. lol.
  6. ...Wow, I've totally noticed a bipolarness reduction. It's been pretty smooth happiness for a while now.
  7. We have this rediculous music library with 75+ years of music collected and disorganized. So that's a bit of a pain. There's also a few doubles because it's such a pain to go through the music that sometimes the band director of whatever moment in time doesn't realize that we already have the same music buried somewhere from however many years ago. lol.
  8. BEWARE THE IDES OF MAAAAAARCH. Totally couldn't resist. >.<
  9. Well, this person could enjoy pretending to be a little girl. o.O
  10. Next contest I'll try to remember. lol. Ah, I've gone slightly mad, yet I'm happier. Though the dark side of me seems to be poking its head out a bit more frequently.
  11. Wow, that would stink if someone read that and didn't click three times. o_o
  12. Perhaps my sadistic manner and laziness are the two great flaws of mine. Suppose we can't be perfect. Ben Franklin tried and I've come up with about the same conclusion as he did, keep trying while knowing that there will not be complete perfection. lol. Mr. Ex-boyfriend texted me and wanted to call me. Saying that it's been a while since we've spoken. Huge hesitation on my part as to whether or not this would be a good or bad thing for me. The reason I figured it could be good is because he left a huge emotional scar afterwards and I never attempted to care for it, figured it wouldn't resurface and just went along with life. So recently I've been having breakdowns, somewhat of flashbacks of the one time just over a year ago he counted backwards from 10 saying he was going to shoot himself and then the five minutes plus of silence as I cried and helplessly hoped that he hadn't just put the phone on mute as he'd done the deed, which after he actually started talking. It was partial relief, partial anger at the fact that he would do that. That's one event in particular that's left its heaviest mark. Hence, when he wanted to call, I first asked permission from Boyfriend who knows that I'm having these recently somewhat frequent breakdowns. He said it was okay. I wasn't sure for a bit, but then I told Ex-boyfriend to go ahead and call. Anyway, that helped actually considerably. He's decided not to hate and avoid me, hence the call. He still moaned about how horrible the break-up was, how he was actually in love with me and he was sorry that he was so stupid during the relationship and had been such a horrible person to me. It wasn't in a way to try to win me back, it sounded like an indirect apology, so I left it at that. He was also being weird by saying that he's gone on dates but later admitted that he just went on a couple of extremely awkward dates with some girl he knew from middle school that moved to Texas and recently came back. lol. But currently he's after the girl that one of my best friends is practically the boyfriend of but she can't date, but ex-boyfriend's goal is to talk to her dad to try to let him date her. I was thinking to myself, dude that's practically trying to steal away a girl from one of my best friends, not chill. Not sure if I was being sadistic or merely getting it off of my chest, but I did bring up the whole suicide countdown thing that he made me go through, and he actually apologized for that one. That gives some relief to my mind. The whole conversation was not pointless, due to the fact that my mind has some relief. In terms of any comments I made that could have been sadistic, perhaps bringing up my drum corps audition and how I'm going to do that was me being slightly cruel by guilt tripping him over the times he held me back from the things that I would have loved to do. Wow, a couple of traits developed from that relationship. Patience and somewhat a strange form of sadism. I don't know how it works that I'm quick to forgive, yet sadistic. Perhaps it is the fact that I cannot hate people but also think that those who pain me shouldn't get away with it, yet I don't enjoy the idea of plotting to make someone's life worse(hence enjoying karma returning their way).
  13. Are new trumpets better? Or are you asking for a better quality trumpet? What makes a trumpet a good one? Are their certain distinguishing characteristics? Well, I'd like a better quality trumpet. lol. Both of mine are student models and not too pretty anymore. As I'm getting closer to being out of high school, I'm wanting a better trumpet. There's certain characteristics of trumpets that make them better, I only know the difference by the ease of playing. XD Also, there's different styles that some trumpets are more specific for. Student trumpets tend to be rounded horns, intended for okay use for all styles. My favorite so far is the Wild Thing. It's pretty good in general, it's a fairly large trumpet. There's different tuning slides, it's a bit weird. The horn itself helps open up sound. My brother has one, it's great.
  14. Well, apparently I've gotten better since last year. Hopefully there are better arrangements and corsages to come, it's better to wait for a good one for me to share anyhow.
  15. So I'm guessing the real one is finally revealing herself.
  16. Ex-boyfriend mood on certain networking website=day we broke up [insert about to cry sadface thing] Three months ago. I was hoping he was over it by now. I mean, really, last word was he was crushing all over this girl that's kinda his friend (well at least after I broke up with him) leading him on (she has a boyfriend), who at the same time hates me because he's told her everything and plus she has this thing against me and wants to hate me because I beat her at showing pigs. She even knows stuff that really only my closest(as in, really, really close) friends know that honestly shouldn't be shared. And then this other "friend" that was always telling me what a horrible person he was and that I shouldn't be with him is chasing after him. It's really frustrating because I thought she'd been telling me that because she honestly thought he wasn't a good guy. Somehow her impending rejection (he always talked about how horrible she was, he's also quite shallow and she really isn't attractive to him at all) is comforting. Or, rather, if they date, they'll share in their dissatisfaction as their personalities conflict worse than mine does with either of theirs. I am sadly a somewhat vengeful person. Not sure if that's the right way to put it. I don't hold grudges, I simply delight in the sufferings of those who pain me. Once they have had their share of pain through their own choices and not through anything I do, I'm satisfied. And so the darkest side of MW is revealed. I wouldn't call it hypocrisy. It's not that I'm not over him, it's more of his efforts to create hatred towards me that causes me to look at this in such a disgusted light. ...meh. Perhaps I have gone on too angry of a tangent.
  17. Haha, fail, totally forgot to take pictures. Oh, well, they were kinda fail anyway cuz I'm quite out of practice. It's okay though, because I actually got 10th place! ^-^ Mostly because of ID and reasons for the judging class of roses. Quite fun, and I got 65 out of 75 on my ID test. My lowest scores were my corsage and arrangement. XD
  18. Oh, and this guy that I know was like, "MIDIs are better than real instruments." I was like. OH NO YOU DIDN'T.
  19. Alright, so, not so much band geekage, but general music geeking. Rant about anything instrument related. Few things: I'm a brass player, so I don't get it, what makes Rico reeds worse than other types? Everyone in my band wishes to burn them. So, pretty much I play trumpet because it's awesome. And we get most of the solos, melodies, and other fun suchlike. I seriously want a new trumpet, one I have is older than me and the other I have is about nine years old. Neither one is of great quality.
  20. ...So, therefore, Obama=Good for foreign relations?
  21. I wonder where all those sanities that broke out of TGHL's sanity bank... o_O
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