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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Yes, of course. And it's making my ego explode. haha. kidding. kinda. Getting compliments left and right is not good for trying to be a modest person. I can't say I think I'm not that attractive because clearly there are plenty of people who would disagree with that statement. And my personality ego has been increased as well because there's this other guy that's asexual (as in not actually interested people in that way) who wanted to date me. I think that's a pretty big compliment to my personality. xD
  2. Soo, I have this insane "love triangle"(?) thing going. Guys who are interested in me: my ex, the other guy that's in my band, 25-year-old guy that happens to also be my trumpet instructor from the thing I was doing in the summer. New best friend from summer has liked said instructor for 5 years, she's one year older than me. Ex, well clearly I'm on and off about liking him because he randomly gets clingy. Besides, he went for rebound immediately after anyway even if he didn't end up dating her. Other guy is just other guy. Instructor dude isn't looking to date me now because clearly I'm very much not even 18. And in this whole mess, I'm not looking to date anyone.
  3. One week left of band. Then I'll have plenty of spare time. Sooo there's this key to a bulletin board at the school I can't find... whoops. umm. yeah.
  4. I've been really busy lately... hope everything slows the heck down soon, I've had so much to do.
  5. So, less depressing notes. Senior year isn't so horrible, I'm just looking forwad to college knowing that I can chill with some of my better friends and meet new people then. In about half a year, I'll be 18. Weird. Not a huge deal to me, but I do remember when it was a bit further off. This entire HD thing reminds me of how time goes by, and how almost 10 years ago was the first time I'd ever heard about Hampsterdance at all. Then about five or six years ago I'd joined this, and for someone of my age that's really quite a bit of time. It's always been a great source of constancy and a great reminder of how much I still have to learn. Everything is so weirdto me, I guess.
  6. Having the information that there's a lot of people that never get over themselves is really depressing. haha. And by getting over themselves I mean that some people are always miserable no matter what happens because not everything is perfect.
  7. Yeah... wish I could say that they'll mature, but I know that's not necessarily the case.
  8. lol well I'll try to start posting daily now then.
  9. Blah... so much to do. So many people annoying me. Really disliking high school after hanging out with people that really understand so much more about what enjoying life is all summer, along with actually really liking the whole not having any real responsibility other than knowing your show and doing your best at it thing. Annoyed with a person who has everything I want complaining about the two things that are wrong with her life. She has a solo she doesn't want and she doesn't get to conduct the show even though she's really bad at conducting anyway. I'm also tired of hearing about people talking about how my friend and I won't stop talking about our summer or inside jokes we have, even though the hypocrites have all kinds of inside jokes anyway. They just don't understand because we were doing a more advanced version of what they're doing, so they're assuming we're being arrogant about it by talking about it. Sorry we got a great new family that we spent 24 hours a day with for two months straight? gosh.
  10. lol I'll do my best not to be such a hypocrite from here on out. haha. xD
  11. Wow, it was slow before? Haha now I'm a little glad that I've been gone a bit...
  12. It's okay, I understand. I'm just glad I can log on now.
  13. I was cleaning my room. Now I'm neglecting responsibility to stop neglecting you guys.
  14. I see that my project continues even with my absence. lol. Hypocrisy on my part. xD
  15. I must say that this change is going to be a bit for me to adjust to, but I'm over it. haha. Handy buttons...
  16. Taking a quick break from reality to announce the recovery of my password and basically my return because I actually can log on now. xD
  17. So, that result for Paris. I see there are only a couple of weeks until results.
  18. I always like good news! This sounds like it will be a great summer!!! Sammy the Hamster has returned. And... I have some pictures I want to show you. Do you ever go down by the water? Ah, I have not seen Sammy. Nor much of anyone around here. And yes, I do go down by the water. xD
  19. I get so mad when I realise that I haven't really worked hard at all in my AP classes and thus I am struggling for previous lazy actions.
  20. Where is everyone? Are we all so busy?
  21. The hamster got out of its ball and Miles got too excited.
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