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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. I'm going to have to take a lab science again. Woops. Lesson learned? Anyway, online classes start today. 6 weeks, two classes, let's do this! Ahahahah. Here's to hoping I can get through this.
  2. I'm taking politics and general psychology. Currently, I'm trying to finish up an essay that was due a week ago. The very last thing I have left of school before I'm done for summer. I'm as stricken with writer's block as ever, and I'm not entirely sure I'll pass the class regardless of this essay and I'm simply doing it in order to attempt to pass the class. On the bright side, my difficulties with said class have been a matter of not really balancing my time in relation to music, I've improved exponentially on trumpet.
  3. I definitely had donuts! Well, to the pleading of my boyfriend. It was a lazy day, and that morning he kept asking me for about an hour until I finally went around the corner to get some.
  4. Just one week left for finals! Then, I get to breathe. With two online classes for the summer.
  5. I have my dad's old work laptop as my only computer. He has this tendency to take insanely good care of things, so he was pretty much the last person a couple of years ago to have a functional laptop as old as this one. At that point, his work made him replace it, along with making him get a Blackberry so he could receive emails on the weekend. I'd like to note that this computer is literally 10 years old now, it's from 2002, and somehow still functions. I would imagine that it probably won't function for much longer.
  6. Oh, finals time for musicians. Well, I guess they're probably not as hectic for people in fewer ensembles. But I had something like 6 performances within a week, so that was kind of crazy.
  7. aslkdfjsal;fks HOW DID I MANAGE TO BE SO LATE TO THIS AS WELL congratulations! Love your ring! Exciting!
  8. You know what I should have mentioned? The three times this semester I've met trumpet greats. xD I've met Malcolm McNab, Don Clarke, and Wayne Bergeron, all featured in many a movie score. And I've performed with Clarke and Bergeron in jazz band. Small details I forget to mention.
  9. If Facebook is lurking now, it makes sense with the "Like" buttons. I see Tibfoff goes to China soon, how exciting!
  10. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    Hey Jesse! Yeah, the boards had been for the most part abandoned at one point. For a good while it was just me and Horatio, swapping life updates. Lately, people have been showing up, and it's been great hearing what everyone's been up to. It's always interesting, reflecting back on what we were earlier on and to see how we've grown and realize we're continuing to learn. Also, I've apparently lost track of time, since I didn't realize about two years have passed since you'd last posted.
  11. Yeah, Jesse, I just got really serious about it this semester and Southern California is a perfect place to be a freelance player, so I'm pretty set for success. All recitals are posted online. So very possible. A trip for my two minute performance. That would be something. I have many, many performances coming for the rest of my life, and you guys are invited to anything you'd like to see. I would recommend waiting a few years for when I'm really good. /end excessive smiley face use
  12. I don't really think that would be the case. Prom date aside, my mom only really knows about the guys that I dated for at least a full y ear.
  13. My recital is on the 22nd, maybe I'll be able to get the audio recording from that.
  14. Weather around here has been strange. Normally we don't get warm rain, but we did for a few days. Today was sunny and warm.
  15. ^That happens way too often. Biology, I currently have a C, which works for me, considering the fact that I thought I was falling a little behind. We're apparently not even halfway through the points. When it comes to trumpet, I'm getting much better at a rapid pace! I really got at the good practice habits this semester and it's paying off nicely.
  16. I've been relaxing, but I've also been stressing about how I want to get ahead on school work.
  17. I... what? I... what? ...I forget sometimes that I'm not having a one on one conversation with Horatio and I need to quote things. See Horatio's post right before the "pillow fight day" one and that post will make more sense. XD
  18. Heh, that's very true. In other news, because of this, my mother started interrogating me on whether or not this was a "serious" relationship, and then she started rambling about how it was clearly serious to him. It took me a moment to answer/I allowed her to ramble for the moment because in my mind, I momentarily assumed that by calling him my "boyfriend", it implied that it was, in fact, serious. I guess I forget sometimes that to some people it doesn't mean as much
  19. Well, it connected us in other places, but it didn't really that much. I don't really contact outside of HD anymore. It's really my regular life that has gotten me too busy.
  20. Nothing new to say! Except maybe that I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with my boyfriend's early birthday gift of a Disneyland premium pass, considering how expensive it was, but then I was more comfortable when I thought of it as he benefits from it as well because that means I can go with him whenever.
  21. Phew... spring break time. Well, tonight I have work, then a far-too-crazy party to help host at a friend's house where there will be at least 50 people, then in the morning I have to work again, and then I have some break time, work again the next day/spend time with my family, then I get to practice during my break.
  22. I didn't go to biology at all last week. Tuesday, I slept in, not something usual for me, and then my friend told me that Thursday was cancelled. Go figure.
  23. Seriously interesting how things are like that now. It used to be that written evidence was gone as quickly as burning a letter, but really, unless one were to destroy the internet (which would be a huge crime in itself ), it's impossible to really get rid of electronic evidence.
  24. Looks like it's a random nostalgia week. I don't mind, it's nice to see everyone pop up right now. And I think it's great fun to make everyone nostalgic.
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