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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. This will take time for me to actually get to do it, but I'm excited! ^-^
  2. That's great, I love meeting new people! haha, if I go the path that I'm thinking of now, I'll eventually be a motorcyle riding psychiatrist.
  3. Well, in light of this whole "my best friend is in jail" thing, I forgot to mention, I was going to get a rabbit from him, and I've had it for two weeks now. But I'm also taking care of his rabbit, so right now I've got my hands full with these two crazy males that I need to keep separate. They're so cute! and I'm not having a difficult time with care, so it's actually a lot of fun.
  4. His sister got my address so he can write me a letter. We've been trying to get a hold of each other, but jail systems do not make this easy. Particularly, the more money you have to burn the easier the jail experience is, apparently. He's talked to his sister because she can receive collect calls, but I can't do that. One time she tried to visit, they were on lockdown, next time we tried they moved his row that day. They also apparently sell phone cards in jail so he can call me once he can get access to that. No joke, money seems to be a major factor in getting "comforts" while one is in jail. :/
  5. Ah, it's okay. Maybe it'll get better, if not, it's not the end of the world if he's not a great match for me.
  6. Hmm, I'm considering making a motorcycle a major mode of transportation for me. Wouldn't happen until after I get a job, and it wouldn't be super immediate... but I'm definitely considering it.
  7. It's been 3 weeks since I last talked to him. I didn't realize how important he was to my life. I mean, yeah, he's my best friend, but I never would have figured that I'd be so affected by this. I don't sleep as well, eat as well, and I'm really unhappy being unable to talk to him. He's the person that understands me more than anyone, that's why he's my best friend. He doesn't judge me when I screw up, he gives perfectly sound advice, and I can talk to him about anything. It's not that I don't have other friends that I talk to. In fact, I've been talking to them more if anything to try to fill in that space. But nothing I do can keep me from worrying about him.
  8. Quickly learning we have little to talk about.
  9. He's not totally innocent but there's still something afoot. Just part of this doesn't line up, seeing as the one gap in the timeline was the time it happened, though she claimed it happened more than once. I just want to hear straight answers from him. But, I suppose I follow my favorite proverb, and love him as my friend when he least deserves it, because now is when he really needs it.
  10. Well, it's going okay, but we're still doing the holding hands, look like we're together, but not actually together. Now that I'm at peace with all the stuff with my best friend, this'll go better.
  11. ...Well, I'm dropping the "he's innocent" thing. Basically he's a naive idiot. But, he's still my best friend. I'm still going to visit him.
  12. That, or it'll crash and burn because I'm so focused elsewhere on something not so positive. xD
  13. From what I've picked up, there is little money involved. Just sick adults that wouldn't simply fire him for speaking out a little. The worst part is how ridiculously innocent he is just as a person in general. I know for a fact that he doesn't know how to lie. I understand. I'm trying to keep my name out if it's possible. I've got her posts screenshots.
  14. eh... this may not go anywhere. I'm too emotionally charged currently for this to be a good idea. -.-
  15. As more uncovers it seems adults are involved in the framing. It's bad. I may visit him sometime, but for now my communication is through his sister.
  16. I don't believe her mother has anything to do with this. Her dad has passed. For some reason, she and another girl have framed him. I'm not one to lie. It was foolish to see each other, but at the very least we didn't do foolish things, to clarify. And I wasn't connected from a school district. In fact, nobody from that school is really aware of my importance except as a close friend. Also, I know stuff about instructors especially in music... this is sadly far from the worst, it won't be impossible for him to get teaching jobs, just unfortunately more difficult as someone wrongly accused. I know I should stay far away. But it's difficult. Again. He's someone I trust a lot. Heck, I may be in too far deep as it is to avoid anything. Unfortunately I'm not one to fear harm to my name, nor fear involvement.
  17. Those simulators sounds so interesting. Glad you're enjoying your new bike. ^-^
  18. So, a previous on and off romantic interest but now one of my best friends, the older guy. He's being held in jail 'til Monday because some stupid 15-year-old was going around spreading sick rumors that she'd stayed the night at his apartment and you know what else that could get him in trouble. That already got him fired from his job as a high school instructor. So, he'll probably end up going to court. His innocence is extremely clear, as in schedules would not allow this to be physically possible. Also, she was stating over a social networking website that she had been told to lie, not specifically about what, but it's pretty clear. But I'm still really distressed. Again, he's one of my best friends. I can't stand that he has to suffer because of someones lies.
  19. Well, summed up I'm dating someone new. He's pretty cool, physics major, in my section in the marching band. age 20, so this time it's not someone unreasonably older. see my topic for more info on my best friend the 26 year old, bit depressing.
  20. Well, she's a year out of high school, but fear not: I haven't missed the point. Oddly her mother is perfectly okay with her having that boyfriend, though the idea of me getting relationship form of close to her daughter was just too much for her(despite the fact that she herself had been pretty much engaged to a girl for several years). Actually, her mother was pushing the older guy interested in me to date her daughter before all of this. Strange, confusing family. -.-' I must say that the saying "opposites attract" may or may not be true, but just because they attract doesn't mean they're compatible, haha. Band is a lot of fun and I'm starting to get to know more people.
  21. Sounds like you've got your hands full with your training.
  22. It's funny. Now she's has a boyfriend, a different guy who's 26. Perhaps she just likes guys who are seven years older than her. Totally not the healthiest way to make relationship choices, but alright. haha My ex broke up with his new girlfriend about a week ago, she was being scary and talking about future already and being in love and whatnot. In addition, she's extremely religious but in the I'll kill you if you drink and I'll break up with you if you kiss me too intensely kind of way. Not that there's a problem with that, it's just that in order for that to be a successful relationship it kinda needs to be mutual. So, the both of them are back to talking to me, normally, as a friend, as though none of that ever happened. I'll give them both a free pass for that one, I know I'm guilty of having neglected friends in particular situations. xD So, now that I'm back, I have a completely different set of interested guys to fight off. -.- my life is ridiculous. School starts Monday, but I have band camp this week in the evenings.
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