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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Okay, now I don't know what's going to happen. An LA judge ruled part of Jessica's Law unconstitutional, meaning that the "2000 feet rule" can't really apply to sex offenders because it's does more harm than good putting so many convicted sex offenders on the street as it's so impossible to stay so far away from schools and parks in residential areas. It's true, though. However, I don't know if this is going to change his mind about this: he's not happy with other parole rules either. For example, if he lived with say, me, he'd have to have a room separate from me because I'm a female, and say if they found a shirt of mine that had mixed into his laundry in his room, he could get arrested for something as simple as that. Just as an example.
  2. So, update on my friend. Plea bargain won't be lowered from 2 years. He has until Monday to decide. But he's decided he'll risk it, even though they say that it could make things bad to the point of him being in for 5+ years. He's going to go on trial and he's hiring a lawyer before Monday. The reason is, even if 2 years means just over a year in prison, he'd still have the 3 years parole, where he'd be forced to live in motels or on the street, as parole has such harsh rules that it'd be difficult for him to even move in with friends or family. And if he winds up on the street, if he accidentally ends up a few blocks from a school, just waiting for a bus even, they'd see that on the GPS tracker he'd be required to have at all times and he'd just be arrested and wind up in jail again. So, he's decided to take the chance and fight, with a lawyer that isn't just a public attorney who wants to get a conviction. It scares me a little. But he's been only thinking about this the entire time. So I suppose he would know best. His acquaintance who has been in there 19 months is finally soon to be freed because the DA had no evidence, and the judge finally recognized that it's ridiculous the man has been in there so long without a case against him, which also scares me that they can be held so long without anything, when my friend has a few people against him.
  3. My sleep schedule runs 4am to noonish. That needs to be fixed.
  4. On a lighter note than usual, I joined a zombie hoard for Halloween.
  5. Oh, my rabbit, being goofy as always.
  6. It's very true. If it weren't for the other inmates, he wouldn't really be fighting this much. All I can do is hope that he can figure this out, because there's little I can do. For one, me meeting him as a student in a youth arts organization and being close friends with him, that makes any mention of me... treading dangerous waters. Potentially incriminating. And I'm not the only friend he's made, just particularly close. His attorney, being a public defender, really doesn't have much time to spend specifically on him, and clearly isn't "in it to win it". I'm a little uncomfortable with a couple of things: how they're treated in there, and how passive/confident he sounds at times.
  7. I don't know. As much as I'd like to think he has a fighting chance with this, and as much as I'd like to think there's little evidence, the phone call was essentially an admission of guilt, so now I'm back to thinking, how the heck is he gonna get out of this? I don't know. If the fool hadn't spoken as he did in the call she made to him, then this wouldn't be a problem. The doof has always been the overly trusting type.
  8. He's not relying on the attorney at all. He's doing what he can, with the help of a guy who's been fighting his own case for a year and a half. If he relied on what his attorney said, he'd be done for already. I've met with her when I went to the courts with his sister, the public attorney essentially is just saying he should give it up and take the 2 years, while he's getting this information from other inmates that there's very little evidence.
  9. Good idea, he just generally likes paper, so that'd work fine.
  10. Military is one of those slim-chance options that can apparently happen in the case that he's sentenced to state. When going to the court dates, I've seen that the judge generally makes sense. He was given bail of 100k(clearly none of us have 10k to get him out of there), and he's only being charged with one of the four original charges that were given to him. It seems that they're doing what they can to keep him in there and find evidence that doesn't exist: turn it into a witch hunt, one might say. This system... it's a shame that so many are blind to it. All of this is so much worse than originally thought. Look up LA Times article from the 24th about deputy misconduct claims... he says it's not far from what's usual in there.
  11. One of them plays a lot and it's easy to find stuff he likes to play with(his favorite is running around with tissue paper), but the other one only likes tossing his water dish and I'm having a hard time finding something he delights in.
  12. Haha, true statement. It's a bit overwhelming at times, but I don't think I'd have it any other way. XD
  13. Checking in from my bedroom again, I forgot to do this yesterday because I'm super cool and forgot about my own thread.
  14. *facepalm* So, there's this girl that I've marched with, but she lives 400 miles away, but we're really close and have mutual interest. It isn't really anything, but it's something going on I suppose. Hooray, me and guy I wasn't in a relationship with are kinda going back to normal friendship-ish-less-awkward!
  15. Well, first off, I'd like to say that they're taking a lot of random stuff out of context, even ridiculous things that have nothing to do with even hanging out. Apparently they've used this to avoid giving him the opportunity of having a psychoanalysis to just say that this was a one-time mistake. So, right now options are out by December, if he can get it reduced to county jail time that's what he'll take, or if he fails in trial he's bound to get somewhere more than 2 years in state, but there's possibility that he can go into the military instead and serve overseas. It's hard to hear from him, as I get to hear how miserable he is often.
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