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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Boyfriend, yes. Now ex-boyfriend. My general trust issues were remembered when he said he was coming over, didn't, was on a social networking website all of the next day, and didn't even tell me why he didn't come over and I proceeded to have an awkward mini-freak out by myself. Speaking of jail friend, I haven't finished that letter.
  2. Cleaning my room this time, kinda. haha
  3. Mutual break up after I decided I have weird trust issues from other people just deciding they'll blatantly ignore me many months ago and he decided he needed time to figure his own stuff out.
  4. I have some skills from floriculture contests, but I'm really not that good. lol Hopefully I can learn more in depth! Working like crazy to work with crazies. Sounds great. XD
  5. My room as always, but laughing at the Murphy's Law poster that I just can't seem to hang properly. Of course.
  6. You're right. I really just have to remember that nobody handles every situation perfectly and that I had a perfectly normal reaction and handled it the best way I could. I've been a lot better friend than a lot of people would be, it's not like I've abandoned him and although it's difficult for him to accept that I'm not in love with him, I can't be in love with every friend that comes my way and professes his love for me. I mean, really, then I'd be in love with like 5 people and that would be awkward. -.-
  7. Drum and bugle corps, but it's like marching band. So yeah. My dad's actually an accountant, but he works for a major flower company. So, he has a nice view of potted flowers from his office. I'm fairly certain I want to be a psychiatrist, though I realize I'll have to work like crazy to get there.
  8. That's true. I'm not blaming myself for his irrational love for me, but I know that I could have handled a few things differently and he wouldn't have been so crushed. I'd prefer to be able to keep this friendship and still be that hope without being his hope in the sense of his wanting a future with me.
  9. Writing my friend a letter. Hoping he's calmed down by now.
  10. A week ago I went to an audition, despite not having a job. 1. I got in! 2. I pretty much think I have a temporary Valentines season job at a florist, so that's kinda neat.
  11. It's been windy around here. I don't much enjoy wind. XD
  12. Checking in from the San Francisco area.
  13. Yeah, fortunately, he does have family that might let him stay with them. Really, if it got to the point of them not letting him and him literally having nowhere else to go, I would let him sleep on the couch. But in his case, I don't think it'll be necessary. He's a pretty good musician, but a stable income would be a bit difficult for him to establish and soon enough he'll realize why he didn't do all the things he's thinking of now before. From what I've seen, it's much more common for there to be involvement with male teachers. In terms of actual psychological reasoning, it just makes more sense survival instincts wise. Of course it's known that attraction for males tends to be based on physical appearance, while females seek security in the form of "power". It's just simpler that way. Female teachers would be more likely to be seeking the attention of a male student because of a lack of other candidates. In general, it's stereotyped anyway that males have a hard time refusing an attractive female. And, well, many females like the attention and encourage it. So, yes, I would guess that the percentages wouldn't be very proportional.
  14. Yeah, I don't really like winter very much. I like the feeling of warming up from the cold, but I really dislike the dryness.
  15. Having been part of this overly personal student-teacher relationship(not that I regret it), I feel like I can see how these things happen a lot better now. Texting definitely makes the situations happen a lot easier, as well as speeding up the process, and provides evidence if they're caught. But I also believe that it's probably been a much larger problem than many people have ever thought. It's a pretty taboo subject in every way, but I don't think it's uncommon at all, particularly with younger teachers. Mutual attraction is dangerous and can be problematic for even the most generally level-headed. Add respect into the mix, and you've created a monster. He, somewhat unfortunately, has unrealistic dreams of still doing well as a musician. He's come up with some extensive ideas, of course, since that's all he can really do with his time. He's stubborn as can be, and I really wonder if he's going to be okay figuring out what to do once he's out.
  16. This weather is terrible for my skin. It's really dry and makes my eczema react.
  17. No me gusta seis horas de espaƱol.
  18. Haha, makes me feel better about being a little chilly when I was walking back to my car earlier.
  19. Yes. Obviously I've gotten past the shock of him being in there. He needs to face the consequences and realize that I'm his friend and that he's being pushy about the idea of "us". A friend and I were discussing his situation and we agreed that the most unfortunate part about this is it's really not all that out of character and that we know it's completely possible and could probably speculate fairly accurately how it happened since we know him well enough. He fell for a trick that shouldn't have been able to get him and he's going to have to pay for it.
  20. So, Jail Guy is upset with me, saying I led him on. But, he's high maintenance and whiny just as he always was before. So, he'll just have to get over it, not to be rude.
  21. Taking a Spanish class. It's all review for me since I took 2 years of Spanish a few years ago, but it's a hybrid(online and classroom) class, and since it's winter term, only 6 weeks of it.
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