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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. =A little mix up between the u and the i, eh?=
  2. What? They'd send you to #### even if you're good but don't believe? That's scat. *starts with an s and ends in a t, comes out of you and comes outta me, I know what you're thinking but lets not call it that, lets be scientific and call it scat! piece of scat! piece of scat!*
  3. =Great. You got the wrong car even though you know the liscense plate.
  4. My REAL question is whe da heck is Kevin??
  5. About Vietnam... Bush was there too I think. Er something.
  6. Of course FF rocks and has many devoted fans. Plus there's only one true sequal with FF. Everything else varies and has completely different characters, maintaining some minor ones. Like moogles and chocobos are always there. ^^
  7. Your hamsters scare me, TGHL, they scare me. Then again, I shouldn't talk, seeing as my hamster walked up to my dog without being afraid of being eaten.
  8. Argh. I'm not doing well at restraining myself. And I know Arkcher doesn't like debating and is debating anyways. *ties up Arkcher so he doesn't harm his self*
  9. Republican't. Republicans can't do much good for the country. Ever why there's never a famous Asian comedian? Actually Toto is funny so that doesn't apply to her. Anyhow. Bush hasn't done much except get us into problems that he's using to brainwash you into thinking that he's doing good. And one newspaper article I saw said,"Farmers That Once Supported Bush Are Angry At Budget".
  10. [i thought it was Kay.] grabbed by Miki."Let him go, Setsuna. Not gonna do you any good to chase him anyways, he's got a freaking car. I got his liscense plate number. It said MBURGER. Looks like horrible rivals."
  11. People. Stop. This Republican't(my comeback) and Democrat stuff is highly insulting. Especially that Democr** comment. By the way, you republicans must live in central US area, seeing as that is where Bush got all his votes. And I live in California. A state that is VERY anti-Bush. 'Cept for this little poor excuse of Californians are. AKA San Diego area. Hah.
  12. Your hamster parasailed off of furniture? Mine used to hang around my dog and cuddle with it.
  13. Ewww! *thinks of the word mess... could mean a number of things*
  14. As Horatio suggested, it would be cool if we had two chocobo ads.
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