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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Yes. I got a pet panda. Panda HAMSTER that is! Can I hear a w00t, w00t?!
  2. Didn't mean to offend you. Just informing you of the copyright laws. And Horatio, that's a completely different subject.
  3. Fried bananas are good! I mean, friend bananas are good friends!
  4. But how do you know Jesus wasn't fed a story by his parents that he believed? Or at least by the "virgin" Mary, even. Maybe Mary was in a tight spot and she told what's-his-name, Mary's husband, she saw an angel who told her she was pregnant with God's child, he got wasted, was walking home, and thought he saw an angel as well? From there the boy grows up thinking that he's God's little boy and starts preaching, all the miracles either being made-up or coincidental?
  5. o_O. I coulda sworn that I posted the fact that it's the same thing over and over, copy and pasted, just with a different name, and that if you didn't do that art it's illegal.
  6. *waits for Horatios reply*
  7. Wait. Hammy and Hoops revote. And then Cheesey comes along and says hes voted for himself so he says TB. That's against the rules to vote for yourself and could be a disqualification punishment. o_o
  8. 2.3% atheist, 33% Christian. Does that really prove anything, though, other than by Europe's influence in the Mideival times? Believe me, had the Ren' not come, everyone would be blind, believe everything the church said was right, thought that the Earth was the center of the universe, and the world would be forced to be 100% Christian.
  9. Math is power. Er... I mean. *clears throat* I suppose debate is good, with the exception of the ones that get out of hand. And I suppose this is one of them that, well, got REALLY out of hand. And yes, you learn a lot from these debates, no doubt, and you get to see another poin of view. TGHL's comments have influenced my way of thinking. Before I had no doubt about God being there to suddenly zap things onto Earth, until TGHL mentioned the fact that the bible dates back 3000 or so years ago, when the Earth was in fact around for billions of years before. I feel now that I was a bit blind. But I believe I'm the only one who he's influenced. Well, I better worry more about the present than the past or future. After all, where's the fun in worrying about things that you can't fix or fretting about something that won't happen for a very long time? I like taking things as they come.
  10. LET THIS TOPIC LIVE! *cough* Sorry, overreacting.
  11. TGHL. Toto along with many other people are in denial(no offense intended) and WILL NOT accept your ideas, the theory(SCIENTIFIC theory, not the guess kind) of evolution, or your view of truth. Let us leave them at that. Let us allow them to deny that science is real. That gravity is real. That in fact, the species suddenly popped up on Earth, out of nowhere, and that they stayed that way. I believe that they think that whales did not in fact evolve from a wolf-like creature eventually adapting to the ocean by natural selection. People probably think whales are fish and not mammals for all I know! But the point is, TGHL, the both of you will not accept the other's ideas. Let us leave it at that.
  12. You will understand my next message. Do not doubt it. You will. Hlelo tihs is siomtnehg I lraeend in casls. Folos. Tihs is cleald Typoglycemia. Did you konw taht you raed wrdos as a wohle and not jsut a letetr at a tmie? You thuhogt selplnig was ipmnrtoat! Wlel, it is.
  13. I need hamsters though! Three siberian dwarf hamsters please.
  14. P.S. The O_O;; wide-eyed from no longer being sure where other parent is from.
  15. [i just found my common sense. I meant, "Great story!"]
  16. (Everyone said Metaknight at once. Fer some odd reason. Back to the story. Specially for you. Wee a sentence of story or two!) "Hiya Metaknight! Why the heck are you here?" asked Arkcher. (You know Metaknight. Really well. In this.)
  17. Awesome spiffy keen! Like. My bro's fault again I took about a week. NAME: Joan Taverna AGE: 13 RACE(Earth): Human EARTH PD: Shoulder-length jet-black hair. Green eyes. People tell her that her ears are like. Elfyish. EARTH COUNTRY: Japan. But is only half Japanese. One of her parents is from Korea. RACE(Matria): Wolf/Cheetah type thing.(how in the world did that happen?) MATRIA PD: Has the build of a cheetah, but has the appearance of a wolf, and the fur is long enough to fool people into thinking that she is full wolf. And she's like. Arctic wolf coloring. Wait. That's not a color. MATRIA POWERS: Speed/sharp claws.
  18. Trent threw off his cape, which normally an Ehendroi does not do. "METAKNIGHT?!"
  19. Try making... a wolf with wings! I'll leave it to your imagination.
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