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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. *kidnaps Horatio's sanity* I tested it. It's real. Real as can be. Fact. It's the realest real sanity to ever be real. And it's Horatio's realest real sanity. Don't argue. *shifts eyes*
  2. *dramatically appears in cloak and mask*
  3. Ow. Kakashi bit me last night. Oh well. My fault for letting him nibble me and progess to biting. Anyways. Kakashi has MAD NINJA SKILLZ! He figured out how to escape his cage.
  4. That's perfect. My sanities on the loose, who know what sort of pranks they'll play.
  5. Oops. Sorry, forgot to attatch. *is laughing at idioticness nonstop* This was 5th grade. My hair is shorter now.
  6. Um... wait. You're a girl? o_O. That whole KING thing is a bit misleading.
  7. Well. Here's me. With my face covered.
  8. So. Any volunteers for keelinghimdead more so he'd alive?
  9. His friends don't matter. His religion doesn't even matter. That's as bad as saying you'd never be friends with a Buddhist. Or something.
  10. Um. Until I can get a pic. I named him Kakashi.
  11. SECTION 1: (You) * Your name: Jeanette. * Your gender: Female. Think a guy would be named Jeanette? * Age: 13 * Height: like...5'3 or so. * Hair color/style: A bit wavy near the ends, darkish, but with red highlights. Not blaring red, though, * Eye color: Hazel. * Marital status: I'm only 13. So no. I'm not married. * Your location: California. * Talents: Sleeping. SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?) * Peed your pants: Long, long, ago. * Cheated on someone?: I never had anyone to cheat on. * Fallen off the bed?: Yes. Several times. * Fallen for a relative?: Ew. No. * Had plastic surgery?: No. * Broke someone's heart?: No. * Had your heart broken?: No. * Had a dream come true: No. * Done something you regret?: No **** Sherlock Holmes. * Cheated on a test?: No. * Broken a body part?: Never. SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?) * Wearing: Clothes. * Listening to: The compy go "buzzzz". * Chewing: My tongue? * Feeling: Bored. * Reading: This survey. * Located: California. At my computer. * Chatting with: Someone. * Watching: My life go by. * Should REALLY be: Sleeping. SECTION 4: (Do you...?) * Brush your teeth?: Rarely. * Like anybody?: Yes... * Have any piercings?: Ears * Drive? Dude, I'm 13. * Believe in Santa Claus?: No. * Ever get off the computer?: Rare. SECTION 5: (Friends...?) * Who is your best?: I got three. Stephanie, Camielle, and Erin. * Who is the loudest?: Me. * Who is the shyest?: I can be. * Who is the 'hottest'?: I dunno. * Who is the cutest?: Whad'ya mean by that? * Who laughs the most?: Uh... * Who have you known the longest? Uh... * Who have you known the shortest?: Uh... * Do you belong to a crew?: Sorta. * Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: Occasionally. * Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: No. I don't like popularity. * Do you trust your friends?: Most. * Are you a good friend?: I hope. * Can you keep a secret?: Yeah. SECTION 6: (The last person you...?) * Hugged online: Uh. * Hugged offline: Thomas. He gives tonza hugs. * IMed: Patty. * Talked to on the phone: Camielle. Had to explain why I couldn't come to her party. *cries* * Yelled at: I dun like yelling. * Tripped: Myself. * Turned down: How so? SECTION 7: (Personal) * What do you want to be when you grow up?: Psychologist. * What is your most embarrassing story?: I dunno. * What has been the best day of your life?: Yet to come. * What comes first in your life?: My life. * Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush, yes. * If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: Why would I want them? * What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Sleeping. SECTION 8: (Favorite...?) * Movie: Thumb Wars. * Song: Kakashi's theme. * Group: Orange Range. * Store: Dunno. * Relative: Um. My older bro, Jared. Sometimes. * Sport: Basketball? * Vacation spot: Uh. * Ice cream flavor: Chocolate. Or, if you're in Baskin Robins, World-Class Chocolate. * Fruit: Blueberry. * Candy: Chocolate. * Holiday: Dunno. * Day of the week: Friday. * Colour: Black. * Magazine: Dun like 'em. * Name for a girl: Erin. * Name for a boy: Clyde. SECTION 9: (Do you...?) * Like to give hugs?: Yes, but people seem to think I don't. * Like to walk in the rain?: Heck ya. * Sleep with or without clothes?: I'm a girl. I like to wear clothes, thanks. * Write in black or blue ink?: Black! * Dress up on halloween?: Yeah. * Have a job?: Dude, I'm 13. * Like to travel?: Shya. * Like someone?: If you're referring to like as in a strong emotion, yes. * Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: Actually, stomach and belly are the same, but I sleep on my back. * Think you're attractive?: No. * Want to marry?: Don't care. * Have a goldfish?: No. * Ever have the falling dream?: No. * Have stuffed animals?: Yah. * Go on vacation?: Maybe. SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?) * Abortion: Dumb. * Bill Clinton: Don't care. Not a president anymore. * Eating disorders: Stoooooooooooopid. * Suicide: Moronic. * Summer: Sleep. * Tattoos: No. Just no. * Piercings: Girls ears only. * Make-up: A kid using it is a kid who lacks self confidence. * Drinking: Moronic. * Guys: Depends. Some are morons. Some are cute. * Girls: Friends. I'm a girl, moron. SECTION 11: (This or that?) * Pierced nose or tongue?: ... * Be serious or funny?: Funny. It's really, really, funny. * Single or taken?: Single. If I was desperate, I would be taken, but I'm not a loser like that. * Simple or complicated?: Simple. * Law or anarchy?: I dunno. * MTV or BET?: I dunno. * 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: I dun watch them. * Sugar or salt?: SUGAR! Makes me hyper. * Silver or gold?: Gold. It's shiny. * Tongue or belly button ring?: Ick. * Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate. Flowers might make peoples sneezy. * Angels or miracles?: Does it matter? * Colour or black-and-white photos?: Depends. * Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. It's just... easier to find. * M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms. CHOCOLATE! * Rap or rock?: Rock. Rap rhymes with c***! * Stay up late or sleep in?: Does it matter? * TV or radio?: TV. * Hot or cold?: Cold... * Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: I like taller ones. Shorter ones creep me out sometimes. * Sun or moon?: Moon. It's awesome. * Diamond or ruby?: DIAMOND! It's shiny-er. * Left or right?: Right? * 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: Best friend. I gots three of those things! * Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate. * Kids or no kids?: No kids. The world is overpopulated. * Cat or dog?: Doggy. * Half-empty or half-full?: Depends on my day. * Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. Got a problem with that? * Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. They don't make you feel ugly. * Give or receive?: Both? * Rain or snow?: I guess snow... * Lace or satin?: Satin. Lace is too... lacey. * Happy or sad?: Happy! Happy=Hyper, Hyper=Happy! * Corduroy or plaid?: Do I look like I care? * Wonder or amazement?: Amzement is so amazing, that its like, amazing. * Sneakers or sandals?: Don't care. * McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger king. * Mexican or italian food?: Italian. They got pizza. * Lights on or off?: ..... Right now? Off. Darkness is spiffy neato keen. * Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCT TAPE OF COURSE! * Candy or pop?: Does it matter? * A house in the woods or the city?: I'm a city girl. * Pepsi or coke?: Does it matter? * Nike or adidas?: I hate them both. *burns* SECTION 12: (Other questions...) * Do you go to church?: No. * Do you like church?: No. * Why or why not?: Cuz its boring. And about stuff that can't be proven easy. * What's your favorite kind of tree?: Cherry? * Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I don't go to my friends houses. Much.
  12. And as usual, if you were any deader, you would be alive.
  13. Don't you want to defend the not-so-innocent Phantom Mega Wolf who happens to be on Sheena's side, therefore is on the sanity stealing side?
  14. BTW, either way TB WINS! Who won last time? Was it me? *presents award if this is so...*
  15. Um. I dunno. Anyways, it says two... but theres three...
  16. He said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. None found. He's a moron. He rushed too much. He's got a blow up the world button in his pocket right now. And looky what I found.
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