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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. A similar point to what Tayino made awhile back.... Did it get a reply? No, it didn't. And anyway, hasn't modern society disproved all this belief that because these miracles were performed he must be the son of God? Many people have had their cancer cured by "miracle drugs" that turned out to be asprin! This just proves that it is not some divine intervention that cures these people, but the mere belief, hope or knowledege that cures them. Quite literally "Mind over matter". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can answer these. The Virgin Mary (Use proper punctuation.) was, in fact, a virgin. There are written documents outside of scripture saying this. The drunken-angel theory is a sham made up by atheists. I've heard it before. By the way, Joseph's angel came to him in a dream, and it told him to marry the girl. Back then, people actually followed more of the commandments. Jesus wasn't just preaching. He was healing crowds in front of the leaders, and thousands of witnesses Roman and Jew alike. He didn't use a "magic powder" or special drugs, He used His power as God, and only that. Perhaps Toto didn't catch the remark, TGHL. It is possible that Toto is a human as you and me and made a mistake. Am I correct? Modern society can't disprove anything. Any evidence can be manipulated if you get the wording right. Today, it's all about the numbers. People use numbers to scare you into doing somehing all the time, and you know that. Cancer is never cured. You overcome it like a virus or pneumonia. The only reason your aspirin worked is because their families and friends were praying for them. It was just a timing problem. Mind over matter. you are finding excuses again. You are right, the human ability to heal from something is amazing, but it only happens of the person actually believes it will help. Spiritual belief is different. Faith is different. It really works. the mental placebos that work sometines stem fron happy people, not always the ones with a powerful belief. Even if the person is an atheist or a no-doctrine, but their Christian friends belive and are praying, the person will be healed through the power of God. It's not the medicine. It's real. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For one thing, though I question my own faith out of curiosity(as I am Christian), I am no atheist and I thought of that situation out of the top of my head. And by the way, you're saying the only reason peoples' carefully proven medicine worked is because of God and that though not everyone prays to God, it works for most people anyways?
  2. For one thing, I'm a Christian as well, but I believe that everyone can have their own opinion. Another thing I believe is that he can mock as he wishes. I've mocked things, as have many other people. And what he chooses to mock, he can. We can close our ears to (or read right past)it or we can just listen and respect his opinion, even if he doesn't respect opinions of others. You can do what Toto usually does to prevent argument. Ignore conversation when TGHL and I are being too stubborn. See, TGHL doesn't care if people think his mocking is sick. So no matter how much you express yourself, you won't see any changes. He'll never shut up if people tell him to. XD
  3. Mega Wolf

    I feel old

    Wee! It's super katie! *gives bottle of Mountain Dew*
  4. *runs from the explosion*
  5. I drew a picture for U Horatio but it is not letting me put the picture up!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The picture may be too big...? Or the format is incompatible. Whats the pixelation resolution on the picture? (If you dont know how its determined, Mouseover the bottom-right corner of the drawing, And/or on the top toolbar, go to Image, then click on Attributes. For example, The width of the picture is 180. The height is 230. The resolution is 180x230. So, How big is the picture? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Note that those posts were from December, Arkcher. XD
  6. Lah-dee-dah. My hamster, Flip, has the same problem yours do. She brings stuff into her wheel(bedding and food) and runs around. She likes to do this. Coincidentally, she's a dwarf hamster.
  7. Problem. He died last night for no apparent reason..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh I am so so so sorry!!! *hands a tissue to MW* I know how u feel, Honey and Squeaker died recently and I am sad about that but u will see ur beloved hammie again!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> See my 'NOTHA HAMSTA topic.
  8. I was listening to my Japanese pop and rock. A few ballads here and there and even some Super Mario Brother's jazz remixes. Currently listening to: Viva Rock by Orange Range. Orange Range is awesome. And yes, this is Japanese rock I'm listening to. If you watch the anime Bleach, their intro song is by Orange Range. And of course, I'm just talking and nobody understands.
  9. Mega Wolf

    im back

    At least you're here. It's good to have someone to fire up debates and bash the date-searchers. And no, that's not sarcasm. =p
  10. BTW, whats a bananana?(think too many 'na's)
  11. What wonderful news! Welcome Flip!!! Are you going to keep us in suspense with the details, like what kind she is, what she looks like, etc.? Shall I begin with the photo requests now? *sends Mega Wolf a disposable camera that develops into a CD* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I can't be on much until the Summer, just to let ya know. Anyways, She's a siberian dwarf. And she's got red eyes. And she's white and a tannish brown.
  12. I's got another hamster. Her name ish Flip.
  13. You know, that sorta defeats the purpose of awards.....
  14. However you are not practicing flowermancy? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *spreads the favorite flower of the Phoenix around, enticing TGHL to land and smell the roses* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you know my favourite flower? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course, and don't ask me. I will not show you I am correct. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could tell me the only place in the world where it is grown. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My lips are sealed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With duct tape or superglue? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sigh* Horatio, have you been eating paste again?
  15. quarks? I think not, Quirks, maybe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lots of quirks! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I expect some badpunons to turn up as well, in addition to the more prominent Oddballions. Oh and just to send you into shock: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *in shock!*
  16. A lie is not the absence of truth, but the opposite of truth. Truth is fact, what is correct, but that is flexible as what may first appear to be truth turns out to be false. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What he said. I think.
  17. Mega Wolf


    *joins horatio* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *joins Top_banana and Horatio in shock* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *nicks everyones sanities while they are being shocked* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *kicks TGHL in the shin, making him drop the other sanities* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry but your in shock and... *Throws Hoops over a crag* *picks up sanities and calls the MW-mobile (like teh Batmobile, but wolf shaped and better looking)* *legs it* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was only pretending to be in shock! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course you were. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was being sarcastic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ATTENTION! ATTENTION! TGHL used a smilie!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OH MY GOSH! *shock*
  18. Heinz brought out a new type of robot that runs on Ketchup. I should know, I made them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But what if it was like... Um. I think it was Joanna. =o (Not MW. That one person I talks to on a IM. How handy. =D) Who made the robots. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My name's Jeanette anyways.
  19. Why is this here and not the stories forum?
  20. I wouldn't mind keelyoudeading an evil flirt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [w00t, You used teh word right. o_o] [Naw. Not yet. Maybe in part 4. o_o Shes too important here. like. The other less-significant part of the storyline.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Look in my signature for details fo conversation, I just used it right YOUR way. XD] [Yay! There's hope!]
  21. You are strangeeeeee. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The obvious.
  22. I wouldn't mind keelyoudeading an evil flirt.
  23. Um. Oops. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On whom, what or when? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure you want to donate Horatio's sanity?
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