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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Its too... heavy for my liking, but I can see why some people like it. The only one that I like is the one with "I menched Brent" in the lyrics. It sounds like you're saying somebody munched on a guy named Brent... *wonders if Brent was tasty* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *goes into deep thought*
  2. [Yeah, sure, I'm fine with being half keelyoudeaded. ^.^]
  3. Mega Wolf

    im back

    where did u get that avatar? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It came from the old new boards. A bunch of avvies were lost in the move, including my cat pic. Hey, Horatio, any hope of somehow retrieving that? (Oh, wait, I'm on Zap's account. Okay, I meant Topazia's cat pic.) But yeah. You know what I mean. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so u can take pictures off ur computer and make them ur avatar? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We used to be able to do that. But I think HK was afraid something bad or a picture of someone under 18 might come up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> xMOMx and I are pretty much the only ones left who have special avatars. So we're pretty easily recognized with that.
  4. Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes. indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed indeed <{POST_SNAPBACK}> indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love grapes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where did that come from? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Randomness is fun!
  5. Ah yes. Ye olde gear. It's not faulty. I swear! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never fails at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> id like some protection. you know, just in case sheena decides to return to morrow with a sanity-stealing vengeance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that will be a long time in coming. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But although it's been a year, it'll happen.
  6. Hmm... what shall you enlighten me with next, TGHL?
  7. Oops. I can't recall how many they've multiplied into, can you enlighten me?
  8. Mega Wolf

    I feel old

    Y'know, I kind of miss having all the people who were here before me to look up to. Most of them don't come much, so being one of the "older members" is a bit strange....
  9. Mega Wolf


    Yarr. It be hard to keep up the conversation, yea'.
  10. Ah, I see you have completed the book as well? Funny thing, just a thing I noticed after reading the book that the print was slightly smaller. I think they didn't want to use up too much paper, seeing as with the smaller print it's 650 or so pages to begin with.
  11. [OH EM GEE! You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i didn't try to italicize the question mark. o.o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i think he meant the ", Kat. XD]
  12. Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?
  13. Ah yes. Ye olde gear. It's not faulty. I swear!
  14. Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it. I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's. I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> An ebbil villain who can't spell domination or villain? What is this world coming to?
  15. A mushroomamma? Sure, a mamma mushroom! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SHUSH! No one needs to know that Zip toad is my secret wife and that my secret child is toad.....who is configured to be part of every species thathas ever gone to this board!!!!! *Thinks..... Part toad, Hmster,bannana,Human,cat,Kacheek,penguin, Fireball,plushie,Phhoinex, and Waddle doo, and dog* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your wife? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *laughs loudly*
  16. Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He tasted good, didn't he?
  17. (If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....) Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that... plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world. and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You've certainly changed from what you originally were Puppydog.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're right. If memory serves me right, Sheena's last post left puppydog a bone. At that moment, she acted as the kind puppydog. But soon after Sheena had a definitely long leave, she changed to this version. Either strange coincidence(more likely) or there's a connection. Oh well. Both personalities are great.
  18. The white carefresh doesn't give Flip a problem... Maybe your hammies had an allergic reaction, Horatio.
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