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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Horatiooooooo! Can you please make a poll?
  2. It does seem like there's too many male roles. For examply, why was Adam created first and not Eve?
  3. "Well,",said Meta Kight,"my gamecube and T.V. are packed away in the Shrink Pack." "You know that shrink packs are forbidden, right?"asked Horatio, with a shocked look. "So... you break the law, search for me, stop here to rest, and give us the jibblies just 'cause you wanted to play SSBM? Okay, I'll play a round." Arkcher looked at the sky and wondered to himself, Is this really what you get for being the SSBM world champion? [Hint For Upcoming Event: DDR, yo.]
  4. [] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [indeed. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*jigs with Kat*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*high fives*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*bumps heads*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*tails whack together* Oh yeah, we're awesome. ]
  5. I Found A Way by Drake Bell I don't even like that song. I just have it stuck in my head 'cause Drake and Josh is on when there's nothing else on.
  6. MK, when people call you names, sneer and think that they're morons. Ignore all labels, or, do what I do, and say to yourself, "I'm proud to be a 'freak'!" And if you're brave enough, tell it to whoever calls you it. I dunno. Maybe it only works for me.
  7. Double negative means that you live in New York! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it Doesnt. I live in Missouri. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You haven't learned about double negatives in school yet, have you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And she said she's older than us, which if we learned it, she must have. Unless she really isn't fourteen. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She says she can't remember if she's "11 or 15"<I bet there was a typo. She should say she's 11 so that we don't think that she flunked multiple time since she said she's in 7th grade. Please MK?
  8. Here is Skwerlhugger Will's nomination of Mushroom_king. Hmm. Nominees: Cheesemaster - Kat - Arkcher lexxscrapham Honey The Biggest Fan of Hado The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy Sheena Mushroom_King Skwerlhugger Will(to be announced) Hoops(to be announced) So who proposes who should be kicked off of the list? Somebody should, as that would be bending the rules if I allowed 11. Arkcher had a good idea. Remove either Sheena or TBFOH until the next competition. They would never know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, they would not neccessarily never know. I suppose we'll be rid of TBFOH, even though she was nominated befor the bottom two. Next time I'll add a first come, first served type of rule. :closedeyes:
  9. *revives topic* This is the very first H$ system store. Most of what Mushroom King has told you about H$ is false. Please go back in this topic to find what the H$ system really is.
  10. Here is Skwerlhugger Will's nomination of Mushroom_king. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm. Nominees: Cheesemaster - Kat - Arkcher lexxscrapham Honey The Biggest Fan of Hado The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy Sheena Mushroom_King Skwerlhugger Will(to be announced) Hoops(to be announced) So who proposes who should be kicked off of the list? Somebody should, as that would be bending the rules if I allowed 11.
  11. [] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [indeed. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*jigs with Kat*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*high fives*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*bumps heads*]
  12. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.
  13. I'll be back to the PTMY's later. My head hurts. Anyways, maybe MW should continue the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe.
  14. MW, I say one of these could be removed so Horatios nominees can stay in. These peoples have been inactive for longer than I care to keep track of. <.<;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But then Horatio nominated 3, and only 2 people are allowed to be nominated.
  15. Or they just vote according to what party they're in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The party that they copied off of their parents, most likely.
  16. [] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [indeed. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*jigs with Kat*]
  17. Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. You'll never guess 2.You'll never find out 3.No, you rode on it 4. YES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK. "You dont need to!" MK and hoops turned around. "I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!" "I have come to save your son! Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!" Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!" "well, Only if you want." "I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed." "We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...am I being ridden on? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Wolves are cool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *scratches behind ear and begins to run*
  18. You know that old saying... you snooze, you lose. *grabs Sammy Star and scurries at top speed into the darkness* Heeeee, heeee, heeee, heeee........ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *pulls Horatio back* Wait here with that, Horatio.
  19. Speak! *gets blender, ice cream, milk and vanilla flavoring* Okay, okay. Uh. I usually eyeball it, so I guess I'll have to guess the measurements, okay? I've never made vanilla milkshakes before, but I can guess here. I don't think you need the vanilla flavoring with vanilla ice cream unless you want a little more flavor. I believe that vanilla flavoring is strong, is it not? So only put a little for extra flavor. Like. Little. Anyways, we're talking full blender here. If you want strawberry milkshake, you'll need about 8 of them the size of the CostCo frozen strawberries. Or the equivalent. Chopped. I think that's about 2 cups... For the milk, you need about... 2 cups. Ice cream you will need around 4-6 scoops. Lower end with added fruits and higher end for already flavored ice cream or vanilla shakes. First you should put in the added fruit. Then the ice cream. Then the milk. If there's too much fruit, add more ice cream and/or milk. If the drink is too thick, add more milk. Too this is when it won't pour smoothly or blend smoothly enough after completely blended. If it is too runny for you, add ice cream. Not enough fruit? Feel free to add more. I talk too much. Okay, who here has messed up their blender attempting this? Are the measurements off? If so, I'm glad I don't have a blender to mess up... I've never attempted measuring the ingredients. I always eyeball it and put in the amount I think is right. It always works for me. So I guessed the measurements. They could be off. Okay... you are in major big trouble!!!!!!!!!! It works, and IT WORKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is, it works so great that I have eaten about two gallons of ice cream in the last two days. Ice cream with blueberries, ice cream with strawberries, ice cream with Georgia peaches, ice cream with maple syrup and walnuts... should I continue????? *is off on a sugar and fat binge* So my measurements weren't too far off? Cool! Heh. Maybe you should at least slow down a little bit. Maybe I shouldn't tell you how to make a great smoothie. Today's Vocabulary: Vagrant: Someone who wanders from place to place without any one place to stay. *gets blender all ready for smoothie instructions* *hint, hint* Ah, my family went on a smothie making rampage all last summer. But then again, just eyeballing works well for the ingrediants. 2-3 big scoops of vanilla or fruit ice cream a banana (peeled) a heaping cup of two types of fruit, frozen(more if you have a big enough blender) apple juice any other fruit juices you want. put everything into a blender. Put all the solid ingrediants in first, and then fill the blender up most of the way with the juices. Blend on high until smooth. 'Scuse me, but I believe that you are speaking of a shake. A shake has ice cream and smoothies are made with ice. A real smoothie... Eyeballing works best, but here are estimated measurements. Okay, um, if your ice cubes are the dome-ish type, use 8, but if they're the cubish cubes, I'd guess a little more than that... Some form of base(meaning a solid fruit). About 2 cups of that... About 2 cups of fruit juice. *is in Smoothie Heaven* And since smoothies don't have ice cream, it's healthier. Ice cream only makes smoothies more decadent! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And you'll be a fat little hamster.
  20. You'll have to kick one off. Oh, I don't like thinking about that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, there are only 10 people allowed...
  21. Double negative means that you live in New York! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it Doesnt. I live in Missouri. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You haven't learned about double negatives in school yet, have you?
  22. Speak! *gets blender, ice cream, milk and vanilla flavoring* Okay, okay. Uh. I usually eyeball it, so I guess I'll have to guess the measurements, okay? I've never made vanilla milkshakes before, but I can guess here. I don't think you need the vanilla flavoring with vanilla ice cream unless you want a little more flavor. I believe that vanilla flavoring is strong, is it not? So only put a little for extra flavor. Like. Little. Anyways, we're talking full blender here. If you want strawberry milkshake, you'll need about 8 of them the size of the CostCo frozen strawberries. Or the equivalent. Chopped. I think that's about 2 cups... For the milk, you need about... 2 cups. Ice cream you will need around 4-6 scoops. Lower end with added fruits and higher end for already flavored ice cream or vanilla shakes. First you should put in the added fruit. Then the ice cream. Then the milk. If there's too much fruit, add more ice cream and/or milk. If the drink is too thick, add more milk. Too this is when it won't pour smoothly or blend smoothly enough after completely blended. If it is too runny for you, add ice cream. Not enough fruit? Feel free to add more. I talk too much. Okay, who here has messed up their blender attempting this? Are the measurements off? If so, I'm glad I don't have a blender to mess up... I've never attempted measuring the ingredients. I always eyeball it and put in the amount I think is right. It always works for me. So I guessed the measurements. They could be off. Okay... you are in major big trouble!!!!!!!!!! It works, and IT WORKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is, it works so great that I have eaten about two gallons of ice cream in the last two days. Ice cream with blueberries, ice cream with strawberries, ice cream with Georgia peaches, ice cream with maple syrup and walnuts... should I continue????? *is off on a sugar and fat binge* So my measurements weren't too far off? Cool! Heh. Maybe you should at least slow down a little bit. Maybe I shouldn't tell you how to make a great smoothie. Today's Vocabulary: Vagrant: Someone who wanders from place to place without any one place to stay. *gets blender all ready for smoothie instructions* *hint, hint* Ah, my family went on a smothie making rampage all last summer. But then again, just eyeballing works well for the ingrediants. 2-3 big scoops of vanilla or fruit ice cream a banana (peeled) a heaping cup of two types of fruit, frozen(more if you have a big enough blender) apple juice any other fruit juices you want. put everything into a blender. Put all the solid ingrediants in first, and then fill the blender up most of the way with the juices. Blend on high until smooth. 'Scuse me, but I believe that you are speaking of a shake. A shake has ice cream and smoothies are made with ice. A real smoothie... Eyeballing works best, but here are estimated measurements. Okay, um, if your ice cubes are the dome-ish type, use 8, but if they're the cubish cubes, I'd guess a little more than that... Some form of base(meaning a solid fruit). About 2 cups of that... About 2 cups of fruit juice. *is in Smoothie Heaven* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And since smoothies don't have ice cream, it's healthier.
  23. Speak! *gets blender, ice cream, milk and vanilla flavoring* Okay, okay. Uh. I usually eyeball it, so I guess I'll have to guess the measurements, okay? I've never made vanilla milkshakes before, but I can guess here. I don't think you need the vanilla flavoring with vanilla ice cream unless you want a little more flavor. I believe that vanilla flavoring is strong, is it not? So only put a little for extra flavor. Like. Little. Anyways, we're talking full blender here. If you want strawberry milkshake, you'll need about 8 of them the size of the CostCo frozen strawberries. Or the equivalent. Chopped. I think that's about 2 cups... For the milk, you need about... 2 cups. Ice cream you will need around 4-6 scoops. Lower end with added fruits and higher end for already flavored ice cream or vanilla shakes. First you should put in the added fruit. Then the ice cream. Then the milk. If there's too much fruit, add more ice cream and/or milk. If the drink is too thick, add more milk. Too this is when it won't pour smoothly or blend smoothly enough after completely blended. If it is too runny for you, add ice cream. Not enough fruit? Feel free to add more. I talk too much. Okay, who here has messed up their blender attempting this? Are the measurements off? If so, I'm glad I don't have a blender to mess up... I've never attempted measuring the ingredients. I always eyeball it and put in the amount I think is right. It always works for me. So I guessed the measurements. They could be off. Okay... you are in major big trouble!!!!!!!!!! It works, and IT WORKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is, it works so great that I have eaten about two gallons of ice cream in the last two days. Ice cream with blueberries, ice cream with strawberries, ice cream with Georgia peaches, ice cream with maple syrup and walnuts... should I continue????? *is off on a sugar and fat binge* So my measurements weren't too far off? Cool! Heh. Maybe you should at least slow down a little bit. Maybe I shouldn't tell you how to make a great smoothie. Today's Vocabulary: Vagrant: Someone who wanders from place to place without any one place to stay. *gets blender all ready for smoothie instructions* *hint, hint* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, my family went on a smothie making rampage all last summer. But then again, just eyeballing works well for the ingrediants. 2-3 big scoops of vanilla or fruit ice cream a banana (peeled) a heaping cup of two types of fruit, frozen(more if you have a big enough blender) apple juice any other fruit juices you want. put everything into a blender. Put all the solid ingrediants in first, and then fill the blender up most of the way with the juices. Blend on high until smooth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'Scuse me, but I believe that you are speaking of a shake. A shake has ice cream and smoothies are made with ice. A real smoothie... Eyeballing works best, but here are estimated measurements. Okay, um, if your ice cubes are the dome-ish type, use 8, but if they're the cubish cubes, I'd guess a little more than that... Some form of base(meaning a solid fruit). About 2 cups of that... About 2 cups of fruit juice.
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