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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. None of my hammie friends have a sand bath. A couple do use the potty litter as a bath! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sand baths are very nice for hamsters to have. Flip could use one...
  2. Flip and other hamsters are quite fortunate the white Carefresh Ultra does not bother them. When I corresponded with the company, they did admit the product was bleached. My veterinarian advised me against using it, so I stopped. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, at least they're honest about it.
  3. Why didn't you see Dumbledore's death coming? I saw it when Sirius died. Heck, there's a chance that Ron and/or Hermione may die, for goodness sake. It was storyline, drama. Why can't you appreciate that? Seriously, why stop right before the dramatic ending when you've already read the other 6?
  4. Horatio is MALE!!!!!!!!!! "hah!" i will tell CAS in a minute...ok shes here now... CAS: horatio the hampster or horatio the person? DL: horatio is a hammie CAS: but is the person who uses the username horatio a male or female, TBFOF told me once female...get back to DL on that, she'll tell me... DL: horatio is a hampster who posts on HD with his computer in his cage or next to it...cant remember...right??? CAS: oh well....i'll talk later...im kinda tired now *fakes a yawn* lets go DL....i have to get back to talking to a D-MAN and i have to annoy him...*cannot reveal identity of D-MAN* DL: ok whatever....accoriding to rachel (CAS) our social status is "whatevers"...whatever...bye I, Horatio, am a blonde, male hamster with a Mac laptop in my cage. I also have a coffee machine and all the amenities of a human house. I go to the airport, fly jet planes and enjoy eating birthday cake. So, this should put an end to this discussion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How do you fit a laptop in your cage?
  5. very many what? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think she's talking about Animorphs.
  6. I am not christian, does that automatically make me shallow and appearance-oriented? You hold a grudge because you are angry at someone, they have wronged you, and it isn't fair for nothing to happen to them. If someone killed your parents, would you forgive and forget, and be friends with him? Or would you just ignore him? You would be angry, you have a grudge, and you could never forgive the murderer. ever. I am not trying to make enemies, just getting my opinions out there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Cheese, that's not what I'm saying. I was being general. Trust me: I know several non-Christian friends in real life that are less material than I am! If someone killed my parents, I would be very upset, but I would still forgive them. It's not worth my time and energy to hate someone. Look, when someone does something wrong, they have to pay. I would be hurt, not angry. I would not hold a grudge, because that would prevent the both of us from going to heaven. Somewhere in the Bible which I'm not going to search for, it says to forgive someone, or it will retain them from the glory of God's love. I want everyone to experience the joys of His salvation (quoting songs, now.), so I lmow I must forgive them. I know, I know, you never know something for sure until you're confronted with it, but I'm confident that I would do what I have said. Huh? Could you translate? Do you mean Judeism or Islam? Both are mentioned in the Bible. But the Bible says they are wrong now that Jesus was born, died, and rose again. And only Judeism (sp?) was correct. See? I read many books, not just Bible. I special that way, I guess. Religion and government and the two most upsurd things to use your time on. No point. None None None. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's not entirely true. Government is what makes you allowed to even own a computer or even be alive today. Religion is very important. I think Atheists have more faith than those with a religion, be it Christianity or not. May I ask what you are? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Paz. What I mean is ancient civilizations.
  7. Or they just vote according to what party they're in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The party that they copied off of their parents, most likely. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> haha yea i HATE that! like my best friend supports bush... cuz her dad does... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, here's a conversation at school, during Scholastic voting. Basically a poll to see how many people who. Some people were being funny and typed in Michael Jackson. Okay, convo, Person: Vote for Bush. Me: Why? Person: Because he's cool. San Diego County Republicans. Their votes pretty much don't count in the elections, anyways.
  8. This is in school, yes? If so it'll probably just be a popularity contest. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, but it has always held true in all the schools I've been in, at least. Chances are that the quality of your speech won't matter in the long run. Besides, the two guys have no competition to your beauty. Sorry about separating my posts. Anywho, the little 7th grade girls might go, "Ohmigosh! Chase is like, so hawt!" And then vote for him. What do they know. Wait until Chase is an old guy... he won't be so "hawt" anymore! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seriously. Anyone who becomes old becomes "unhawt".
  9. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yeah, one more comment that'll really make me seem like a pain in the *insert donkey sound again*. If she is being constantly yelled at by her parents, then how does she get on the video games undisturbed? And how can you be overworked if you have time to go on here and play SSBM? Sorry. Being a *donkey sound here* again.
  10. This is in school, yes? If so it'll probably just be a popularity contest. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, but it has always held true in all the schools I've been in, at least. Chances are that the quality of your speech won't matter in the long run. Besides, the two guys have no competition to your beauty. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry about separating my posts. Anywho, the little 7th grade girls might go, "Ohmigosh! Chase is like, so hawt!" And then vote for him.
  11. This is in school, yes? If so it'll probably just be a popularity contest. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, but it has always held true in all the schools I've been in, at least. Chances are that the quality of your speech won't matter in the long run. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, even though most band people are not the most popular in the world, there are some who are popular. Chase and Zach are much more popular than me, so I think I'll get about 20 out of 200 votes.
  12. I wasn't there, but I would probably disagree with you on your speech. One is always hardest on themselves. I think you might have been excellent! You have my vote!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't say excellent. I kinda forgot my speech and had to make it up as I went. XD
  13. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> feeling ver, very <{POST_SNAPBACK}> cow poo-like. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oopsie poopsie toes.
  14. "I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway. =That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. = "I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"
  15. I'm running for band president. We recorded speeches. Grr, my speech stunk. The other two who are guys are much more popular than me. I sound like a guy. I made a fool of myself. The only way I can win is if there are many fools.
  16. I'm gonna throw this one at you: What is it that makes a religion founded around 2000 years ago correct compared to one created thousands of years before?
  17. Doesn't this fall under number 7? 7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition. TBFOF !! Hey, Just playing by the rules. *hands TBFOF a Rules Police badge* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, you're right, TBFOF. YARRGH! RULE INFRACTION! *goes of to discuss it with the League of Extraordinarily Smart People*
  18. Okay, Rules Police Force includes TBFOF and me! Ooo! Exclusiveness.
  19. SSJ6Gohan/Jesse, Thanks for the Suggestions. When I tell my Mom I can't be perfect, she screams, "Oh G** D*** it Caitlin, Don't give me that **** Excuse" So, Not only does she think That I should be perfect, she thinks it's easy to be perfect. There's no such thing as a perfect person. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh no, you trip and fall and glass goes in you. Yeah, so, it's not like other people do it. It's not like your mom finds beer bottles and puts them there so you trip on them. My mother slapped me yesterday when I cards down on the kitchen counter because that is "where she wanted to put her pasta, because there was no more room." How was I supposed to know that. People.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It still hurts if you step on glass. I'm really proud of MK for just coming out and saying "I'm very sad, and I would like help so that I'm happier." A lot of people would just aquire some bad behaviors and hope that they caused somebody to pay attention to them. MK trusted us to help her because she needed it, and if all you're going to do if yell at her and be hypocritical, then you can leave the topic. There isn't any place for that here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Technically, this is the internet, so he can't be yelling at her here, and he didn't use exclamation points or capitals, so that must mean he was semi-calm. And um... I'll shut up now. I'm being a pain in the *insert sound donkey here*.
  20. SSJ6Gohan/Jesse, Thanks for the Suggestions. When I tell my Mom I can't be perfect, she screams, "Oh G** D*** it Caitlin, Don't give me that **** Excuse" So, Not only does she think That I should be perfect, she thinks it's easy to be perfect. There's no such thing as a perfect person. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think it's possible to have glass stuck in you foot for 6 years without it becoming severely infected and such.
  21. You know, I thought Zap was always dead. You know, being a zombie and all.
  22. Well, Horatio, Flip doesn't have a problem with the white CareFresh Ultra. Perhaps your bad experiences are because of your hamsters having allergies to it?
  23. "I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!" [Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]
  24. I'm a smart child. Not really. Here's a small part of a student report I got. "National comparison As par of the STAR program, your child took a test called the CAT/6 Survey, which shows how your child performed in basic skills as compared to a sample of students tested throughout the United States. The graphs below use "percentile ranks" to show your child's performance. For example, a percentile rank of 40 in reading means that your child scored as well as or better than 40% of the students tested in the sample. The lowest possible percentile rank is 1, while the highest possible percentile rank is 99." (graph is shown, but this is what it said) Reading 94 Language 99 Spelling 99 Mathematics 99 ----------------------- It's nothing special. I mean, look at what's written above and you can realize how many things that you may not notice if you're zooming through. A sample of students. That sample may have been filled with morons. And it's basic skills.
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