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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. taht is cazry. deos ayodbny uesnrntdand the rseaon tihs is? uvblnoccineae need a translation? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i dndit get taht wrod...waht was it? Dog Lvoer <{POST_SNAPBACK}> unconcievable. i wanted to see if anyone got it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't the word inconceivable?
  2. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D -stuffed the grenade in one of the cupcakes- >D Now nobody shall have some! *chucks cupcake mush at Arkcher* Meanie! ;_; *uses mad ninja skillz to help MW make more that are GRENADE/EXPLOSIVE/ANYTING BUT BEING EATEN PROOF* XP *jumps, opens mouth really, really wide, intercepts cupcake mush complete with icing, and lands back on my feet with pouches bulging, happy* Itching yourself all the while, right? But of course! The itching is non-stop!!!!!!! By the way... aloe didn't work. And yes, some people do eat and drink it. The next time you are in a health food store... ask. And yes, it is really, really vile. I tried it and washing my mouth out with soap would have been a better alternative. I'm gonna try drinking aloe for my excema(I'm no doctor, so if I spelt that wrong. I smacks you.). I heard that it's really good for it. Good luck. I will be standing by with a few boxes of Altoids for you... Licorice, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Ginger, Peppermint... and any others I might have missed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Soon as I go to the mall next time, seeing as there's a shopping center with a place called Sprouts.
  3. Why does my left foot have this funny gap between the middle and the 2nd toe to the right(1st toe to the right being the big toe)?
  4. Hoorah. I figured out that it's that some people start earlier, not we start later.
  5. Um... MK, are you mad at my overexpression or what? Aaand for the bashers of TBFOF... Treat him like you treat xMOMx. He's stating his opinion. Ignore the posts if you don't like them, seeing as they're not gonna change.
  6. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D -stuffed the grenade in one of the cupcakes- >D Now nobody shall have some! *chucks cupcake mush at Arkcher* Meanie! ;_; *uses mad ninja skillz to help MW make more that are GRENADE/EXPLOSIVE/ANYTING BUT BEING EATEN PROOF* XP *jumps, opens mouth really, really wide, intercepts cupcake mush complete with icing, and lands back on my feet with pouches bulging, happy* Itching yourself all the while, right? But of course! The itching is non-stop!!!!!!! By the way... aloe didn't work. And yes, some people do eat and drink it. The next time you are in a health food store... ask. And yes, it is really, really vile. I tried it and washing my mouth out with soap would have been a better alternative. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm gonna try drinking aloe for my excema(I'm no doctor, so if I spelt that wrong. I smacks you.). I heard that it's really good for it.
  7. ***dies and falls to the floor*** sorry, but my mom is the librarian at my school's library (and that is also where i am at the moment...) and i spend like all my time here...you could say your school library is dumb (unless by some freakish chance you go to my school) but please..think of people like me before u say something like that... You would be afraid to know what the national reading level is! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dunno, but last time they tried to test mine, it was off the scale. are you getting excused from finding new words in english class texts yet MW? that was kind of fun, so was sitting back in the hall at the end of lunch reading Moby Dick. of course, a teacher had to come and wreck my fun by telling the jocks "white whale" wasn't a euphemism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i havent been tested, but it would probably be very high considering i read about 90% of the time.. (ok maybe im exaggerating a little, but not much...) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I shall keep my rudeness to a minimum, but don't expect too much as that is who I am. Rude. Look, I love books and libraries as much as you do, possibly more. I should think that someone of such high intellect such as you would understand that I was referring to my school's library, but apparently you somewhat misunderstood. What I was attempting to explain was that the school library that I go to does not have enough books that pose as a challenge to me, there is nothing there that I cannot understand. I find it necessary for a library to be any good for it to have a wide selection of challenging classics. This I find especially needed in a school where they are constantly asking of us to be reading books above our level. I must apologize for offending you in any way whatsoever. *rereads post* Wow, that sounds somewhat like a business letter.
  8. I either posted that message with all the letter-changing things as I learned about that already or I was planning to a long time ago and I never did.
  9. I now have Thomas's version of the One Piece Theme Song(American version, if there's a Japanese one) Thomas likes to run around in a way suggesting that he has to go to the bathroom yelling, "Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go One Piece!" (he replaces ya-yo's with extra gotta go's)
  10. Oh yeah. Bad dudes. Even though we're both girls. Boo yah! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If I ever decide to be patient enough, I may just draw us in the same pose, but we'll actually look like girls and not stick-people heads. XD <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I found it to be quite hilarious.
  11. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio It's because climber is a moron and wouldn't know a good person if the person hit her in the face. I mean gave her a million moneys, chocolates and complimented her. Really. *shifty eyes* I nearly accidentally reversed the 't' and 'f' so now I'm cracking up. LOL *reverses the 't' and the 'f' and hands Mega Wolf The Gold Star Award* Now that would have been someeeee typo! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Definitely would have to be editted.
  12. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's because climber is a moron and wouldn't know a good person if the person hit her in the face. I mean gave her a million moneys, chocolates and complimented her. Really. *shifty eyes* I nearly accidentally reversed the 't' and 'f' so now I'm cracking up.
  13. For some reason California starts school a year later than most states... Or so I've heard. So while I'm stuck in jr. high, I could be in high school.
  14. *out-ninjas kat* seriously, i am, like, a cat. i was sitting on a 3 foot wall outside the school, talking to "Jane," when my friend decided to be stupid and come over and push me off. I landed on my hands and feet. so then i pulled my friend off the wall. he wasn't as graceful. XD You see, i our school, after you eat lunch, there is a place outside where you can go to chat with your friends. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't out-ninja Kat's mad ninja skillz. They're just too mad. So if she fell off of a 10 foot wall she'd land on her feet.
  15. You would be afraid to know what the national reading level is! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dunno, but last time they tried to test mine, it was off the scale. are you getting excused from finding new words in english class texts yet MW? that was kind of fun, so was sitting back in the hall at the end of lunch reading Moby Dick. of course, a teacher had to come and wreck my fun by telling the jocks "white whale" wasn't a euphemism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My class doesn't have to find new words, sadly. Jocks are commonly moronic.
  16. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Plus clone cookies don't taste too good.]
  17. yeah, time for you to get more votes. It true. i think we can safely declare that Kat won. That's Wolfie's job. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay then, I think wolfie can safely declare that kat won. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not until the contest is officially over! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Woo yay for Kat! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> out of sheena and kat, GO KAT! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, it would be still nice for Sheena to win, but Kat's great as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah. I am not saying that sheena is bad, but she is never here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She has given her great reasoning. At least she told us why she did leave. And although she may be gone long, I still believe she shall return.
  18. Sometimes I over-express myself. So I bet at least MK has been annoyed by now.
  19. *has Kat use her mad ninja skillz to help me make more cupcakes*
  20. School Library=dumb. I got a reading level, but the only book in the library that matches my reading level is Pride and Prejudice, which I read last year. The reading level goes up to 15, but PaP is only level 12, and I want to go above that. Even though my level is 12. Too easy.
  21. *goes back to look for a post* Oh. Oops. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's actually kind of funny when someone already says something and someone repeats it by accident. I amuse myself when I do that as well. ]
  22. [it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]
  23. "I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway. =That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. = "I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =I will later. For now, just stick with "a burger".= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "The customer wants a burger and a large Pepsi." said Naoyo.
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