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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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About Jesse

  • Birthday 03/15/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    A forest in Connecticut
  • Interests
    Math, French, music, wolves, and charging aardvarks

Jesse's Achievements

Senior Hampsterdancer

Senior Hampsterdancer (4/8)



  1. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    Looking at this topic, it would feel weird to let it sit on a cliffhanger, despite it being six years ago... So yes I did get the job, have had it ever since, and I like it a lot. If nothing else, I like my coworkers, we are a pretty tight bunch and have each other's backs. I can't believe it's been almost 6 years already. How do you efficiently wrap up events in 6 years? A really fun wedding (with an escape room and drag queen show to boot), a house purchase, getting two cats, playing lots of board games, creating songs and custom Tomb Raider levels. It has taken many ups and downs to get to this point, but I like the direction my life is headed.
  2. I'm sorry to hear of his passing. It has been a long time since I've been active here, but I remember him putting in a lot of effort to make this into the friendly place that I loved it for. It definitely helped me through some growing pains, to say the least. I'm going to take a moment to look back on some of the memories here. I can't imagine this place being permanent. Nothing lasts forever, but I think in this case we did make the best of it.
  3. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    Yay job hunting. Just got a "we haven't forgotten about you" email from the guys I interviewed last week. Apparently they're waiting for higher ups to let them to...something. So I still don't know about that job yet. I also applied to a few other places so we'll see what happens. Oh yea I graduated this past weekend. Or re-graduated if that makes more sense. My sister also graduated. So now she's on to grad school and I'm on to the scariness of the real world.
  4. Anyone remember the board game with the zelda-like buttons? And we attacked each other or whatever?
  5. Happy birthday! *brings a basket of assorted micicles*
  6. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    Ooh! It's in the "ignore preferences" tab. Ignoring signatures is the default I guess.
  7. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    Ok, how do you get signatures to appear then?
  8. You're learning trumpet? That's awesome! You're taking biology? That's not so awesome!
  9. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    Oh, my signature is there. Are signatures not allowed on this board? I also can't edit my posts (wait, was that ever an option here?)
  10. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    Hm my signature with my huge award cabinet seems to have dissapeared. Maybe I'll dust around and find it someplace.
  11. I just noticed they have "like" buttons here. Freaky how much facebook really has spread into the corners of the internet.
  12. Yay another active topic! I'm overly excited about this. Anyway traveling abroad is an experience I have not been able to enjoy yet, so I hope you will enjoy it yourself. I am sure it will add a lot to your perspective of things.
  13. Oh hey, an active topic! I guess this place now applies to me too. As I said in my den (was it a log? I think that's what I called it way back when) I started a relationship three months ago and it's going slow and steady. I only see him once a week usually and that's the hardest part, although starting a relationship that way at least ensures I won't rush into things - that's good because I've been longing for a relationship for so long now. Some of his colloquial expressions which I doubt I can even repeat here, are kind of offensive to me (not as in they personally insulted me, but just seemed mean), and one night I got a bit overdramatic about it. I feel bad because I know he doesn't really mean what he says, that it's just how people talk around him where he lives. Either way he has stopped using the more offensive ones and hopefully I won't react so strongly again. I guess that's pretty much it. Like I said it's slow going so...*licks a micicle*
  14. Jesse

    Jesse's topic

    I finally decided to check and give the boards a visit. Thanks for the birthday wishes last year Wow it feels like forever ago since I've been here, in a different life. Grad school has opened my world to so many different programming languages and so many places in the world of computers. Operating systems, networking, web development, and of course game design. I presented my master's project about two weeks ago. I was nervous at first but after that I had a lot of fun - I had two of my professors come up and play the game together and watching them have fun (even if they got a game over twice) made my day. I'm still waiting for the grade (documentation is always the scary part, I don't know if it was complete enough) but otherwise I am completely done with school and have started job hunting. So it seems once again my life is about to change. What else...oh, I started my first relationship in January. He is from new jersey and is so wonderful to me...he lives kind of in a ghetto area, and has for a while, so it has taken some adjusting on my end to the things he says or does, just as he has to adjust to me. But of course being different from each other is not necessarily a bad thing, and so far it's working out. Sometimes I think about these boards, and my own message boards I ran in middle school. I still can't believe how much of a jerk I was to some people (Lauren) and I just wish I could apologize. It is so weird to think I used to be a homophobe, that I was such a hypocrite that I convinced myself I was straight and just having "urges". And how I used to think I knew everything, especially as a board administrator. And today? I still might not know much more, but I do know better than before. I know better than to waste time judging others and pushing them away. I know that, despite what I thought up through freshman year of college, I DO need other people. I know that there are christians like me that do not see conflicts with things like homosexuality, that accept people as they are instead of giving a wag of the finger. Well that's all. I have no idea how deserted this place is so... *tumbleweed rolls across screen*
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