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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes.
  2. THing is, it's kinda inaccurate, because straight afterwards your message in the complains topic turned up, so I don't know why it registered you as being in the index. Also, a lot of online users seem to use the "search" function to an absurd degree.
  3. ...because, my dear hamster friend, you have not moved from that position in a while, according to the "last click" list. I am watching you.
  4. Don't. We love you with your make-up. It is just that I have this little hammy soap-box and every now and then I have to get up on it and make lots of noise. So, don't listen to me. I am just ranting. I feel good about wearing make-up so I do it. And in my case the au naturelle looks does NOT suit me. At all. Urgh.
  5. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    You just reminded me of soemthing I'll remember forever. I was on a hike once and we had been talking for two days and had been camping (I HATE camping) and we were all exhausted (me and a few other random people in my group). We walked past a cornfield that was full of fog so we could barely see anything (probably some of the thickest fog I've ever seen). However, we started to look closely and we could see dozens and dozens of what appeared to be swallows darting around the cornfield. And I mean that there were TONS of them, diving around and swooping around the field in and out of the fog. It was so eerie and beautiful at the same time. Yay for birds.
  6. This person is online right now so I decided to draw a picture. Guess who!
  7. Wouldn't you allow some people this comment when the movie varies greatly from the book? I would have at least expected that if you were going to act in a movie based on a book, that you would have at LEAST, read the book to get your impression of what the author was trying to accomplish. Yes, of course, that is allowed. But there's always a huge group of people - the hardcore fans, mostly - that whine and whinge just for the excuse to whine and whinge. They're broken records and because the film did not match their imagination EXACTLY then it is apparently bad. What I'm trying to say is that people assume that the two different types of medium will produce identical works of art which is nigh on impossible. We're all different, therefore everything we view will be different. This is increased when you transfer a book to the screen.
  8. *covers LifesEagle's mouth* Shhhhh. Don't let Leguan hear you say that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE German, always have. I just don't like TWO HOUR lessons about cars like the one we had today. When am I ever going to use the word "Karosserieteile" (the word given to the sheet metal used to make the body/frame of a car)? My dear... cars are so important in Germany. I know, my parents have a Mercedes. When I went on my German exchange a few years back I stayed in Bonn where there is a big Mercedes factory or something so there were lots of them around. All the teenagers cut off the stars and wore them around their necks. One of the German schoolkids we were hanging around with gave my (English) school friend one of these and she thought it was fake and kept on walking past the police with it on, an offence for which you can apparently be arrested for!
  9. You had better be scared! I'm watching you! As far as President Obama is concerned, here is my question... Race. When you have one parent who is African American and one parent who is Caucasian... which race are you? Do you go by the colour of your skin? Do you select features, such as hair, face, etc. to make the determination? Do you pick the race that you feel will give you an edge? What I believe is that we need to put the entire race problem behind us and move on. Obama is one-half white. If his birth certificate says that he is a Caucasian, would this have changed history? He is still the 44th President of the U.S.A., but now he is just another white guy. During the race for the Presidency, Obama was all about "the people". There was no discussion about race. At the inauguration, it was all about race. Did he forget that his mother was white? How sad that our country can't move on. I think race ought to be removed from being a factor in life. We all ought to just be Americans. Enough of my rant. And by the way, I have no idea what race is on President Obama's birth certificate. My vote for President went to the candidate who I felt could best lead the country. THANK YOU. At last, someone has picked up on a point I've been talking about from the very beginning! As for "which race are you", after watching Australia and seeing the treatment of the so-called "creamy" children that were taken away from their families for being mixed-race it appears that you are in both camps and in neither camps. You don't have to be a genius to think of people who have been prejudiced for this in the past and in fiction. But as you say, in Obama's case, the race card has indeed been played BUT, to be fair on Obama, HE wasn't the one to play it, it was the media. Everyone over here kept on saying that "America really needs a black president right now", but DOES America need that? America needs a good leader regardless. I don't think Obama will improve standards for the black community in the USA as some people have suggested (and thus imply that the standard DOES need improving, which I don't think it does). If he does well then I will indeed admit that I was wrong. But I have lost faith in the American voter simply because America complains about this and that and then votes the opposite way. But then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I cannot talk politics. You are very knowledgeable in politics! Where is TGHL when we need him? What Obama has done for the African American community in becoming the President, is significant. There is more out there for a young black person, than becoming a sports star and Obama has succeeded in reaching the top!!! That is true, but actively addressing the issue in that way again implies that there is a problem. It would be better to be unimpressed that a black individual has gotten to the top because then you completely elliminate the idea of race. Of course, congratulate the individual for the SUCCESS but leave race out of it. That just promotes the idea that people of different races have different oppertunities open to them. I know nothing about politics, I just waffle.
  11. You had better be scared! I'm watching you! As far as President Obama is concerned, here is my question... Race. When you have one parent who is African American and one parent who is Caucasian... which race are you? Do you go by the colour of your skin? Do you select features, such as hair, face, etc. to make the determination? Do you pick the race that you feel will give you an edge? What I believe is that we need to put the entire race problem behind us and move on. Obama is one-half white. If his birth certificate says that he is a Caucasian, would this have changed history? He is still the 44th President of the U.S.A., but now he is just another white guy. During the race for the Presidency, Obama was all about "the people". There was no discussion about race. At the inauguration, it was all about race. Did he forget that his mother was white? How sad that our country can't move on. I think race ought to be removed from being a factor in life. We all ought to just be Americans. Enough of my rant. And by the way, I have no idea what race is on President Obama's birth certificate. My vote for President went to the candidate who I felt could best lead the country. THANK YOU. At last, someone has picked up on a point I've been talking about from the very beginning! As for "which race are you", after watching Australia and seeing the treatment of the so-called "creamy" children that were taken away from their families for being mixed-race it appears that you are in both camps and in neither camps. You don't have to be a genius to think of people who have been prejudiced for this in the past and in fiction. But as you say, in Obama's case, the race card has indeed been played BUT, to be fair on Obama, HE wasn't the one to play it, it was the media. Everyone over here kept on saying that "America really needs a black president right now", but DOES America need that? America needs a good leader regardless. I don't think Obama will improve standards for the black community in the USA as some people have suggested (and thus imply that the standard DOES need improving, which I don't think it does). If he does well then I will indeed admit that I was wrong. But I have lost faith in the American voter simply because America complains about this and that and then votes the opposite way. But then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I cannot talk politics.
  12. Oh, and I'll dry my hair. Got my hair in a turban right now.
  13. *covers LifesEagle's mouth* Shhhhh. Don't let Leguan hear you say that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE German, always have. I just don't like TWO HOUR lessons about cars like the one we had today. When am I ever going to use the word "Karosserieteile" (the word given to the sheet metal used to make the body/frame of a car)?
  14. Hopefully you bought the Apple Care for your iPod. This is imperative. Since your iPod is new, call the Apple support team and ask them how to fix the problem. They will help you. It's not a problem, and I was exaggerating a bit: it's just chance what song comes up and I find it strange that the same songs keep appearing. And the iPod isn't brand new but it's new to me as my dad got an iPhone for Christmas so he gave me the Touch. I'm not sure I like it, though: I walk around campus with the iPod in my pocket and I used to be able to change songs, volume, etc. with my hands just for feeling for the clicker wheel and now I can't do that with the Touch without taking it out of my pocket. Grr.
  15. Daniel Radcliffe hadn't read HP when he auditioned for the part, you know. Think of all the guys who would have killed for that part. But I don't like people saying "it's not like the bok therefore I don't like it". Of course it's not like the book, nobody has the same imagination as you. They are different types of storytelling so of course the styles will be different. People need to grow up and stop being morons.
  16. Bet on it - High School Musical 2 I switched from my old but trustworthy to my new iPod Touch and out of my 1000-so songs it only decides to play from a selection of 10.
  17. Eek! Scary Horatio. I am personally looking for something that isn't related to Obama because I am sick of him already.
  18. Wall E Wall E Wall E Thanks for the contribution. I was sleeping and had to get up early in paiiiiiiin. Only had 5 hours sleep and can't have a nap for a few hours or so.
  19. You forgot to add shipping, customs duty and associated fees. New price... one zillion dollars! I like the horse in that picture. I import things all the time from America, it's not that expensive (except when it's Bustedtees when I had to sell my soul ). That fake horse was a really fun game and it kept on jumping for no reason. My cousin - same one as in the photo - has been riding since the age of four and even she found that game to be really uncomfortable! It looks like fun. That is something I would enjoy trying. The best part is that I would be entertaining the masses. There was an amused crowd surrounding us. There's even a video of me playing the game on FB. So... are you going to give me more specific information so I can view it? Email it please. I saved the video but it's an MP4 or whatever which always confuses me. Darned FB. I'll sort this out at some point.
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