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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Wolverine Jesse is AMAZING. Well done!
  2. It looks so, so cold! I think Voltaire's quote "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" quote applies for me here.
  3. On the train. I have to take 4 different trains to get from home to university.
  4. Wouldn't you allow some people this comment when the movie varies greatly from the book? I would have at least expected that if you were going to act in a movie based on a book, that you would have at LEAST, read the book to get your impression of what the author was trying to accomplish. Yes, of course, that is allowed. But there's always a huge group of people - the hardcore fans, mostly - that whine and whinge just for the excuse to whine and whinge. They're broken records and because the film did not match their imagination EXACTLY then it is apparently bad. What I'm trying to say is that people assume that the two different types of medium will produce identical works of art which is nigh on impossible. We're all different, therefore everything we view will be different. This is increased when you transfer a book to the screen. Oh... the whiners. The must also be pilots. I work with a bunch of those type people. Worst pilot ever = the one that almost killed us on landing. I have never been so scared in a plane in my entire life, and I'm a VERY good flyer. So, I would imagine that was you when you almost forgot to put down your landing gear? Shhh. I don't tend to fly these days because I'm too lazy. I need to get a Segway. Yeah, people can't expect everything to be exact. But I do think minimising the role of the house elves in the HP films was a loss... I did enjoy that whole SPEW thing.
  5. You sound almost like a cargo pilot now. LOL Speaking of cargo: every time I see a UPS van now I think of you. I was going into my accomodation complex the other day and a van pulled up right beside me. They really are quite intimidating.
  6. I did find this article, published in the Los Angeles Times. I did find it quite interesting. It's entitled "Obama's bold first week".
  7. Granted, but it will NOT be served on a dish. I wish I had more ice-cream. Granted, but you can only look at the ice cream. I wish that the snow would go away. Then all the snow in Florida or wherever you are nowadays, would end up here in Texas and made me frolic outside. -cheers- I wish I would remember to go to sleep sooner. Granted, but then you would forget to breathe. I wish my One Piece soundtrack downloaded faster. Granted, it will download at the speed of light, but the file size will be 100TB. I wish the days were more than 24 hours. Granted, but then the show "24" would be MEANINGLESS. But I don't think you, or anyone else, watches it so no one would care anyway. I wish I knew why people on dA like to put twin brothers into yaoi fanfiction. Granted, but then everyone on dA would do it. I wish I had the slightest clue what MK was talking about half the time. Granted, but then you would be her twin. I wish I wasn't hungry in the middle of the night. Granted, but you're now insatiably hungry at every other time of the day. I wish my cold was gone.
  8. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR? Don't need it. Eagle eyes. Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? I have portable foglights strapped to my head. LOL LOL Now that's a good idea. Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot? They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. Are you one of their test pilots? I was the first eagle into space, which I am very proud of. Of course, when I come back into the atmosphere they say "The eagle has landed". Da boom tsh.
  9. How do those feathers work on the strings? Not really strings so much as coloured buttons. I hate real guitars so this is close enough. I used to play my brother's version and make the guitar vertical and play it that way: I called it "Cello Hero". LOL... only such a creative eagle would think of something such as that. LOL Or one with a bad sense of humour! 'm trying to figure out how to decorate my guitar... but I should be working. CHoices, choices!
  10. You had better be scared! I'm watching you! As far as President Obama is concerned, here is my question... Race. When you have one parent who is African American and one parent who is Caucasian... which race are you? Do you go by the colour of your skin? Do you select features, such as hair, face, etc. to make the determination? Do you pick the race that you feel will give you an edge? What I believe is that we need to put the entire race problem behind us and move on. Obama is one-half white. If his birth certificate says that he is a Caucasian, would this have changed history? He is still the 44th President of the U.S.A., but now he is just another white guy. During the race for the Presidency, Obama was all about "the people". There was no discussion about race. At the inauguration, it was all about race. Did he forget that his mother was white? How sad that our country can't move on. I think race ought to be removed from being a factor in life. We all ought to just be Americans. Enough of my rant. And by the way, I have no idea what race is on President Obama's birth certificate. My vote for President went to the candidate who I felt could best lead the country. THANK YOU. At last, someone has picked up on a point I've been talking about from the very beginning! As for "which race are you", after watching Australia and seeing the treatment of the so-called "creamy" children that were taken away from their families for being mixed-race it appears that you are in both camps and in neither camps. You don't have to be a genius to think of people who have been prejudiced for this in the past and in fiction. But as you say, in Obama's case, the race card has indeed been played BUT, to be fair on Obama, HE wasn't the one to play it, it was the media. Everyone over here kept on saying that "America really needs a black president right now", but DOES America need that? America needs a good leader regardless. I don't think Obama will improve standards for the black community in the USA as some people have suggested (and thus imply that the standard DOES need improving, which I don't think it does). If he does well then I will indeed admit that I was wrong. But I have lost faith in the American voter simply because America complains about this and that and then votes the opposite way. But then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I cannot talk politics. You are very knowledgeable in politics! Where is TGHL when we need him? What Obama has done for the African American community in becoming the President, is significant. There is more out there for a young black person, than becoming a sports star and Obama has succeeded in reaching the top!!! That is true, but actively addressing the issue in that way again implies that there is a problem. It would be better to be unimpressed that a black individual has gotten to the top because then you completely elliminate the idea of race. Of course, congratulate the individual for the SUCCESS but leave race out of it. That just promotes the idea that people of different races have different oppertunities open to them. I know nothing about politics, I just waffle. Would that waffle be with syrup? In the USA people think that the best way to be someone is through sports or acting. Forget education... that doesn't get you anywhere. I maintain that America has a smell and that smell is somewhere between doughnuts and waffles. Mmm. I'm hungry. I warmed up to Obama on finding out that he's too attached to his Blackberry that he insisted on keeping it with him in the White House. He must really love that phone! More than the phone... I think he is so accustomed to the immediate contact and reply, that he felt that he went back to the dark ages without it. He said that that way someone on the other side of the country can send him a message asking him "What are you doing?", thereby being kept in check. A good idea in theory, but if *I* were the friend of the president of the United States I'd feel a bit funny about questioning him! But a government should be afraid ofits people, not the other way around, so I suppose it's a good thing. Or good publicity for Blackberry. Also, there is the fact that the USA keeps a log of all communication of the President. With the Blackberry, it would be much harder. Not impossible though. I did not know that, but it makes sense. From looking at the media right now it looks like people were expecting Obama to reinvent America in a single week. He can't work miracles, the poor man. His quote... "Yes we can!" No problem for President Obama! I have heard next to no news about him after his inauguration. Has the Oval Office swallowed him up?
  11. Sleeping from 3am until 12:45 in the afternoon. Urgh. My sleeping pattern couldn't be worse.
  12. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR? Don't need it. Eagle eyes. Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? I have portable foglights strapped to my head. Now that's a good idea. Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot? They were made by NASA because I am very, very important.
  13. How do those feathers work on the strings? Not really strings so much as coloured buttons. I hate real guitars so this is close enough. I used to play my brother's version and make the guitar vertical and play it that way: I called it "Cello Hero".
  14. What's that? Watching YET ANOTHER film. NO. No what? Grrrrrrr. No more films!!!!! Stop goofing off or I will have to blindfold you. And how will blindfolding me help, exactly...? I was watching The Office. If you are blindfolded... how are you going to 'watch' the film? I am amazing that way. I was cooking. You are definitely amazing... as far as being a good cook... we will have to wait on that one. Oi. I can cook some mean fajitas and sweet and sour. ANd my cookies are amazing. I was out riding.
  15. Granted, but it will NOT be served on a dish. I wish I had more ice-cream.
  16. Wow...I totally never knew of this screen. ~Liz I use it to spy on people.
  17. You had better be scared! I'm watching you! As far as President Obama is concerned, here is my question... Race. When you have one parent who is African American and one parent who is Caucasian... which race are you? Do you go by the colour of your skin? Do you select features, such as hair, face, etc. to make the determination? Do you pick the race that you feel will give you an edge? What I believe is that we need to put the entire race problem behind us and move on. Obama is one-half white. If his birth certificate says that he is a Caucasian, would this have changed history? He is still the 44th President of the U.S.A., but now he is just another white guy. During the race for the Presidency, Obama was all about "the people". There was no discussion about race. At the inauguration, it was all about race. Did he forget that his mother was white? How sad that our country can't move on. I think race ought to be removed from being a factor in life. We all ought to just be Americans. Enough of my rant. And by the way, I have no idea what race is on President Obama's birth certificate. My vote for President went to the candidate who I felt could best lead the country. THANK YOU. At last, someone has picked up on a point I've been talking about from the very beginning! As for "which race are you", after watching Australia and seeing the treatment of the so-called "creamy" children that were taken away from their families for being mixed-race it appears that you are in both camps and in neither camps. You don't have to be a genius to think of people who have been prejudiced for this in the past and in fiction. But as you say, in Obama's case, the race card has indeed been played BUT, to be fair on Obama, HE wasn't the one to play it, it was the media. Everyone over here kept on saying that "America really needs a black president right now", but DOES America need that? America needs a good leader regardless. I don't think Obama will improve standards for the black community in the USA as some people have suggested (and thus imply that the standard DOES need improving, which I don't think it does). If he does well then I will indeed admit that I was wrong. But I have lost faith in the American voter simply because America complains about this and that and then votes the opposite way. But then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I cannot talk politics. You are very knowledgeable in politics! Where is TGHL when we need him? What Obama has done for the African American community in becoming the President, is significant. There is more out there for a young black person, than becoming a sports star and Obama has succeeded in reaching the top!!! That is true, but actively addressing the issue in that way again implies that there is a problem. It would be better to be unimpressed that a black individual has gotten to the top because then you completely elliminate the idea of race. Of course, congratulate the individual for the SUCCESS but leave race out of it. That just promotes the idea that people of different races have different oppertunities open to them. I know nothing about politics, I just waffle. Would that waffle be with syrup? In the USA people think that the best way to be someone is through sports or acting. Forget education... that doesn't get you anywhere. I maintain that America has a smell and that smell is somewhere between doughnuts and waffles. Mmm. I'm hungry. I warmed up to Obama on finding out that he's too attached to his Blackberry that he insisted on keeping it with him in the White House. He must really love that phone! More than the phone... I think he is so accustomed to the immediate contact and reply, that he felt that he went back to the dark ages without it. He said that that way someone on the other side of the country can send him a message asking him "What are you doing?", thereby being kept in check. A good idea in theory, but if *I* were the friend of the president of the United States I'd feel a bit funny about questioning him! But a government should be afraid ofits people, not the other way around, so I suppose it's a good thing. Or good publicity for Blackberry. Also, there is the fact that the USA keeps a log of all communication of the President. With the Blackberry, it would be much harder. Not impossible though. I did not know that, but it makes sense. From looking at the media right now it looks like people were expecting Obama to reinvent America in a single week. He can't work miracles, the poor man.
  18. What's that? Watching YET ANOTHER film. NO. No what? Grrrrrrr. No more films!!!!! Stop goofing off or I will have to blindfold you. And how will blindfolding me help, exactly...? I was watching The Office. If you are blindfolded... how are you going to 'watch' the film? I am amazing that way. I was cooking.
  19. My life has changed so much since I got my contacts. I can do all sorts of things with them in, especially sports like swimming that have now become a LOT easier. I have dailies so there's little risk of infection and I can wear sunglasses with ease. Plus, I look so much nicer without glasses. Best. Invention. Ever.
  20. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR? Don't need it. Eagle eyes. Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? I have portable foglights strapped to my head.
  21. This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero.
  22. This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero.
  23. This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero.
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