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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. The topic for when you're lurking. Come lurk here. Lurk lurk lurk. Again, I promise that this isn't spam.
  2. Oh, almost forgot: thanks for your support. It's nice to hear some encouragement when I'm so close to falling off the wagon.
  3. Okay, I'll be clear: I DIDN'T cut. The reason why I have to go another 3 months and one week is because I lost two separate bets that we only set up recently (if you're wondering why we do so many it just makes things interesting... we love a bit of competition!). The reason that I'm feeling down is because I lost the bets AND something else happened that has been bothering me. And yeah, my friend does care about me more than I can say.
  4. And you have to write a 1000 word essay on this???? Yeah, but there's plenty to write about: the textbook I'm using even has a section comparing the two types of cells, thereby making my job a lot easier! I'm on the internet waiting for the latest episode of "Ugly Betty" to finish streaming. Ugly Betty is great! My schedule needs tweaking and then I am going to look for some other apps for my phone. Isn't it just? I'd be lost without my weekly dose of Marc. I'm Googling random words to see what they come up with. "Fliomop" didn't yield anything of value.
  5. Have you, by any chance, written a little thing about me on D.ART? If so, it's really... interesting! Googling one's web alias produces surprising results.
  6. Things are getting worse and worse. I now know better than to make bets with my best friend as I just lost TWO of them and now I can't cut for another three months and one week. And I was so close, as the 15th March is so close... I'm so sick of being disappointed. And I hate to complain, please don't get the impression that I'm the whining type!
  7. And you have to write a 1000 word essay on this???? Yeah, but there's plenty to write about: the textbook I'm using even has a section comparing the two types of cells, thereby making my job a lot easier! I'm on the internet waiting for the latest episode of "Ugly Betty" to finish streaming.
  8. I'll copy what I wrote in my LJ. It's not much. Yesterday was uncle Roger's funeral. It was packed for some reason and Amy's new baby cried throughout the entire eulogy but it was a fitting tribute to him. What set me off was seeing Holly and Hannah - two of his daughters and my cousins - crying as they closed the curtains on the coffin. I'm so proud of my nanny who cried as she followed the coffin but kept it together during the service. We had a private family get-together at my aunt's house afterwards which was a calm end to the day. ... so on Monday I stayed up late finishing a piece of work that was in for today, on Tuesday I made the 3 hour journey home through London in rush hour (a journey I had made on Sunday night and on Friday night), yesterday I had the funeral, today I had to go through London in the morning rush hour and then go to two lectures and a practical before working on a 1000-word essay that's due in tomorrow. Tomorrow I have 4 hours of lectures and a 3-hour practical. I am not feeling very well. I am emotionally and physically drained and my favourite bowl has gone missing (I think one of my flatmates broke it). Urrggghhhh. :closedeyes:
  9. Researching for my essay: "compare and contrast the deatures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells". Luckily for me my textbook has pretty much everything I need on only a few pages.
  10. The use of no stirrups is great practice, especially if she has you posting without stirrups. Closing your eyes? You are much braver than I am. I would probably lose my balance and fall off. Did you learn something from closing your eyes? The point of taking the stirrups away and telling us to ride with our eyes shut (in trot at one point - she took the reins away to guide us so I was suspended on Flo with only the saddle to keep me on!) in order to gain a knowledge of how the horse moves so we can move to learn with it and gain a centre of balance. I'm going to have extra lessons in my easter break and possibly my best friend will have a few lessons with me, so it's all looking very promising. I went home for the weekend. It was all very sad as people kept on mentioning my uncle by accident. I went to see my grandparents yesterday and even though they have The Great British Reserve - the whole idea of having a 'stiff upper lip' and acting as stoic as possible - my grandma had a few teary moments. I also saw a few of my uncle's children. I haven't seen one of my other cousins who just had a baby a few weeks ago: everyone is worried that she'll stop producing milk under all the stress. The funeral is on Wednesday and I have to go back home tomorrow. So it has been a very emotional few days.
  11. I'm feeling a bit better now. Funeral is next week and I'm going to see my grandparents over the weekend. Hopefully we'll take their mind off things. Just had an amazing riding lesson. I was on Flo yet again and now I'm really used to her and she responds to me really well. Only two of us were riding so it was practically a private lesson: I got a lot of practice in and our instructor was really good and helped me a lot. At one point she took our stirrups away and told us to ride around with our eyes shut... THAT was scary! So yeah, mixed few days.
  12. My uncle died this morning. It was so sudden and the whole family is in shock. It's so eerie, seeing his Facbook wall fill up with messages. He only became a grandfather a few weeks ago. I'm very sad at the moment.
  13. DOing my laundry with a new clothes conditioner sample I got for free a few days ago. I washed my bedsheets so I am going to sleep VERY well tonight!
  14. They are officially not allowed to make any more rubbish films and change the names of the novels anymore. That's just stupid. The first book is called Northern Lights and should STAY THAT WAY. Grr. Angry eagle.
  15. Re-watched "Brazil". One of my all-time favourites, it is indeed a masterpiece and leaves you feeling chilled to the core.
  16. I should post this in the "what song are you listening to right now?" thread, but I think me listening to Rocket Man is more appropriate here.
  18. Is it that bad? 'Cause the book was awesome. It went nowhere at a snail's pace. There were so many plot holes you could fit a small T-rex through them. It certainly does not deserve a bundle 'o' Oscars.
  19. "All Saints", my favourite clothes brand. I'm looking for items on sale...
  20. As far as I can tell. I'm in the middle of "Milk". It's a lot better than the sufficiently terrible TCCO Benjamin Button.
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