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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Two injections!!!!!!! *sends flowers and a sympathy card* How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful! What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time. Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. Yeah, one of the injections REALLY hurt. My arms feel a bit delicate today and I was doing a lot of physical activity so it was really exhausting. Before my cousin let me ride she had a long ride on Moragn first to let the wind out of his sails. Halfway through about three people came into the school to have a quick ride before it got dark, so I was suddenly running around laying out poles and forming jumps of all the riders... phew! I then took tons of photos of my cousin jumping and then took the reins from her so I could lead the horse and she could ride without reins (which she was REALLY brave to do). We then tried trotting with me leading (ie. running really fast to avoid being trampled by said horse) and then JUMPING with me leading the horse! That involved me jumping over the jump, too... my cousin has amazing balance so it was nothing for her. Envy! I have a video of me riding which I'll hopefuly be able to send to you, Horatio. I would rather have the video of you jumping over the jumps, with the horse following. I look forward to receiving the video. I know, I wish I had a video of that, too! Unfortunately, my aunt was off having a gossip at the time so I was the only photographer. At one point I tried to keep up with the horse when he trotted and cantered. Trotting was easy but canter was a real struggle! The photos are on facebook so I'll add some here as soon as possible. Oh, and forward you the video, even though it was at the stage when Morgan refused to trot so I was stopping after every few steps. Grr.
  2. Granted, but you will have to move to New York City and either take the subway or walk. I wish that TBFOF would put me in his pocket and take me to Paris with him. Granted, but you won't be able to get out of the pocket once you're there. I wish I could have another ride tomorrow.
  3. Two injections!!!!!!! *sends flowers and a sympathy card* How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful! What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time. Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. Yeah, one of the injections REALLY hurt. My arms feel a bit delicate today and I was doing a lot of physical activity so it was really exhausting. Before my cousin let me ride she had a long ride on Moragn first to let the wind out of his sails. Halfway through about three people came into the school to have a quick ride before it got dark, so I was suddenly running around laying out poles and forming jumps of all the riders... phew! I then took tons of photos of my cousin jumping and then took the reins from her so I could lead the horse and she could ride without reins (which she was REALLY brave to do). We then tried trotting with me leading (ie. running really fast to avoid being trampled by said horse) and then JUMPING with me leading the horse! That involved me jumping over the jump, too... my cousin has amazing balance so it was nothing for her. Envy! I have a video of me riding which I'll hopefuly be able to send to you, Horatio.
  4. Killing time before bed. I need it, I am SO tired. :closedeyes:
  5. Watching "Ghost Town" with my cousin. A bit of a meh-worthy film. Meh.
  6. Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind. Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs! I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh.
  7. I'm baaaaaaaack. I've been SO busy recently as they cram in lots of work before the easter break. My faily keeps on sending me emails but I don't even have time to reply to them. So I've been working, that's about it, though I DID see an amazing stage production of "His Dark Materials" split into two parts. It runs for 6 hours total and is amazingly done. I can barely take that story because the ending upsets me too much. But hey ho.
  8. When is the concert? You don't have to make a decision today, do you? What I would consider when making your decision is how people treat you all the other days of the year. If they have other life priorities and don't have time for you, then they need to be put on the bottom of the list. Think of the people who are your friend the entire year, not just when they want to go to the concert. If you can wait until your mother returns, I would definitely ask her opinion. I'm glad I'm not in your talons. Its in September so I have plenty of time. I don't have to make a decision today but I have to be very careful not to offend anyone with this. I think the best option would be to stick to the two-tickets-per-family rule because that way it'll be fair. The tickets all sold out in 4 hours of them going online so getting more is almost impossble. I watched a news report a couple of hours ago featuring people who queued up in London for the tickets: one lady was 7 months pregnant and had stayed in the line overnight. The lady who was first in the queue had been there since early Wednesday night! These people have clearly not heard of the internet... the website DID slow down to a trickle (a quarter of a million people descended on the websites offering tickets) but if I - a casual fan - managed it then I'm sure others can. But I suppose the chances are much slimmer online. Gruh. Today has been one crazy day! I had a nap around 1 because of having so little sleep and I was awoken by the flat buzzer. As I thought it was part of my dream (I dreamt I was chasing a rat with a broom in a dimly-lit room) so my heart was going crazy out of fear! I need to calm down.
  9. Yeah, but now comes a problem. The max number of tickets I could buy was 4, which is okay, I suppose, and all 4 (highest band of tickets) cost me £338.25 ($472.48) at £75 ($104) a ticket, which was actually cheaper than I was expecting. Okay, so now comes the problem of who will actually go. My aunt was up at the same time but was still in the website queue when I rung her to say I got the tickets. In her family there are 3 people who want to go: my aunt and my two cousins, Jess and Charlie. Jess is like my sister, we are so close as we were born within a month of each other and there's a photo of me with her somewhere (with her horse, I think). Anyway, Jess is at the top of the list for going as she is also the biggest MJ fan I have ever met in my entire life. I know when she was told the news she must have gone crazy and I haven't even heard from her today. Her sister is a big fan but not as big a fan, same goes for y aunt and my parents, who also want to go. The original plan was for me to go with Jess - just us - but I thought that 4 tickets would be a good investment as most people wouldn't turn this chance down. So now I'm everybody's best friend: Charlie has posted on my Facebook wall and is clearly fishing for a ticket, as is my aunt, who wasn't all that subtle with her hints on the phone this morning. My mum - who is in Dubai so it is hard for me to contact her - said that it's fair if one family has two tickets, but now I don't know what to say to everyone and who should go. Phew, sorry about that long-winded story. I just don't know what to say to them all now. Either way, someone is going to be disappointed here...
  10. I JUST GOT TICKETS!!! SO excited I might cry.
  11. There's only one venue: the O2 arena, as its called, the "skeleton" of the Millenium Dome. It's odd that he's not performing anywhere else. Anyway, it's 6:55 and I'm ready to join the race. I have my credit card ready, I have doused up on half a can of "illegal" Mountain Dew for the caffeine fix, I have a window with the exact time in GMT on it and I'm all nerves. My aunt is gonna try and get tickets, too, so my chances have doubled. I need these tickets, but then again, so does most of the world and the website will inevitably crash when it hits 7. Wish me luck.
  12. At a lecture on polygamy in the animal kingdom.
  13. Thanks, guys! I don't know how it happened. I just put up my hand and made an impromptu speech and then they voted me in. I didn't think I had a chance, but apparently I'm awesome enough! I'm worrying about tomorrow: I hve to be up for 7am when the Michael Jackson tickets go on sale (for those who have been living under a rock, MJ has released tour dates). It's going to be a nightmare to get tickets and there's a strong chance I won't be successful, but I have to try, right?
  14. I was actually successful in my spider-removal business last night. A spider was having trouble on my wall as it kept on slipping every time it stepped on my Pulp Fiction poster, falling a few inches down the wall every time before climbing up again. Boy, was her persistant. Anyway, I got a glass, put it against the wall, shook it a bit so she fell into it, put some paper on top and even took her all the way outside and putting her in the flowebed just outside my block. There. I AM a good soul.
  15. Me at Cadbury World (the second time I've gone). Very green!
  16. The last few days have been okay: I got some work done, actually went to my classes and last night I was voted vice-president of the university's film society. Today I had an okay riding lesson on Flo (yet again): she was a bit of a pain but a few cracks of my whip set her straight. We did a LOT of sitting trot today so I am going to be in such pain tomorrow! mY parents have flown off to Dubai so I am alone in my own country. How sad.
  17. HampsterKing does not care for that site, but MK knows exactly what it is because I edited her post the same way when she mentioned the same name. Why doesn't HK care for it? Curse you and your mod powers!
  18. Kat has it. Everybody else has not.
  19. I used to have little penalties like that, though, but that eventually evolved into cutting. Besides, if I do them, my friends get angry as they think it's more self-destructive behaviour. So I can't win.
  20. I'm not, as I say, I got it from Googling "LifesEagle". People have stolen my web alias in the past (even one person who had the nerve to redirect to HD and pretend they were me ). I'm no artist, though I do like origami and making things out of baking clay. Also, why did you edit my post?
  21. Beans!!! Thank you. I will plant them. What I did not tell you is that you have planted the seeds of the "Razor-toothed Evil Killer Demonseed Helpme" plant, or Succurro ego for its Latin name. THOU HAST CONDEMMÉD US AWL.
  22. Because Horatio is great, I present you with this small bag of beans. Use them well.
  23. Granted, its in Peru. I wish the economy wasn't terrible. Granted, but your a hobo now. I wish I lived in Los Angeles. Granted, but then there would be giant house-eating hobos everywhere. I wish I had ventriloquy lessons. Granted, but the doll thing was 1023 feet tall and impossible to control. I wish my essay was done, well, in English, and on the correct topic. Granted, but it's in Old Anglican English, which has a vocabulary completely different from modern English and is nearly incomprehensible. Goodluck! I wish I could spell every word ever correctly. (Originally, I had typed uncomprehendable. Turns out, it's not a word :glare: lol) Granted, but then the 1,023 feet tall Ventriloquist's dummy from the last wish would eat both your arms, rendering you unable to write or type. Oh, and you'd get hooks instead of fake arms. You can be a pirate. I wish I had a detective hat... Granted, but it was rather large, and you were forced to wear it as a skirt. I wish my *#*(*#@(*(#*(# migraines would go away. They hurt sooooo much and I can't focus. Granted, but you would instead get stomachaches. I wish...I didn't have school tommorrow. b/c my mom has friends over and they're going to be noisy when I have to go to sleep. ~Liz Granted, but you would have to go to school for 93 days, straight, after tomorrow. I wish I had gone to the hospital yesterday, instead of choosing the slower route and waiting it out. Granted, but you would have to give up an arm. I wish I did not just corrupt my own wish. Granted, but from now on none of your wishes will EVER come true. Game over. I wish I could pull myself away from my perpetual Doris Day marathon.
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