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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Urgh. Everything seems to be going wrong. :closedeyes: I'm trying to stay positive but things are quite bad at the moment and, on top of everything, I'm completely starved for social contact. I have made no friends here and days go by without me having a proper face-to-face conversation with someone. And it's not for lack of trying: I've been out a lot and tried really hard to meet people but I've just been unlucky, it seems.
  2. Not getting enough sleep before a 2-hour exam. :glare:
  3. She sings that song in such a memorable way. She's amazing. I ordered one of her anthology box sets today. I have seen so many of her films in the past month or two and I still have many more to see and I love watching her perform. I saw "Tea for Two" today which had some amazing taps. I've been doing The Charleston all day! Judy is a Punk - The Ramones Hamsters can't dance. Lara Fabian. Are you being ironic?
  4. I feel deprived: Saudi Arabia had a DQ but there isn't a single branch in Britain! Am I missing anything?
  5. Yes, I know there are plenty of (disappeared) haiku topics on here, but this is a new one. The challenge is that "Horatio" takes up a lot of your syllable limit, making this a LOT more fun. Hamster in a plane, Horatio loves to fly. Boy, look at him go!
  6. Those are pretty long and sharp talons. I know... they're pretty long and sharp PURPLE talons now! Now they're SILVER talons! I saw Kate Winslet wearing silver nail polish at the Oscars and decided to get some for myself. My talons look like they're made from glass! And I was cooking.
  7. Watching my favourite peoples on Youtube. I discovered that I love video game reviews.
  8. Thanks for your support, everyone. I've given up on studying: I think I may ask to retake this year. Even if I do pass this year there will be a lot I don't understand so retaking would be best. My parents will kill me but there's not much I can do now. There are still a lot of things making me unhappy but I'm hoping it'll pick up soon. And yes, I buy Mountain Dew off eBay because I can't buy it anywhere else.
  9. She sings that song in such a memorable way. She's amazing. I ordered one of her anthology box sets today. I have seen so many of her films in the past month or two and I still have many more to see and I love watching her perform. I saw "Tea for Two" today which had some amazing taps. I've been doing The Charleston all day! Judy is a Punk - The Ramones
  10. I like it, mainly because I actually DO have a brother called Daniel, AND he's older than me. And no, he doesn't still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal. I'm listening to "Que Sera Sera" by the legend Doris Day.
  11. One of the more annoying weeks in a while. Here are my updates: - I have fallen in love with someone who doesn't love me back... anymore. A new spin on an old standard. - I don't think I'm going to pass this year. If I don't pass I don't know what I'll do, but my chances don't look very high. - I've started cutting again and I'm going stir crazy - I have no food and, being Sunday, even the 24-hour place is shut at the moment (I think). - I haven't had a conversation with somebody face-to-face since Tuesday. I am not kidding. All my socialising has been done on phone and computer (not even a webcam chat). - I'm out of my favourite face cream (may not seem like a big deal but it kinda is). - I'm almost out of Mountain Dew and it costs a fortune to buy off eBay. So, yeah. Not great.
  12. Okay, how sensible is this: it's 1:15am, I have another German exam at 10am, and I'm staying up to watch Doris Day movies (to be precise, "The Thrill of it all"). On top of that, tomorrow (or later today) I'm going home, so that's a 3-hour journey through rush-hour London. Doris Day somehow trumps all that.
  13. Phew, I survived. It wasn't as bad as I thought, actually. One guy did his talk on juggling and he did an amazing demonstration at the end: he was able to speak fluent German and juggle at the same time which was really amazing! It didn't last as long as I thought, either, as they said that each talk would take 15 minutes and there are about 13 of us in the class so I was expecting to be there forever, but we weren't really. I got back and had a nap and I've been eating sherbert and playing Dungeon Keeper II ever since. I have more studying to do, but for now, it's memememe time. The American recipe is not actually ILLEGAL, per se, as you do see it for sale in very, very select places here, so people can SELL it with the same recipe but not MAKE it. It's easy to slightly change the recipe and get essentially the same thing: for example, they do that with coke here already as they put straight sugar in instead of corn syrup or whatever they use in America. Some of the colourings and vegetable oils they use in the MD American recipe is apparently not all that good for you.
  14. I have had one crazy night. Around 2am I decided that the talk I had spent two days preparing was not suitable to present so I decided to start again from scratch with much simpler German and subject matter (my hobbies). That meant I ahd to write an entirely new talk and create a simple Powerpoint presentation to go with it in 7 hours, which seems like a lot, but please remember that sleep was needed. I slept for an hour and a half to try and get some energy but the sun was already rising by then and I was so worried that my sleep was broken and sporradic. I've finally finished the presentation but I don't think it's going to go well and I think it's far too short but there's nothing I can do about it now. In addition I am dog tired and just drank a can of Mountain Dew (with the American recipe, which matters because said recipe is illegal in the UK) and put on a ton of make-up (not for vanity but because I find that putting on make-up makes me wake up a bit for some reason I cannot fathom). Even more annoying is the fact that the oral presentations are going to take literally hours to go through everyone: it is going to be REALLY boring. At least it looks like it'll be a sunny day... not that it'll matter, I'll be cooped up in a classroom/sleeping for most of it! Wish me luck...
  15. I can't watch that video anymore, it makes me cringe! I got better AFTER that video was taken, once I had gotten used to Morgan's (the horse, aka "Fat Ginge") rhythm. There's a massive thunderstorm goingon outside. I did the whole counting between lightning and thunderclap thing and it's almost over my head. It's raining like mad, the sky is almost black (it's getting dark around 7-8 right now) and the thunder is REALLY loud. SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO WORK, NATURE!!
  16. Those are pretty long and sharp talons. I know... they're pretty long and sharp PURPLE talons now!
  17. Have you seen the video yet?
  18. Just finished "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult. It amuses me that I know more about the American legal system then I do about my own country's laws.
  19. Could you buy a very thirsty eagle some coke whilst you're there? Please?
  20. Cleaning a kitchen. An entire kitchen. I now have to do my nails ALL OVER AGAIN... grah!
  21. I was hoping it would appear. If it helps, I can view it on FB. Are you on FB, Horatio? I'll email a link or two to the video to see if it'll work.
  22. Granted, but you will have to move to New York City and either take the subway or walk. I wish that TBFOF would put me in his pocket and take me to Paris with him. Granted, but you won't be able to get out of the pocket once you're there. I wish I could have another ride tomorrow. Granted, but you will have to start riding at 06H00 and cannot get off until 18H00 that evening. I wish summer was here. Granted, but then it will be so horrifyingly hot outside that you step outside and you turn into bacon meat, or in your case fried hamster, or in my case a brownie brownie. invision references lol. I wish I could go back to iTunes 7.7.1, because version 8 is full of bugs. Granted, but the bugs went with you. I wish my one hundred and sixty dollar jeans actually fit me. Granted, but you can only wear them once before throwing them away. I wish I had more chocolate buttons.
  23. The video was too big to add to an email so I'll figure out a way of sending it to you. It's on FB, though, so that might make things easier. I'll upload some of the photos in my picture thread later.
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