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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. I talk to her sometimes on AIM, but very rarely. Even if she DID come back, she'd only post in Hado, as before.
  2. It's been almost impossible to return here right now. I might return properly in the future, but I've got SO much work to do it's getting way over my head. But so much has changed. I keep coming back and meeting all these people who weren't here before. A lot of my old friends that I used to have have disappeared. TBOH was my best friend on Hampsterdance for a long time, and then she stopped coming. I don't know if she has returned since then. We used to have such fun in Hado... we'd have pages upon pages of different topics. It was wonderful! We RULED Hado. But that was such a long time ago now. If I ever came back, it would be because I'm lonely, which I am now. I WILL come back - or at least visit, when Horatio reminds me. I'd really appreciate some word from friends. I'm sorry for this ramble, but after watching Pocahontas for this millionth time yesterday I noticed some lyrics in Colours of the Wind that I've never noticed before: "Have you ever heard to wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or let the eagle tell you where he's been?" Just change it to "she", and you've got me!
  3. A good idea. A VERY good idea. A MARVELOUS idea it was, to revive this topic! I'minapanicbecauseIhavetodomyhistorycourseworkthatisinfortomorrowbutIcan'tbecauseIleftthesourcesatschool.Iamgoingtodie. Greetings from someone who never turns up anymore, i.e. me.
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