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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Because Jesusfreak is lovely I am going to copy her (the sincerest form of flattery). I thought you'd like to see what an eagle looks like when she becomes human (like swan lake, only not as pretty because eagles aren't as graceful). First photo: my freshers' ball at my university. That dress cost a fortune so I was so paranoid the whole night about not getting it dirty! Second photo: same dress, different evening. It was a benefit dinner for this really great charity called RUSHUK which may be more up JF's street as it's a religious thing. Third photo: CLOSE UP! DOn't know what happened to my make-up in this one, it works better as an MSN display picture Fourth photo: dark, I know, but that's me with the bright lights of Hong Kong. One of the most beautiful sights I've ever witnessed. That's all for now, but I'll post some more later.
  2. And now the other topic has merged with this one. Magic fairies at work? I'm more of a republican supporter than I'd like to admit, so I might just be the odd-one-out here.
  3. "She Holds a Key" by Gavin Degraw. He's one of my favourite artists and I'm gonna see him live a week on Monday... I can't wait! This song is so beautiful.
  4. Thanks a lot JF, but almighty powers have already been bestowed upon me. They just had to delete the other account first!
  5. Don't forget that this thread is about worshiping me. Where is the slaughtered fatted calf? Where's the marching band? Where is the three-storey rodent cake? You guys are all FIRED. Ahh, I'm so happy to be back.
  6. Oh, it is so good to talk to you all. I know I keep on drifting back and forth from this board, but I do miss it. It's just not the same now that the people I used to know back when I first joined (all the way back in 2002!) have gone away... well, some of them, at least. Oh, dear. So much to say. So little time. Thank you all for your support.
  7. Okay, guys. Now that I know that I'm not the only person on this board suseptible to the power of addiction, I must admit that over the past year or so I have been self-harming. Not that badly, but I still did it. It has been 25 weeks since I last "did anything" to the day: that's over six months for those of you who are mathematically impaired, comme moi. I WAS suicidal, I WAS in a dark spot... especially when I influenced my best friend to self-harm, too, to a much worse degree. Also, a friend of mine who used to be my best friend (in the past) phoned my up yesterday to tell me that she hates me and that she wishes that she'd never met me. That's the abridged version. If you want to know more, let me know. It has been hard for me, but I believe that I'm pretty much over it. Life has been hard, but it's getting better. Much better.
  8. E X C U U U U U S S S S S E E E E E M E E E E E?????????????? Just keeping you on your toes. I've got to go to bed soon. It's late. Oh, and I'm waiting for your feedback on whether I should say what has happened to me (or what I MADE happen to me). I'd like to share it with you but I need to be... careful.
  9. Jesse! *shreaks with enjoyment* I'm so happy to talk to you after all this time! How have you been? I've sent an e-mail to Horatio to determine whether or not I can tell you lot about what has been going on for me. I think we can bet it'll be a pretty solid "no", but it's worth a try, eh? For those who have never met me: Hi, I'm LifesEagle, a.k.a. Kat/Katta (I prefer the latter). I'm 16, live in England, and I eat worms. And small rodents.
  10. Tell you what, I'll send you an e-mail so you can decide for yourself whether or not I should a) say something about it in detail and how much I SHOULD say, and in what way (so as not to offend or disturb). What I have to say may be fairly shocking. Well. It has been earth-shattering for me.
  11. I will and so do I... especially the food one! LOL Food one? Thou art confusing me.
  12. It's more... heavy going, non-relationship stuff that I don't think you'd aprove for posting. Never mind. Is Sheena still around? I can't remember who was still here when I left. Help me. Argh.
  13. Tell you what, let's just move all this over to my new thread. That'll make things easier. Ahh, I miss the old smilies.
  14. LifesEagle's back. On Horatio's request, I have made my own topic. Though I think it's hardly required. As I've said in another topic, I'm back here for the emotional support and the fact that I miss all y'all. I've been through some pretty heavy-going and difficult times recently. Feel free to ask questions: I am aware that I'm being vague. Fire away, my dearies.
  15. LIFESEAGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!!!!!! I am so excited that I am hardly type!!!!! *asks a million questions* How are you? How is school? What is going on? We have missed you so much you have no idea!!!!!!!!! Don't go anywhere. I am trying to remember just how to do the screen shot and of course, I can't find Jesse's directions. Aarggghhh! Hiya, Horatio! It's nice to see you. I haven't been that good,a ctually. The past year has been... hard for me and I've been through some difficult times. Sooo... who's going to be the first to tell me what has been going on around here? Who are the now-regular posters? Am I still on the top-ten-poster list (though I doubt it)? Tell old LE all.
  16. Um... okay. My head hurts just frmo looking at all this.
  17. Unfortunately, I'll think you'll find that I'm oh-so superior. I can barely remember by old HD identity. I know that everybody loved and knew me at one point but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Oh, well. I'm busy writing my own novel nowadays so I don't really have time for general forum waffling. How about if I make your special topic and pin it so you do not have to search and search and you can keep us updated. You always know how to find me... you had better stay in touch or the hammies of the world will move all your aeries to other locations!!! I'd appreciate that, but sure;y it's favouratism and not fair to everyone else...? I think I live at such a high altitude that the poor hammies will need their own oxygen cylinders. You could join Mushroom_king and Top Banana. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Erm... sorry, Horatio, you've lost me. Or I've lost my brain. Or both.
  18. Where'd your cookie topic go? I'd like a cookie about now. Are you sure I had a cookie topic...? I can't even remember it. If you find it I'll give you a cookie myself. Greetings to everyone else that I've missed! You most definitely had a cookie topic. I have been looking for it myself! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure...? Me not believing anyone until I have pure solid proof of my own insanity. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's in... Hmm. That one above Warm Wishes. I found it for you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're right! Thank you very much. I don't even remember making that topic. Thanks a grape bunch! I must be mad. Seriously.
  19. I obviously was a few cells short of a brain when I made this topic...! I'm offering cookies again, made with my all-new recipe.
  20. Where'd your cookie topic go? I'd like a cookie about now. Are you sure I had a cookie topic...? I can't even remember it. If you find it I'll give you a cookie myself. Greetings to everyone else that I've missed! You most definitely had a cookie topic. I have been looking for it myself! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure...? Me not believing anyone until I have pure solid proof of my own insanity.
  21. Unfortunately, I'll think you'll find that I'm oh-so superior. I can barely remember by old HD identity. I know that everybody loved and knew me at one point but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Oh, well. I'm busy writing my own novel nowadays so I don't really have time for general forum waffling. How about if I make your special topic and pin it so you do not have to search and search and you can keep us updated. You always know how to find me... you had better stay in touch or the hammies of the world will move all your aeries to other locations!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd appreciate that, but sure;y it's favouratism and not fair to everyone else...? I think I live at such a high altitude that the poor hammies will need their own oxygen cylinders.
  22. Where'd your cookie topic go? I'd like a cookie about now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure I had a cookie topic...? I can't even remember it. If you find it I'll give you a cookie myself. Greetings to everyone else that I've missed!
  23. Unfortunately, I'll think you'll find that I'm oh-so superior. I can barely remember by old HD identity. I know that everybody loved and knew me at one point but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Oh, well. I'm busy writing my own novel nowadays so I don't really have time for general forum waffling.
  24. BFOH!! One of my best friends ever! Undiscovered Genius was a good friend to me and I'm so glad to see you. Me wishes that you post again. Me hungee. My brain is imploding. Dying. Dying. Dead. .
  25. She posted. A LOT. Every single page was filled with "Last post by The Biggest Fan of Hado". I remember finding it very funny. TGHL has already answered your first question, as you can see. It's the Easter holidays soon, so I'll probably come on then. I won't forget. Congratulations on getting ahead of me. No hard feelings... Even though I spent over two years working on that post count... Are you sure that you don't have any coursework? I've got chemistry and geography to work on at present. I got my English media coursework piece back yesterday - a film review on The Truman Show - and I got an A*!!
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