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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Cold. I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London. I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now. Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them. You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean. Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song. WHAT ??????????? You were here and you didn't let me know! *starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle* Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.
  2. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    My poetry is usually better than that! But before I prove that, here's a spontaneous haiku: Rodents are tasty. I try my best to avoid All red meat these days. Nothing much, I just wanted to know that you're okay, and from reading some of this thread I've got a good idea of that. I look at your Neopets account every once in a while but it's just not the same! I miss the old days of SSJ6Lohan and your message board. Also, I found what I THINK is your LJ...
  3. I'll only prey on the slow ones. Fish is too hard to catch. I'm one of those eagles that miraculously manages to pick up entire sheep with my talons and fly off with them. I'll stick with cod liver oil.
  4. Thank you, I'll tell her you said that. She's such a silly cat but I love her. I saw her for the first time when she was 5 days old and I could cold her in the palm of my hand and we took her home mere days after she was weaned. I love it that she has been with me for the vast majority of her life and it's upsetting that I don't have my kitty here with me now. The gremlins are attacking the boards! AaAaAaRrRrRgGgGhHhHhHhH! I have had a few comments, but people mainly think it's cute. It's just two big eyes and a computer chip.
  5. When you read Red Dragon... what was your reaction at the one scene near the end? This is the very first time in my life when I actually gasped rather loudly! It was such a shock! The author's technique was unbelieveable. Do you mean the scene where or the scene where ? I find Hannibal was much more exciting in terms of dramatic scenes. Thomas Harris is my favourite author, his characters are so deep and detailed.
  6. But Jesusfreak probably was not as active in her costume as you were!!!!! You could have always super-glued the dress up. Great pictures! Thanks for posting them. Yeah, my friends and I did whole battle scenes using my video camera. We did old fashioned Batman and Robin-style stuff while people watched from the school windows. It was really funny but so embarassing! Yeah, I could have done... for my freshers' ball there was a lot of dancing and I could only do penguin impressions. I'll upload more at some point but there aren't may great ones of me on this computer: the ones I'm getting are on FB.
  7. Okay, thanks for the clarification. I found a thread that I apparently made years ago in the accouncement board asking for a list of the rules: I don't think anybody took care of that!
  8. Yeah, no way was Livingstone getting back into office! Boris was the best candidate out of the bunch. That election was a one horse race. Really? What are you doing there? I'm studying in Brum and missing London quite a bit.
  9. Third photo that didn't come out for some reason.
  10. Here are a couple of photos of my babykin. She's called Friskey Biskey Liskey Cindy Lindy Mocky Mindy, but we call her "Licky" or "Fikky" for short. I don't have many good photos of her on this computer but I half a couple. The first one is when we were having a big garden party for my parents' 15th anniversary/my dad's 50th. We had an open bar but Fikky got a little bit drunk before the guests arrived! The second one is when she fell asleep in my cap: she's a real cat in the hat! The third one is an extreme close-up. With my bank account I can put my own picture on my debit card so I put the third photo of her on it. It's so creepy to pay for things with her eyes staring at me!
  11. Horatio, you have just found my weak spot. the Hannibal Lecter books and films are my all-time favourites. I read the books with awe and could not put them down for anything. And the films... wow, Anthony Hopkins is a god at acting. I love the plot, the characters, the intensity of it all.
  12. I saw Zatoichi a few nights ago. Anyone seen it? Look up "zatoichi tap dance" on Youtube and be amazed.
  13. "Shipoopi" from "The Music Man". I love to dance to this one.
  14. I made my own ears using a headband and card. They ended up looking more like mouse ears, though. I couldn't find aything as impressive as your boots, though. I got a little black mask but it just got in the way. That dress had so much boning in I thought it WOULD stay up and I'm lucky enough to be able to support the dress, if you know what I mean. It was alright, I just couldn't put my arms up for both evenings.
  15. But I think a large number of people know my last name anyway. And didn't the rules change if the individual ws over 18, or did I get that from nowhere?
  16. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Hello Jesse Jesse is great To talk to Jesse I cannot wait. I think that my application for poet laureate of HD will have to wait a few years.
  17. Cold. I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London. I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now. Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them. You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean. Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.
  18. Eagles aren't supposed to be nocturnal. Hamsters are though. My prey is nocturnal, so I must be, too. I didn't get to sleep until 6 last night... BIG mistake, my body clock is now really messed up.
  19. As instructed by Horatio, I'm posting here. Leguan, we may have a few things in common as I'm now studying Biological Sciences with study in continental Europe, which means that my third year of study will be spent in Germany. The only probalemis that I haven't studied German in 2 years so my German classes (compulsory for my degree) are tricky at the moment, especially because I've forgotten things I used to know really well. But such is life.
  20. I felt I wasn't getting a balanced view of things: I only ever really heard pro-democrat stuff and I hate to hear one-sided arguments. And I never said I liked Palin! She scares the living daylights out of me. I'm annoyed of poitics in general at the moment because earlier this year there was a fairly big election for the Mayor of London that only people who are residents of the city can vote for. I was VERY annoyed because my 18th birthday was on the 3rd of May and the election was on the 1st of May... you can imagine how frustrating that was!
  21. Speaking of cat costumes, I ALSO dressed up as catwoman, but not for Halloween. It was my last week of school and every day we dressed up as something different so on the "superhero" themed day I wore this. I don't think it's as impressive as JF's but it's not bad, considering I had only one evening to put it together! I can't seem up upload the close-up... hmm. Let's see if it works this time. And thanks for the compliments about the dress. The only problem was that I lost some weight before I got to wear it so I had to keep on pulling it up all night.
  22. On Facebook, chatting to friends, on Ninjavideo, looking at photos of Mika. And, yes, I do all these things at 4am.
  23. "In love with a girl", Gavin Degraw again. I really must stop listneing to the same artist over and over again.
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