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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. My awesome cured blackheads. This is a big deal because I haven't found anything to truly get rid of those.
  2. Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED! I just plain rule. so do i. Not as much as me. I am TAWX. I'm so awesome, I'm the Mayor Of Awesometown. In fact, I'm also the Mayor or Radville, too. I'm so awesome, people have gone deaf from the sound of my awesome. (but depends if awesometude = rulitude.) I'm so awesome that I need therapy to help me relieve some of my awesometude. I suppose it depends whether it's literal ruling or "pwning" ruling. In which case they're entirely different ball games.
  3. Yeah, no way was Livingstone getting back into office! Boris was the best candidate out of the bunch. That election was a one horse race. Really? What are you doing there? I'm studying in Brum and missing London quite a bit. Oh dear, I can see where this might be going. Why, perchance, were you for Boris and against Livingstone? Studying in London as it happens. I can see why you're missing London, I love it. Especially Shoreditch for some reason. I'm a tory and that's no secret! They're going to be voted in next election, that much is clear, everybody is fed up with Brown. Lstone was terrible, he didn't get anything right, whereas Boris is making positive changes already (and he keeps on coming to my town for no reason so I see him around every now and then). Plus, his hair is adorable! I guessed. I've had to get used to a new city and I didn't realise how BIG Brum is. I'm not that familiar with Shoreditch, I'm more of a fan of South Ken and Covent Garden (and running up and down the Mall screaming).
  4. (I hate those really long quote lists!) I went to an all-girls' school so attention from guys has been severely lacking. I've only been in mixed-sex education for one year of my actual school career and I was 3 years old. SO university is a real step-up. Yet absolutely no guys talk to me AT ALL so I'm not at all feel optomistic right now. (Haha remember the pyramid game from the old boards?) I could never survive an all-girls school, no way. Living on an all-girls floor is bad enough. Also, the guys might be waiting for you to talk to them. Most guys I know are terrified to go talk to a girl they don't know without being introduced. (That game was so annoying! You had to scroll for half an hour down every page!) There was no choice in my area: all the good schools (mainly priavte schools in this case) were single-sex and all the mixed-sex schools were state (public) schools. It wasn't bad because then you buckle down and get work done instead of dealing with romantic agendas. Yeeaaah, I'm not the spontaneous conversation type. I prefer the booked conversation type! Ah, I see. Most people here in the US can't afford private schools, and a lot of places have decent public schools. And maybe it's just me, but I didn't have much problem with romantic interests getting in the way of school, but then again my romantic interests usually weren't in my classes (and often not in my school for that matter). And spontaneous conversation just takes practice lol. I was lucky, I guess, to get to go to a good school. I've never been the confident type. Most of the friends I had when I was 12-15 were online because I just couldn't talk to people and I STILL can't talk to people. But I'm gonna stop talking about all this because something really horrid happened this evening and it's making me really depressed. :closedeyes: I just need to work on my self-esteem a little more.
  5. D: Im not trying to make them awesome. Haha, that's okay. It takes a special talent to try and make something look terrible on purpose and it ends up lookinh awesome.
  6. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Jess must be so creeped out that I've just invaded his personal space all over the internet. lol intarwebz. I am in ur interwebz, stealing ur sanitiz hahaha. Whatever would we do without lolcats? And wasn't this topic meant to be about Jesse?
  7. Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED! I just plain rule. so do i. Not as much as me. I am TAWX.
  8. (I hate those really long quote lists!) I went to an all-girls' school so attention from guys has been severely lacking. I've only been in mixed-sex education for one year of my actual school career and I was 3 years old. SO university is a real step-up. Yet absolutely no guys talk to me AT ALL so I'm not at all feel optomistic right now. (Haha remember the pyramid game from the old boards?) I could never survive an all-girls school, no way. Living on an all-girls floor is bad enough. Also, the guys might be waiting for you to talk to them. Most guys I know are terrified to go talk to a girl they don't know without being introduced. (That game was so annoying! You had to scroll for half an hour down every page!) There was no choice in my area: all the good schools (mainly priavte schools in this case) were single-sex and all the mixed-sex schools were state (public) schools. It wasn't bad because then you buckle down and get work done instead of dealing with romantic agendas. Yeeaaah, I'm not the spontaneous conversation type. I prefer the booked conversation type!
  9. -Kat-, thanks for making me laugh with your pic. I needed that. And Arkcher, you're breaking the rules: YOUR last picture was actually a good one! But I must retaliate:
  10. (I hate those really long quote lists!) I went to an all-girls' school so attention from guys has been severely lacking. I've only been in mixed-sex education for one year of my actual school career and I was 3 years old. SO university is a real step-up. Yet absolutely no guys talk to me AT ALL so I'm not at all feel optomistic right now.
  11. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Jess must be so creeped out that I've just invaded his personal space all over the internet. lol intarwebz. I am in ur interwebz, stealing ur sanitiz
  12. More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. LOL Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing. I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. LOL I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself? Why, thank you. When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep! The King? Elvis? LOL The King... King Elvis Kong. LOL You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song. Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung. *screaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsssssssssssssssssssssss* Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I work in Memphis, Tennessee. *covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators* :wacko: I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! *runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling* Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster! *sends out little robot worms to hunt you down* Worms... tasty and full of protein too! Not these ones. Bite these and lose those pretty little teeth of yours. Hmmmph! Takes over the computer chips in the robo worms and sends them into shark-infested waters. Eeeek! I will get you, my pretty, and your little plane, too!!
  13. Whoa, what a Christmas present! How tall are you? I want your definition of "little". About 5'1" I think. At least that's what it says on my driver's license lol. Oh dear! I'm 5'7-8". I feel even more like a tall freak now! lol most girls would love to be as tall as you. I have roughly the body of a 12 year old. You remind me a LOT of someone I know who is also a "jesusfreak" so it's all rather uncanny. Do you ever wear contacts? lol interesting. I do not wear contacts. I have really sensitive eyes so I wouldn't do well with sticking things in them. Plus I've had glasses since i was two, so I wake up in the morning and put them on. Having to find and then insert contacts in the morning wouldn't work well for me. Glasses are more low maintenance. Wow, you HAVE had them for a long time. Don't you even want to try them? I swear by my contacts, I couldn't live without them lol yeah. I don't really want to try them, but people have been telling me for years to try them. If I do anything non-glasses, it will be laser surgery. Do you know your perscription? I used to work in an optician's so I'm not clueless when it comes to eyes. Not sure, but it must be something pretty unusual because sometimes when I order glasses the lenses aren't right, because the person making the lenses sees the prescription and says, "That can't be right, they must have meant this." You poor thing. I might get eye surgery one day but I'm more interested in getting my nose done (vain, I know). lol I guess I lucked out that I'm happy with my body overall. Finding clothes that fit can be hard, and my skin isn't that great, but aside from that it's good enough. At least it usually functions pretty well. Well, you're alive, so I suppose your body is doing SOMETHING right! I'm getting into looking good at the moment because my self-esteem is really low. :closedeyes: lol But you look lovely! You have no reason to have low self-esteem. In my experience, people tend to think they're a lot less attractive than they really are. And even then, attraction is so subjective. I agree with Jesusfreak... you are really pretty!!! Thanks, but this thread isn't the one where I should pour out all my insecurities. I suppose the fact that I get no attention from other human beings of the male persuation around me doesn't help. :closedeyes:
  14. Classic. Arkcher's got the idea. I love the intense expression on your face! Serious archchurr is serious. D:< What are you aiming at, out of curiousity? That flying Eegul over there. ... waaaait a minute. Don't you dare or I'll fly over there and bite your arrow in two! You could always poop on his head. EXCUSE ME, I'm CIVILISED... ... I'll cover his house in it instead. Nice! Then you could get his friends to T.P. it after you fly off. I rule.
  15. Alright, if I haven't gone to bed in the meantime. I have to get my energy tomorrow for shoe shopping tomorrow (I sound like such a girl! ). And that is one awesome name for a computer. I used to call mine "Big Adding Machine", but now I have a new computer for uni I don't know what to call it. I think I'll have to call it Dusty. I cannot take any credit for the name... Arkcher was the genius behind the name. And Adam loves his name!!! It is a good name. By the way, my brother called his old iPod "Sir Arnold Horatio III".
  16. At 99 years old... he is lucky he able to post. Does he know about your malicious slander?
  17. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Jess must be so creeped out that I've just invaded his personal space all over the internet.
  18. More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. LOL Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing. I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. LOL I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself? Why, thank you. When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep! The King? Elvis? LOL The King... King Elvis Kong. LOL You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song. Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung. *screaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsssssssssssssssssssssss* Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I work in Memphis, Tennessee. *covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators* :wacko: I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! *runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling* Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster! *sends out little robot worms to hunt you down* Worms... tasty and full of protein too! Not these ones. Bite these and lose those pretty little teeth of yours.
  19. I'll only prey on the slow ones. Fish is too hard to catch. I'm one of those eagles that miraculously manages to pick up entire sheep with my talons and fly off with them. I'll stick with cod liver oil. Sheep make a much better dinner. Rodents are like hors d'oeurves. You would have to work too hard to fill your stomach. Not if I have one of those sushi bar conveyor belts. Then the mice will keep on coming! LOL *hands LifesEagle The Double Gold Star Award* You definitely earned an award for that thought. Thank you! *holds with pride* Now I have a real craving for sushi... but it's 1am. Maybe I'll go chasing the neighbourhood cats. Please capture all those felines before they terrorize any more of my relatives. You mean the PESTS?
  20. Sorry, I didn't see your post! Thanks a lot, everybody loves that peacock, the girl who eventually bought it ended up putting it on her wall instead of sending it to anybody! It's the doggeral of origami. I make cranes, though, and if I weight the head they can fly further than you would think!
  21. Because when I went to edit it, it disappeared, or so I thought, so I re-wrote the post and never looked above my new post as I was certain it was gone. :rolleyes: Besides... what do you expect from a blonde male hamster?????? Silly! I see you haven't deleted your shame yet. I think the scene you're talking about is from Silence, actually, , or am I wrong again? Is that a sarky sexist remark, dear Horatio? Now I must be confused. Let me read the book again, or at least the last couple chapters, it was not . But senile hamsters always get all their stories mixed up. Sarky sexist remark..... would I do that? LOL There might be that scene there, but I'm pretty sure this "popping up" scene is from Silence. Have you read all the Lecter books (LE-cter )? Maybe. I wouldn't put it past you.
  22. Classic. Arkcher's got the idea. I love the intense expression on your face! Serious archchurr is serious. D:< What are you aiming at, out of curiousity? That flying Eegul over there. ... waaaait a minute. Don't you dare or I'll fly over there and bite your arrow in two! You could always poop on his head. EXCUSE ME, I'm CIVILISED... ... I'll cover his house in it instead.
  23. Whoa, what a Christmas present! How tall are you? I want your definition of "little". About 5'1" I think. At least that's what it says on my driver's license lol. Oh dear! I'm 5'7-8". I feel even more like a tall freak now! lol most girls would love to be as tall as you. I have roughly the body of a 12 year old. You remind me a LOT of someone I know who is also a "jesusfreak" so it's all rather uncanny. Do you ever wear contacts? lol interesting. I do not wear contacts. I have really sensitive eyes so I wouldn't do well with sticking things in them. Plus I've had glasses since i was two, so I wake up in the morning and put them on. Having to find and then insert contacts in the morning wouldn't work well for me. Glasses are more low maintenance. Wow, you HAVE had them for a long time. Don't you even want to try them? I swear by my contacts, I couldn't live without them lol yeah. I don't really want to try them, but people have been telling me for years to try them. If I do anything non-glasses, it will be laser surgery. Do you know your perscription? I used to work in an optician's so I'm not clueless when it comes to eyes. Not sure, but it must be something pretty unusual because sometimes when I order glasses the lenses aren't right, because the person making the lenses sees the prescription and says, "That can't be right, they must have meant this." You poor thing. I might get eye surgery one day but I'm more interested in getting my nose done (vain, I know). lol I guess I lucked out that I'm happy with my body overall. Finding clothes that fit can be hard, and my skin isn't that great, but aside from that it's good enough. At least it usually functions pretty well. Well, you're alive, so I suppose your body is doing SOMETHING right! I'm getting into looking good at the moment because my self-esteem is really low. :closedeyes:
  24. HK is a fire fighter, but I'm not sure if that's his actual job or a volunteer thing. How did he become the admin, then? A strange world, this one.
  25. More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing. I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself? Why, thank you. When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep! The King? Elvis? The King... King Elvis Kong. LOL You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song. Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung. *screaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsssssssssssssssssssssss* Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I work in Memphis, Tennessee. *covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators* :wacko: I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! *runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling* Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster! *sends out little robot worms to hunt you down*
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