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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. There's Two of Hamsterweb?! What happened to Hamsterking?! YOU KILLED HIM DIDN'T YOU?? WHY YOU NO-GOOD...NO, YOU GO AWAY, GUY IN WHITE COAT!!! I actually HAVE a white coat... so I guess I'm responsible!
  2. There are whole episodes on Youtube that I watch from time to time. I always loved Dexter's strange accent.
  3. Yes, I know all that, but SOMEBODY put HW and HW in charge.
  4. My uni has a fetish society and they were chaining people up at the societies fair.
  5. That's really good! Okay, I'm putting a 3-minute time limit on every picture drawn.
  6. "Cop Stop" by Gavin Degraw. I love this song because its first line is: "When your feathers are soaked and your eyes are too bloody to see", which is fairly suitable for a person of my birdage.
  7. But who ARE they, exactly? Aliens who brought the Hampsters to us?
  8. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    I suppose with the new FB layout it's harder to notice these things as you have to switch tabs to see info, so as JF said, only people who are genuinely interested in knowing these things will notice the little details. I know even that is a hard step so well done.
  9. Oh that video! We were playing truth or dare. Lara asked for a dare. My roomie had the brilliant idea that Lara had to run the entire length of the hall and back shouting "The British are coming!!!!" the whole time. Also in that session Dave was told to confess his (actually nonexistant) love for Dylan (who was sitting at the front desk with his girlfriend). I doubt that video is small enough to be uploaded here though, it's like 10 minutes long, and I don't remember how the language was through all of that..... I watched some clips to see if I could pin you out. I love all the underwater bits. And the soundtrack was fun as well.
  10. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    I bet that more people than you realise, even in your college, will be accepting. If you don't make out then it's a big deal then people will pick up on your positiveness and confidence. So few people will express their prejudice to your face and you're intelligent enough to suss out the people who are too weak-of-heart to bring up their differences in front of you. I know it seems so hard now but once you have those few around you who you care for being "in the know" then you'll have the confidence to express yourself more freely.
  11. Our accomodation now has a rat. Horatio, are you responsible for this?
  12. Alright, if I haven't gone to bed in the meantime. I have to get my energy tomorrow for shoe shopping tomorrow (I sound like such a girl! ). And that is one awesome name for a computer. I used to call mine "Big Adding Machine", but now I have a new computer for uni I don't know what to call it. I think I'll have to call it Dusty. I cannot take any credit for the name... Arkcher was the genius behind the name. And Adam loves his name!!! It is a good name. By the way, my brother called his old iPod "Sir Arnold Horatio III". Yippee!!!!!!!! I love the name!!!!! I'm glad. But remember, it MUST be pronounced in a posh accent!
  13. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Very curious that this is an exact repeat of a conversation I once had with my best friend. I advised her to not make it a big deal, especially in her head, otherwise it would become a taboo that she would never be able to share with anyone, even if they DID ask.
  14. JF, there's one photo where someone runs down a corridor shouting "The British are coming, the British are coming". Looks like you're having a good (albeit fearful of the British) life.
  15. lawl awesome. I should make a bad picture and add it. I'm really bad at drawing, and even worse at computer drawing..... That's the point. The worse the better!
  16. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    For me it's more about faith than religion. I don't associate with many other Christians because I can't stand a lot of them. :closedeyes: lol I should change my religion on facebook to "What He said." Organised religion has a lot to answer for. You DO get the close-knit church communities but you're lucky to find one like that, and when you do, you have to integrate. I went to a new church once and they barely spoke to me at all.
  17. lolz. Pictures take a long time to put up here. What do you all want me to post pictures of? They do? You mean, the speed of uploading? For me it's almost isntant but I suppose that's just my internet connection. And now I can spy on you as much as I like. But I especially like your strange videos.
  18. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    The Christian attitude towards the gay community is one of the main reasons why I just couldn't be a Christian anymore. I KNOW not every Christian feels that way but I just couldn't face the idea at all of belonging to a religion where that was a view that was opposed - as JF said - for having so few mentions in the Bible.
  19. Let's get this back on topic, namely: JF's piccies! SOme of them are really wonderful but we want to see more.
  20. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Our of character maybe, but often it's god to surprise yourself and try something new. That's an admirable approach to relationships indeed, people will certainly learn to respect you.
  21. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    There are ways of "recruiting", though it depends whether or not you're in the school of thought that sexuality is fluid. I know it's difficult, but don't lose heart: my best friend is in a similar position right now and she's finding it difficult so I've been talking about this a lot recently.
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