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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. *loves riding* I've got my paws crossed that you win the first season of "Dexter"!!! I didn't know you like riding! Do you ride nowadays? It doesn't matter if I don't get it, I have a bootleg copy from China.
  2. You know the rules. Break them at your peril. Clouds are so fluffy. They are made of wet water And rain on my head.
  4. Because when I went to edit it, it disappeared, or so I thought, so I re-wrote the post and never looked above my new post as I was certain it was gone. :rolleyes: Besides... what do you expect from a blonde male hamster?????? Silly! I see you haven't deleted your shame yet. I think the scene you're talking about is from Silence, actually, , or am I wrong again? Is that a sarky sexist remark, dear Horatio? Now I must be confused. Let me read the book again, or at least the last couple chapters, it was not . But senile hamsters always get all their stories mixed up. Sarky sexist remark..... would I do that? LOL There might be that scene there, but I'm pretty sure this "popping up" scene is from Silence. Have you read all the Lecter books (LE-cter )? Maybe. I wouldn't put it past you. Perhaps. Is there a new one out? Something that I have missed???? The books, in order ot publish dates: Red Dragon The Silence of the Lambs Hannibal Hannibal Rising ... with The Silence being my favourite. I read all existing books in the summer of 2006 and had to wait for the next book to come out and it was agony! But not as much agony as the wait I now have to endure as it takes around 9 years for THomas Harris to complete one book... You guessed correctly. I have read them all. Red Dragon is my favourite. I would rather have him take a long time to write a book then do like some of these other guys and pump out books that all seem the same. I stopped reading a couple authors because when I started the book, I already knew how it was going to progress. I find Red Dragon to be the most boring, maybe because I'm a fan of Starling. He sure does put lots of research in but I feel sorry for his fans that have been with him since the early eighties! I'm a great fan of the films as well and even made a friend in Australia who loves the books as much as I. So cannibals really do bring people together!
  5. Thanks for listening to my neuroses, guys. Last night I was really bad and almost cut quite badly but managed to hold back, mainly because I was really worried about today (a test and facing my German teacher after missing 2 weeks of lessons). But Christmas is coming up and I get to go home, even though my brother isn't coming home so it's going to be lonely without him. I'm THINKING about going to see a doctor but it'll all be so involved as I don't have TIME to go to therapy and see doctors, I'm busy enough as it is. I suppose my life just feels stagnant and lonely as I haven't made any friends here yet. I feel like my life has no meaning at all. Sigh, I must really stupid whining.
  6. WHOAAAAAAAAA... free chocolate every half hour? I'm there. You have educated me on a number of things today... I didn't know this was the factory that inspired that movie. How awesome! At least, I THINK is is the factory that inspired him because that's what I've been told. What can I say, I'm a giver. To tempt you, I'm including a photo of the liquid chocolate.
  7. All this talk of Starbucks... VANILLA BEAN FRUPPACHINO!!! They don't sell that one here so I've only had it a few times. How sad for me!
  8. The only good thing about PETA is that they've got a competition to win the first season of "Dexter", of which I am a fan and I signed up for. What irony it'll be if I win! Of course, now I keep on getting emails from them and I couldn't care less about what they have to say. Even though I AM ni an animal mood right now: I went riding today and the stables where I go has more animals there than Noah's ark! There was one dog that kept on following me around and she wanted to play fetch all the time but she kept on losing the sticks I was throwing her. Such a cutie!
  9. Yeah, "sea kittens" because apparently nobody would hurt a kitten. The more they spout their rubbish the less I care about animal rights. They make me want to go around in my fur-lined coat fastened with a leather belt as I look great in my animal-tested make-up eating battery chicken KFC. They don't even treat other animal rights campaigners with respect! But this is one issue that I can't go on about because I'll just start getting offensive.
  10. You just educated me. I had no idea that bacon was risky. I luuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvv bacon! BLT's, bacon and eggs, bacon and cheese omelets. Bacon, bacon, bacon!!!!!!! No... no eagle eyes. Just mostly blind hamster eyes. If I had spotted the feather before I was eating the wing, I would have removed it. The only way I knew what made me sick was due to the fact that the feather was the only object that came up other than water. And as soon as it arrived in the sink, I felt immediately better. And complain in Paris... I have enough trouble locating a bathroom in French. I am also a hardcore carnivore, but PETA happens to be doing wonderful work in Arkansas at the moment. There is a group of guys who manufacture bullets. They have decided that testing on live hogs is totally acceptable. The hogs to not die immediately, but die a horrible and painful death. In this case, I do support PETA. That bullet manufacturer should spend the extra money for some kind of testing materials that are artificial, not living animals. Good choice. Well, if pork is then bacon must be just as bad. I LOVE bacon as well and I'm actually dying for some right now, but tonight it's chicken sweet and sour as always (it's easy to cook in my dinky student kitchen!). Ooh, I see. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a translator, they could really hurt someone serving food like that. There was apparently a health bulletin about a week ago warning people about eating at Subway and from a quick Google search it appears that a worrying number of people get sick from eating there across the world. The town where I'm studying seems to have more Subways than Starbucks (something tells me I've said that already) so every time I go past I feel sick. Right now I can't even think about PETA, what with their campaign to rename fish "sea kittens". There are people starving in the world.
  11. I'm fine, I exist. My food poisoning/tummy bug/whatever has been replaced by an almost crippling depression. My friends have been trying to get me to see a doctor for around two years now but I just won't go, but now I'm beginning to see what they mean. Right now my self-esteem is at one of its low points, encouraged by the fact that I feel completely undesirable. I am running out of money because I buy things I don't need to deal with what I'm feeling and I can't stop doing some of the nasty things I used to do and mentioned on this board briefly a few months ago. So... yeah, I'm a pretty depressing eagle right now. :closedeyes:
  12. Because when I went to edit it, it disappeared, or so I thought, so I re-wrote the post and never looked above my new post as I was certain it was gone. :rolleyes: Besides... what do you expect from a blonde male hamster?????? Silly! I see you haven't deleted your shame yet. I think the scene you're talking about is from Silence, actually, , or am I wrong again? Is that a sarky sexist remark, dear Horatio? Now I must be confused. Let me read the book again, or at least the last couple chapters, it was not . But senile hamsters always get all their stories mixed up. Sarky sexist remark..... would I do that? LOL There might be that scene there, but I'm pretty sure this "popping up" scene is from Silence. Have you read all the Lecter books (LE-cter )? Maybe. I wouldn't put it past you. Perhaps. Is there a new one out? Something that I have missed???? The books, in order ot publish dates: Red Dragon The Silence of the Lambs Hannibal Hannibal Rising ... with The Silence being my favourite. I read all existing books in the summer of 2006 and had to wait for the next book to come out and it was agony! But not as much agony as the wait I now have to endure as it takes around 9 years for THomas Harris to complete one book...
  13. And the best thing is that I'm studying REALLY close to it. I just noticed that the car hasn't got a driver door! The only annoying thing is that the whole place was full of little kids. But the BEST part was the packing section, where you could see all the chocolate bars on conveyor belts being wrapped up. I also felt honoured to see the factory system that so inspired Charlie and the CHocolate Factory. Oh, and the free chocolate every half an hour. THAT WAS AWESOME.
  14. I suppose it depends on what you eat. My sub had chicken AND bacon so they were both risky meats. You must be more eagle-eyed than me tohave spotted that! Oh dear, didn't you complain? That's a real health risk. My stance on vegetarianism is well known. Heck, my current FB status is "hardcore carnivore" and I just added the FB group "I Hate PETA". I've heard that it's good, but I certainly won't be going anywhere near that place for a while. And if I do ti certainly won't be the branch that I went to to get THIS one. The city where I'm studying appears to have more Subways than it has Starbucks. It was a nightmare. I also really hate the country: I am NEVER going back.
  15. You completely changed the lyrics of the classic Marc Cohn song, which is now "Riding in Memphis". Speaking of which, I was looking up the suites in the "Heartbreak Hotel" today. I wanna go to Graceland so bad. When you get here you have a place to stay. Come on over!!! My cage is always open to you, but you have to promise not to eat my relatives. And you need to come when it is either his birthday or anniversary of his death... there are so many Elvii running around you will think you have lost your mind. Have you seen the special suites in the Heartbreak Hotel? It's like a dream... but SO pricey! I would think that it would be a nightmare getting into Memphis/fiding somewhere to stay/finding room to walk on those days, though I would LOVE to attend the vigil. Great man, great man.
  16. I didn't think that it was food poisoning at first but I appear to have all the symptoms, and many people I know who have had food poisoning remain feeling a bit groggy for a few days afterwards. I actually think it's a combination of things because I felt a bit groggy BEFORE I had the sub but from the looks of what I brought up the chicken hadn't been digested, so I don't know what to think. I also had had a few subs in the days leading up to it so maybe it's a Subway intollerance. # Oh, that sounds awful! How could you not notice a feather on a wing...? I remember getting something similar on a holiday to Spain once (worst holiday of my life) where we went to TGI Friday's and a few chicken tenders had me throwing up in the night and bed-ridden with an explosive temperature for about 4 days.
  17. I went to the world-famous Cadbury's factory last weekend with my cousin. We went mental on Dairy Milk and reject chokkies! The first one is me with warm, liquid milk chocolate mixed with rice crispies... yes, it was NICER than it sounds. The second picture is my dream car...
  18. You completely changed the lyrics of the classic Marc Cohn song, which is now "Riding in Memphis". Speaking of which, I was looking up the suites in the "Heartbreak Hotel" today. I wanna go to Graceland so bad.
  19. Yeah, I wasn't actually eating rodents (of course) but I had a chicken and bacon sub from Subway and I brought it up Tuesday night. On Wednesday I was too scared to eat but in the evening I had something small and brought THAT up, too. I just about managed to hold my lunch down today, but I have a feeling and I'll be better tomorrow. Right now I can't even get out of my chair otherwise I get a huge wave of nausea. Yesterday morning I couldn't even get out of bed and missed handing in TWO important assignments... What were you eating to get FP, Horatio?
  20. I have food poisoning. Isn't that wonderful news? No more raw mice for me. Urrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh. :closedeyes: This explains my lack of posts, in case you've been wondering. Anyone got good treatments for nausea?
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