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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. That's from around the past week or so. Tomorrow I'll crush them and when I have enough I'll take them to the recycling thing. Until then I amuse myself making towers and using them as pins for bowling.
  2. I confused you. The topic you read was Glowurm's. Leguan is the guy in Cologne studying Genetics. I understand this. So, the reason why I'd get on with Leguan is purely because of the biology link? I barely get on with my bench partners!
  3. Miss Selfridge's. Observe. I'll take a photo of me in them soon, they look better on. I'm very into The Rocky Horror Picture Show so I needed some platforms!
  4. The Bewitched series... those are funny. They rerun them every now and then. My mum INSISTED on buying them on DVD. She watches them while ironing and regresses to childhood. I love it because it's live history: the sixties as they were, a real house with the "typical", perfect wife. It's bizarre!
  5. Have you been eating some of my relatives again????? No, just a heckuva lot of coke. I'm far too hyper for 2am. Well, in 30 minutes when I have to go to work I will be thinking of you wired on caffeine and unable to sleep. Tonight I have to fly from Atlanta to Memphis. Then I have Turkey Day off and fly from Memphis to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Friday morning. Atlanta sounds about right for me right now, what with me being on a coke high! I wish I could come to Memphis with you. You ARE all over the place, aren't you? It is much better when I am in Europe running all over the place. Why? Too many languages to keep track of. Just come to England and chill with me in my eyrie. It's the place to be right now. Wouldn't I love that!!!!! Only problem is that I have to work. And when I am in Europe, I am usually at work. DOn't you ever visit Europe to relax and have fun? You really should, otherwise Europe will always be a big office to you. Actually I have made many friends in Europe. Working there is really not like being in an office as you are always flying from place to place and the company puts you up in rather nice hotels. I have probably been to the Louvre over 200 times, the D'Orsay 150 and then almost every other museum in Paris and the surrounding areas. Then there is Germany and Italy where I have toured around. Most often I go over early or stay between trips and then have some fun. 200 times to the Louvre?! I'd LOVE that, it took me forever to find ONE painting (a Johannes Vermeer) in there, even though I had a map. Two of my favourite paintings ever are in the D'Orsay and I have copies of them on my wall at home, they're just so beautiful and calming. Ahh, Germany, meine Leiblingsland...
  6. None of these threads have any point. I'm just trying to liven up the boards.
  7. Hear hear! Observe, El Grande Tower of C-C!
  8. Why would Leguan and I be great friends? I read the topic you posted even though it was very hard for me, one of my friends went through - is still going through - something similar, if not worse. I try to separate myself from all that.
  9. Have you been eating some of my relatives again????? No, just a heckuva lot of coke. I'm far too hyper for 2am. Well, in 30 minutes when I have to go to work I will be thinking of you wired on caffeine and unable to sleep. Tonight I have to fly from Atlanta to Memphis. Then I have Turkey Day off and fly from Memphis to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Friday morning. Atlanta sounds about right for me right now, what with me being on a coke high! I wish I could come to Memphis with you. You ARE all over the place, aren't you? It is much better when I am in Europe running all over the place. Why? Too many languages to keep track of. Just come to England and chill with me in my eyrie. It's the place to be right now. Wouldn't I love that!!!!! Only problem is that I have to work. And when I am in Europe, I am usually at work. DOn't you ever visit Europe to relax and have fun? You really should, otherwise Europe will always be a big office to you.
  10. This is why I hate post chains. Ohh, I LOVE old comedies! My mum is determined to own ever episode of Betwitched ever as she watched them as a child. I absolutely LOVE watching them... that and old Mel Brooks films.
  11. *loves riding* I've got my paws crossed that you win the first season of "Dexter"!!! I didn't know you like riding! Do you ride nowadays? It doesn't matter if I don't get it, I have a bootleg copy from China. Of course I still ride. Lexxscrapham made a special hammy-sized saddle for me. It looks really, really tiny on the back of a horse though. Is there anything you DON'T do? That saddle can't be very safe! The horse I was on today looked like a cow in terms of her colouring and I rode her last lesson, she's a sweetie. Just as long as she didn't ride like a cow. And yes... there are so many things I don't do. If only there was more time in the day and I had lots more money for toys. LOL When I did this hiking thing for a while we had to pass through fields full of cows and we were so tired that we ALMOST stole some... at least then we'd have some dinner, too! What sort of toys? Barbies? Cows... I love those faces. Dinner... a little large for an eagle. You would be eating beef for a year. Toys... another motorcycle, how about a new mountain bike, little chainsaw to carve artwork out of the trunks, wind surfing board, roller blades and the new thing I saw was sneakers with these springs and arc-like bottoms for running and absorbing the impact of your feet pounding the pavement. Moooooooo. You clearly haven't seen me tackle a beef lasagne! I'm not keen on motorbikes but I like the sound of those trainers with the springs, I've seen them advertised somewhere. I could do with some skates at the moment, I need to get to classes quicker but bikes are too bulky. You have wings... don't they get you to class fast enough? I'm tired enough in the mornings without having to fly to lessons! It's easier to crawl. Though I DID get my dream 4-inch heels the other day so my walk is now essentially a crawl.
  12. WHOAAAAAAAAA... free chocolate every half hour? I'm there. You have educated me on a number of things today... I didn't know this was the factory that inspired that movie. How awesome! At least, I THINK is is the factory that inspired him because that's what I've been told. What can I say, I'm a giver. To tempt you, I'm including a photo of the liquid chocolate. You are soooooooooo rotten. I want some! It looks delicious! It was. There are apparently some photos of me on the cow-horse (Flo) so I'll post them as soon as I have them.
  13. Have you been eating some of my relatives again????? No, just a heckuva lot of coke. I'm far too hyper for 2am. Well, in 30 minutes when I have to go to work I will be thinking of you wired on caffeine and unable to sleep. Tonight I have to fly from Atlanta to Memphis. Then I have Turkey Day off and fly from Memphis to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Friday morning. Atlanta sounds about right for me right now, what with me being on a coke high! I wish I could come to Memphis with you. You ARE all over the place, aren't you? It is much better when I am in Europe running all over the place. Why? Too many languages to keep track of. Just come to England and chill with me in my eyrie. It's the place to be right now.
  14. *loves riding* I've got my paws crossed that you win the first season of "Dexter"!!! I didn't know you like riding! Do you ride nowadays? It doesn't matter if I don't get it, I have a bootleg copy from China. Of course I still ride. Lexxscrapham made a special hammy-sized saddle for me. It looks really, really tiny on the back of a horse though. Is there anything you DON'T do? That saddle can't be very safe! The horse I was on today looked like a cow in terms of her colouring and I rode her last lesson, she's a sweetie. Just as long as she didn't ride like a cow. And yes... there are so many things I don't do. If only there was more time in the day and I had lots more money for toys. When I did this hiking thing for a while we had to pass through fields full of cows and we were so tired that we ALMOST stole some... at least then we'd have some dinner, too! What sort of toys? Barbies? Cows... I love those faces. Dinner... a little large for an eagle. You would be eating beef for a year. Toys... another motorcycle, how about a new mountain bike, little chainsaw to carve artwork out of the trunks, wind surfing board, roller blades and the new thing I saw was sneakers with these springs and arc-like bottoms for running and absorbing the impact of your feet pounding the pavement. Moooooooo. You clearly haven't seen me tackle a beef lasagne! I'm not keen on motorbikes but I like the sound of those trainers with the springs, I've seen them advertised somewhere. I could do with some skates at the moment, I need to get to classes quicker but bikes are too bulky.
  15. I'll get a better equivalent from Dunkin Donuts and FedEx it to you. What is it? I found a cafe that makes white hot chocolate the other day. It is as amazing as it sounds. It's the same as the *can't say the S word* drink, but only better. In fact, the Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate rivals any I have had in Europe. It is THAT good! I'm a capitalist, they're allowed to be popular in my book. Maybe I should have some, doughtnut shops are hard to come by here. In fact, I only know the location of two off the top of my head. How do the police in Great Britain cope with only two donut shops????? In the USA it is sort of a joke that the police always spend their time in donut shops. Have you seen Hot Fuzz? They're far too busy to eat doughnuts! And yes, I know this, I was raised on American TV. Have not seen Hot Fuzz. Should I put it on my list? Oh, yes, it is one of those great parody movies that will have you laughing for ages! It's also one of those films that makes working in the service look really cool, like Die Hard or something. Note: I LOVE Die Hard. *adds it to my list* Thanks!!! I will let you know after I watch it. I have a need for a really great laugh. It has Simon Pegg in, as he's so in fashion at the moment. I also find that a strange amount of Americans are fans as well.
  16. Have you been eating some of my relatives again????? No, just a heckuva lot of coke. I'm far too hyper for 2am. Well, in 30 minutes when I have to go to work I will be thinking of you wired on caffeine and unable to sleep. Tonight I have to fly from Atlanta to Memphis. Then I have Turkey Day off and fly from Memphis to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Friday morning. Atlanta sounds about right for me right now, what with me being on a coke high! I wish I could come to Memphis with you. You ARE all over the place, aren't you?
  17. *loves riding* I've got my paws crossed that you win the first season of "Dexter"!!! I didn't know you like riding! Do you ride nowadays? It doesn't matter if I don't get it, I have a bootleg copy from China. Of course I still ride. Lexxscrapham made a special hammy-sized saddle for me. It looks really, really tiny on the back of a horse though. Is there anything you DON'T do? That saddle can't be very safe! The horse I was on today looked like a cow in terms of her colouring and I rode her last lesson, she's a sweetie. Just as long as she didn't ride like a cow. And yes... there are so many things I don't do. If only there was more time in the day and I had lots more money for toys. When I did this hiking thing for a while we had to pass through fields full of cows and we were so tired that we ALMOST stole some... at least then we'd have some dinner, too! What sort of toys? Barbies?
  18. I'll get a better equivalent from Dunkin Donuts and FedEx it to you. What is it? I found a cafe that makes white hot chocolate the other day. It is as amazing as it sounds. It's the same as the *can't say the S word* drink, but only better. In fact, the Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate rivals any I have had in Europe. It is THAT good! I'm a capitalist, they're allowed to be popular in my book. Maybe I should have some, doughtnut shops are hard to come by here. In fact, I only know the location of two off the top of my head. How do the police in Great Britain cope with only two donut shops????? In the USA it is sort of a joke that the police always spend their time in donut shops. Have you seen Hot Fuzz? They're far too busy to eat doughnuts! And yes, I know this, I was raised on American TV. Have not seen Hot Fuzz. Should I put it on my list? Oh, yes, it is one of those great parody movies that will have you laughing for ages! It's also one of those films that makes working in the service look really cool, like Die Hard or something. Note: I LOVE Die Hard.
  19. Definitely NOT stupid whining. Very real concerns. You are at a point in your life where you need more than just studies, where your life seems to be under a microscope and where you are not what you feel like you should be. When you meet that special person, this will be all behind you and then you move on to the next step in your life. The problem is that... it is so very hard to meet someone. You have so much going on that there does not seem to be any extra time. Please... keep your heart open. If you keep your heart open, then when you least expect it, that special person will appear. I suppose they are real concerns but I cry wolf so often (i.e. threaten suicide to my friends) that I am no longer taken seriously. I am going to start identifying as "bi" (i.e. bi but not quite) so things might be easier, or maybe even a little bit harder. Right now it just seems really hopeless and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope I do soon.
  20. I'll get a better equivalent from Dunkin Donuts and FedEx it to you. What is it? I found a cafe that makes white hot chocolate the other day. It is as amazing as it sounds. It's the same as the *can't say the S word* drink, but only better. In fact, the Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate rivals any I have had in Europe. It is THAT good! I'm a capitalist, they're allowed to be popular in my book. Maybe I should have some, doughtnut shops are hard to come by here. In fact, I only know the location of two off the top of my head. How do the police in Great Britain cope with only two donut shops????? In the USA it is sort of a joke that the police always spend their time in donut shops. Have you seen Hot Fuzz? They're far too busy to eat doughnuts! And yes, I know this, I was raised on American TV.
  21. I'll get a better equivalent from Dunkin Donuts and FedEx it to you. What is it? I found a cafe that makes white hot chocolate the other day. It is as amazing as it sounds. It's the same as the *can't say the S word* drink, but only better. In fact, the Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate rivals any I have had in Europe. It is THAT good! I'm a capitalist, they're allowed to be popular in my book. Maybe I should have some, doughtnut shops are hard to come by here. In fact, I only know the location of two off the top of my head.
  22. *loves riding* I've got my paws crossed that you win the first season of "Dexter"!!! I didn't know you like riding! Do you ride nowadays? It doesn't matter if I don't get it, I have a bootleg copy from China. Of course I still ride. Lexxscrapham made a special hammy-sized saddle for me. It looks really, really tiny on the back of a horse though. Is there anything you DON'T do? That saddle can't be very safe! The horse I was on today looked like a cow in terms of her colouring and I rode her last lesson, she's a sweetie.
  23. Have you been eating some of my relatives again????? No, just a heckuva lot of coke. I'm far too hyper for 2am.
  24. I'll get a better equivalent from Dunkin Donuts and FedEx it to you. What is it? I found a cafe that makes white hot chocolate the other day. It is as amazing as it sounds.
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