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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Oh JF, I'm so sorry that things aren't going so well. I've had problems with incredibly important people in my life who don't seem to make time for me and it's really frustrating when that happens. You were right to tell him outright how you felt. The three things you said you have problems with are the cornerstones of a successful relationship so it's no wonder that you're upset. I don't think you need to "do better"; if you DID need to try more then you would have given up on him already. The fact that you're still persuing this shows how much the relationship means to you and how much Phil means to you: maybe he'll realise that soon. You're already understanding of his predicament, but he can't have his cake and eat it. Stay strong, things will work out.
  2. I'm sorry things aren't great with Phil. I really hope things get better soon. I never mentioned how cute those frog photos were, by the way. Adorable little thing!
  3. I've had a mixed few days. Yesterday I went for a terrifying interview with the extremely intimidating head of department for AACS. He said the course with a year abroad is almost full but I can do the AACS with film studies which was my second choice so all looks well. I have no idea if this is what I want to do, but let's see. At least I got a place, I suppose. Today I went for another riding lesson on a different horse to Flo (which makes a change as I've never ridden the same horse so much) and this new horse (called Helga) was a lot more responsive, albeit cheeky. The arena is big so they divide it into two, one side reserved for free riding and the other has jumps in it. We went from the free ride side to the jump side to do some pole work (proper pole work this time, as in, a real "introduction to jumping") and for some reason Helga kept on ducking out to the free ride section. She was REALLY difficult to control at this stage and at one point I had to whip her really harshly so she would obey and I got my whip caught in the reins: she then moved her head forward quickly, pulling me down with her due to the whip being caught. This was all in trot and I almost fell off: I was lucky! I had to give her a few smart smacks on the rumps as well and at one point I was convinced she was going to throw me off. But it wasn't all bad: I did the polework successfully and, to my absolute joy, even cantered a little bit. This wasn't the accidental cantering I've gotten into in other lessons when I gave the horse a cue I didn't mean to give him/her and I actually punched the air at one point in my glee! I did all this in the boiling sun (which came out of nowhere). But my joy was shattered when I came home and my mum yelled at me down the phone, which wasn't that great. I'm going to be involved in a short student film this weekend, though. Yay. Oh, and Natalie threw out my milk for no reason. Life is a series of peaks and troughs, they do say...
  4. Life is crazy. Everything's goind nuts in my life, but not all in a bad way. I'm thinking of changing courses to - wait for it - American and Canadian studies. It's amazing because they offer the chance to study in the USA for a year and the course offers so much, so I'm thinking of taking it (I know I haven't passed my exams). My dad got a dream job at Nestle and even though he found out that he has to have keyhole surgery on his knee soon he'll be working at a much better job than he has been doing for the past 6 years, so things are looking up for my family. I watched a brilliant production of Chicago today with Jimmy Osmond (a real blast from the past!) at a local theatre and I went riding. The riding was a bit of a worry, though: it was the first time that I've tried to drive there and I accidentally took a wrong turning and before I knew it I was on one of the busiest motorways in the whole of the UK. I was in such a panic I almost started crying but I knew if I cried I wouldn't be able to see so I tried my best to keep calm even though I was really, really scared (I've never driven on a road quite like that in my entire life). Luckily, my satnav stepped in and guided me there: I arrived late, flustered but safe. Once I explained to the instructor she gave me a real look of sympathy! I rode Flo yet again and it was really fun. I didn't tell my mum about the motorway as I knew she's never let me drive ever, ever again! I am also going to see my favourite living singer in concert on Monday, so I am REALLY excited. Phew. Things are looking up. Well, sort of. The person who I fell for hasn't spoken to me in over a week.
  5. Watching the saddest film I've seen in a long time.
  6. She sings that song in such a memorable way. She's amazing. I ordered one of her anthology box sets today. I have seen so many of her films in the past month or two and I still have many more to see and I love watching her perform. I saw "Tea for Two" today which had some amazing taps. I've been doing The Charleston all day! Judy is a Punk - The Ramones Hamsters can't dance. Lara Fabian. Are you being ironic? No, I am being totally, brutally honest. I have four left feet, a rounded, plump body and couldn't dance my way out of a paper bag if my life depended on it. The Charleston? If I attempted such a difficult dance I would embarrass myself. I was more amused by the fact that this is the HampsterDANCE discussion board. By rule, all hamsters on said board should be able to dance. Lonely Alcoholic - MIKA (I'm going to see him in 2 weeks so I am beyond excited) I have a waiver. All other HampsterDancers are required to dance. That should be a great concert!!! It is not valid until it is signed by ME, oh great ruler of the universe! So nyeh.
  7. Purple platforms, they are hiding your purple talons. They're silver talons right now! WEll, to be specific, they're au naturelle as I'm giving my talons the night off/time to hydrate a bit. Tomorrow they're going right back to being silver (after a trim). Ooooohhhhhhh! Shiny, sparkly silver!!!!!! Sweeeet! Yeah, I copied Kate Winslet as she was wearing silver polish at the Oscars. Please tell me why I'm still awake at 3am?
  8. I just finished watching "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas". The film finished 10 minutes ago and I'm still crying. It's so heartbreaking. It's also the fifth film I've seen today (I am not kidding) after seeing "Once", "Stranger than Fiction" (re-watch), "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" and "The Pink Panther 2". So yeah, I've seen four new films today, which is good, even for me (I spend my entire life watching films).
  9. Purple platforms, they are hiding your purple talons. They're silver talons right now! WEll, to be specific, they're au naturelle as I'm giving my talons the night off/time to hydrate a bit. Tomorrow they're going right back to being silver (after a trim).
  10. She sings that song in such a memorable way. She's amazing. I ordered one of her anthology box sets today. I have seen so many of her films in the past month or two and I still have many more to see and I love watching her perform. I saw "Tea for Two" today which had some amazing taps. I've been doing The Charleston all day! Judy is a Punk - The Ramones Hamsters can't dance. Lara Fabian. Are you being ironic? No, I am being totally, brutally honest. I have four left feet, a rounded, plump body and couldn't dance my way out of a paper bag if my life depended on it. The Charleston? If I attempted such a difficult dance I would embarrass myself. I was more amused by the fact that this is the HampsterDANCE discussion board. By rule, all hamsters on said board should be able to dance. Lonely Alcoholic - MIKA (I'm going to see him in 2 weeks so I am beyond excited)
  11. Total win. I've read it so many times that it's not funny anymore.
  12. Wouldn't that have been great if it was LifesEagle?!?!? It would be pretty funny I have gotten several discounts in America due to my pure Britishness. It makes shopping all the more fun! My teeth tends to give me away before my accent does, though... (see picture... ahem). Things are still stagnating a bit. I had an exam today that I know I've failed. My mum's being a bit weird towards me at the moment and my dad's phoning me more than she is, which is unusual. I may try another course next year or retake my first year, but I really have no idea what to do. I'm doing abit of an ostrich impression to delay having to deal with this. It's the only way I can cope right now without resorting to... alternative remedies. We can only hope now. Haha I can't give people discounts, sadly. All I could do was make suggestions for them (not too hard, they liked chocolate, so the logical choice was a chocolate extreme blizzard made with chocolate ice cream (most blizzards are made with vanilla by default, and a couple are made with twist, which is chocolate and vanilla)). So uh....cope by eating chocolate! In all seriousness though, when things go wrong for me, I tend to cope best by praying about it, and by making plans. So, something doesn't go right, I think, "What do I have to work with, and what are my options to solve the problem?" Once I come up with a good way to deal with the problem, I usually feel more at ease. This way it's not, "Something went wrong! Oh noes! D;" Instead, it's, "Something went wrong, but I know what I'm going to do to fix it." For you, it seems like this is going to involve retaking your courses. This could also involve changing your major to courses you find easier, transferring to a different school, or maybe even exploring career choices that don't require a college degree (contrary to current public opinion, there is no shame in pursuing a career that doesn't require a college degree. There are lots of careers that don't require a degree that pay WAY better than other careers. You might still need some sort of certification, but your education will be different). I got a discount in M&Ms World in New York, which was odd because I don't think the guys at the counter who we *ahem* flirted with were ALLOWED to give us discounts, but there was no hurt in trying! I'm usually quite good at solving problems but this time I feel like I can't because I honestly don't know what to do. No, scratch that: I DO know what to do but it may not be possible. Money's usually not a problem for my family, even in the recession: my dad has a pretty good job but it looks like he may lose it soon (but he went for a job interview with Nestle a few days ago so he MAY get picked up by them). If money wasn't an option I'd start this course over and go to Germany in my third year as planned. If I can't then I'll retake and revert to a 3-year BSc. But even THEN I don't know if I'd be able to do it (though I think I COULD if I REALLY set my mind to it). My brother struggled at uni as well and he's not stupid, so there must be something in this: I think he and I suffer from pure laziness. He just about managed to get a degree in Politics and then got a job as a journalist in Bahrain, an odd but good graduate job. SO... there's hope for me yet. Before I forget, thanks to all of you for helping me. It has been a tough few weeks. :closedeyes:
  13. That seems to have been the case, as he's been acting more like his usual self lately. I'm guessing he just goes through occasional phases. I don't think he talks to any of his friends about his issues. He *might* talk to his sisters about them, because I *think* that what's on his mind is family related, from what little I know about that. I can't imagine anything else that would trouble him so much. However, I think if/when he talks to them, it's purely informational, or only therapeutic for their sakes. He was quite adamant when he talked to me about wanting to sort it out himself, with no help from *anyone*. My first reaction was to feel hurt that he didn't want my help, but that's not what he was trying to say exactly, because he didn't want anyone's help, and wanted to do it himself. Just the same as when I'm carrying something heavy and turn down offers to have someone else carry it. Either way, now that I know that there's an issue he's trying to sort out, I've been praying for him about it, that he'll be able to sort it out and reach a good conclusion with it all. And random and totally unrelated idea: Watching your language in the workplace! DQ edition: Oh, fudge! Oh, shakes! or Oh sprinkles! What the heath? For the love of all that is tasty! What a banana split! He's a pain in the arctic rush. I've already been at work for too long.... Maybe a small period of quiet contemplation would be good for you both, seeing as Phil has things to sort out and you have a new job to get used to. Give it a week or two. You may soon be wondering what you ever worried about. Haha, euphamisms are fun! I like "For the love of all that is tasty!" implying that what you sell IS tasty.
  14. LOL my mom despised that movie...kind of an in-joke with my family. I have no idea what it's about, though... ~Liz It's a bit of an aquired taste. I love it because it's dystopian and creepy but also funny, but some people can't stand the style and I understand that. I'm in a very Woody Allen mood. On Tuesday I saw "Love and Death" and "Annie Hall" in a row and couldn't stop laughing all evening. The former has excellent lines, some of my favourites being "I never want to marry, I just want to get divorced", "And you, Sonja, you look more beautiful standing here than you do in person" and: Sonja: And I want three children. Boris: Yes. Yes. One of each. It's a win.
  15. I'm reading yet another Jodi Picoult ("Perfect Match"). From reading all her books I know more about the American legal system than I do the UK's. Moral: Read Jodi Picoult, it'll probably get you a law degree.
  16. Does anyone have any advice for a poor eagle who's in love with someone who doesn't love her back (anymore...)?
  17. Being bi is something I know a bit about, hence why I'm jumping in here. Good luck with Phil, JF: maybe he still needs some time to wind down before he starts opening up like normal again. Maybe he just needs space. Does he have any friends that may know what's on his mind?
  18. I'm bringin' this back, y'all. You will love my platforms and retrocity.
  19. HA. HA. HA. That was so funny, well done! I just realised how sad I am because I got most of them. I WILL get out of this room!! And I officially approve of Shoop Da Woop. Here I am, CHARGIN MA LAYZOR.
  20. Wouldn't that have been great if it was LifesEagle?!?!? It would be pretty funny I have gotten several discounts in America due to my pure Britishness. It makes shopping all the more fun! My teeth tends to give me away before my accent does, though... (see picture... ahem). Things are still stagnating a bit. I had an exam today that I know I've failed. My mum's being a bit weird towards me at the moment and my dad's phoning me more than she is, which is unusual. I may try another course next year or retake my first year, but I really have no idea what to do. I'm doing abit of an ostrich impression to delay having to deal with this. It's the only way I can cope right now without resorting to... alternative remedies. We can only hope now.
  21. Putting oven cleaner on the oven. Now the tough part: actually having to CLEAN it. That stuff is poison, every time I spray it on I cough my lungs out.
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