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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. It has taken me a while to think about how to reply to all that. First of all, thanks for clearly doing the research for me. But first of all, it's not just cutting that I do. I've burnt myself with a baking tray fresh out of the oven (got a small scar from that one), strangled myself, whipped myself (I have a riding crop for that), tried to scald myself with hot or boiling water and mental torture (a personal favourite of mine). But it's mianly cutting that I do, and I have done it so often recently that I no longer put the razor back in its little protectr thingie but just leave it exposed beside the keyboard (not a good idea becsause then it just gets germs on it). I found another website that gives these characteristics of people who cut: And the scary thing is, I fit almost all of them. I went for a year and a half without cutting once and I broke that early this year, around mid-January. Going cold turkey for that amount of time was like being in ####. I'm not in a good place right now. But I'll get better.
  2. Not necessarily! Besides, I think little green men on mars know what you think of hamsters.
  3. I'm far more of an America fan than I used to be. I jumped on the anti-American bandwagon that was so popular a few years ago but then I realised how much fun the US is. Hey, I even got a discount in a shop in NYC because I was English. I want to go back to Charleston. It is quite possibly the nicest town in the entire country.
  4. Eevil Eegul. I'll draw a picture of that for the RBP thread.
  5. Maybe some sort of aptitude test? I had a feeling when I had to re-register that I wouldn't be able to post for ages with the whole validation thing.
  6. I really should stop clogging up HD with mindless topics like this. I am going to do a dance until Arksher returns. JIGJIGJIGJIG.
  7. It is foggy now. That is when clouds come to play With me on the ground. You KNOW that was cute.
  8. ANOTHER topic? You guys need new ideas. Stop copying me.
  9. There's a bit of an anti-American joke here that observes how an American will get a double cheeseburger, large chips, a massive desert... and a diet coke. As if that somehow makes up for it. As for keen eyesight, my weakest eye is -4.25 for my contacts. I really should stop drinking so much coke.
  10. I just got some really bad news from a friend and cut really badly. That's something like 4 times in 24 hours and I've never done it to such high a frequency and it's really worrying me. Last night I cried myself to sleep and felt quite suicidal. I suppose I'm feeling stir crazy, hating everything around me and because I can't lash out at anything else right now I'm internalising it and lashing out at myself. Oh, I hate being so dark. This isn't who I want to be AT ALL.
  11. I'm not the devil, if that's what you're saying.
  12. How many people are genuine, then? But I kind of like this being a small community, like a club.
  13. Maybe. Go look in the Battul Fridj [sic.]. ARRRRKKKCHER! WHERE ARE JOO?
  14. I only didn't post it because I couldn't be bothered to find it! But, if you insist...
  15. I wasn't really doing much, either! Maybe I was scaring them off.
  16. I only bumped this topic because a) I started it, it amuses me that it was one of the threads that got lost in translation, c) I like being irritating. So enjoy.
  17. You guys are honoured guests to da battul of the century. Sit down, have some Battul Biscuits.
  18. I have no idea, I am just posting random things at almost 6am. This topic will be epic nonetheless.
  20. New idea: we are going to write the best song ever. Line by line. READYGO. PS. I am fully aware that this will not work.
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