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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. *goes online to look up eagle predators* If you Google "eagle predators", something about golden eagles comes up third! Most of the time people haven't even HEARD of golden eagles. We're better than bald eagles, anyway.
  2. I'm happy on my cliff face. But it keeps on snowing here, so could you please send me a woollen hat?
  3. Room Inspection???????????? Can you put all your stuff under your bed? Does she check there? In the hamster world, we just hide everything under our bedding. Yeah, I'm in private accomodation so they check the rooms and make you pay through the nose for any damage. I spent ages tidying my room so it was okay, even though they only put their head around the door. We have drawers under the bed and I have various stuff in there. I crushed the coke cans earlier so it doens't look too bad in here now. I love my room. I have fairy flower lights around the window, posters of my faovurite films on the walls, my Wii and this weird thing about Obama fro a parody newspaper on the wall which makes me chuckle when I look at it. Oh yeah, and I have an en suite.
  4. I had a really big argument with my best friend this evening. I managed to avoid cutting but now I don't have any other way to vent. We made up but I still feel frustrated and restless. Thing is, I did this before and all it did was drive me to the very edge of a suicide attempt, but I don't really have another way to deal with my feelings right now. Let's see how this pans out, shall we?
  5. We're ALWAYS sarcastic. And cynical. And hate animal rights. ####, we don't care if we get wiped off the earth. WHo wants to live on earth, anyway?
  6. Grounding you is good For the benefit of all Creatures big and small. I fly with the clouds. But they're not friendly to birds When lightning strikes us! (I am fully aware of the physics of lightning and that lightning can't strike a flying bird, so SHUTTUP.)
  7. Unfortunately, little green men on Mars also know what I think about hamsters... CHOMP.
  8. I could do with some sugar rght now. I was happily sleeping until the room inspection lady woke my up. Now I'm really tired and can't go back to sleep. GRAAHHH! And I haven't crushed my coke cans so I look like a slob.
  9. I should think that taking the screenshot, circling what you need to and uploading would have taken longer... ... but then again, what do I know, hmm?
  10. Clerks is the best thing ever. I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan so I've seen his films so many times that it's getting ridiculous. Why bother watching Clerks when I can jsut recite it? I had another blip last night. No cutting, but enough crying and a literal bang on the head shut me up and sent me to sleep.
  11. I have no idea what the two of us are talking about.
  12. I might start doing that. I also have my LJ to vent into so it's not so bad. I've gone and talked a lot about how I'm feeling over the past several hours or so and I'm feeling like I'm ready to at least try and recover myself over the next week or so. No more cutting, it just drains me.
  13. I've completely lost track of what this thread is supposed to be about. FROG AND DAGGER MICE.
  14. I can imagine. How long did it last for? This really does feel like an exclusive club.
  15. Yeah, it's like the infamous disguise of Sunny D, the most deceptive drink ever.
  16. I'm feeling a lot better. I had this moment of clarity and since then I've been quite calm and watching some of my favourite films to calm down (right now I'm re-watching Clerks for the bajillionth time). I probably won't cut again for a while. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for bearing with me.
  17. This thread should be renamed "the jigfest". Anyone want some jigfest snackaroons?
  18. I just had a pretty bad episode. Lots of cuts and other self-destructive behaviour until I had a moment of clarity. There's something seriously wrong with me.
  19. Were they robots or "peepulz"? I feel like I've missed out on HD history here.
  20. Eew, that'll get stuck to my feathers. At least when I preen myself I'll get a tasty treat.
  21. *cough, cough* Cocoa... you want to go back to Cocoa. Nyehnyeh. I LOVED Charleston, even though it's really quiet and nothing is really happening... at all. I just loved seeing all these houses that our tour guide said were worth millions of dollars and they looked like they were worth a tenth of that amount! Also, it was insanely hot. That wasn't so good.
  22. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm not that unattractive, I'm not THAT cynical (no, I lie, I'm VERY cynical) but I CAN be nice if I want to, I'm not completely stupid... I just don't get it. I suppose being normal and undesirable is worse than being ugly and undesirable. :closedeyes:
  23. Probably not. But I'm not taking any chances. I saw it before you edited, nyeh. I'm talking it over with someone right now. I suppose my biggest problem right now is feeling undesirable. That's the exteremely short version, mind.
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