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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Can't they come back somehow? The Hampster ones can at least come back...
  2. Finally... the shoes! It took so long to take a photo because of that darned light in the background that gives me a halo so I was annoyed at the end and completely forgot that I was listening to music at the time, so these photos are from my own personal iPod advert. Also, just the shoes on teh feet. And a photo of me with a weird lop-sided smile.
  3. Yeeaaaaahhh, after all this talk I feel guilty, having spent the whole day in my four-unch heels. I put photos of me in my babyshoes in my picture thread. Things are looking up.
  4. DANGALANGALAAAANNNNNNGGGGGG! Wild LIFESEAGLE appeared! Man, I miss my Game Boy.
  5. There was a surprising amount of snow, actually. There wasn't that much in London but in the more rural areas there was TONS. It was really strange having snow so late in the winter. And the summer this year was awful. I'm building up my self-esteem by dressing up and looking nice each day. Is a real helper. Today I dressed all in brown (and pink) so I looked like a read golden eagle... with pink stripes.
  6. Archive.org... haven't seen that bot before.
  7. I dunno where you get inspiration for this stuff. 'Makes me jealous. I was trained by the hyper-intelligent spider that lives in my socks. A literary genius.
  9. DO DUH MARIOH SWING YOH ARMS PHRUM SIED TWO SIED COME ON E'ERBODEH DO DUH MARIOH [i havent seen that show in a crazy long time, so thats all i remember. D: ] Thank god, someone who doesn't think I'm crazy when I say that. I love dancing to "Do you Love Me" in the Dirty Dancing style. Dude I watch that movie all the time because they play it on TV all the time. But all the talking parts annoy me. I just like to watch the dancing XD Also, I'm listening to a String Quartet version of Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses. How much of a geek does this make me? I'm a film buff but films from the eighties annoy me... ... except "Brazil".
  10. I hope it snows this Christmas. DId you know we had a white Easter this year? It was really bizarre.
  11. Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer? I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing. Winter and snow always remind me of Dr. Zhivago. I'm always telling myself to read that book, but nowadays I'm too lazy and just read Jodi Picoult. It snowed last night, but rather pathetically.
  12. Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer? I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing.
  13. I'm really glad that somebody has heard of it and I'm not going crazy.
  14. Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash. Goodness, I don't know.
  15. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Oh, Jesse! It's so hard, I know. *hugs* I know what it's like and I'm sure so many people here can sympathise. It's good to have a cry every now and then. I suppose it'll just take time. You're working so hard and that can mean that you feel isolated from other people. I'm sure you'll find a group of people soon that you can really connect with. Does your band do socials or something like that?
  16. THis is my poem. It is called "The seven mice go a-courting". Let me know what you think.
  17. This is quite possibly the best thing ever. If you've never heard it, look it up on Youtube (or the "Benny Hill" theme tune). It's crazy, yacky and makes even the scariest scenes in films hillarious (my favourite being the infamous "Here's Johnny" scene in "The Shining" played out to this music). How else loves it as much as I do?
  18. I'M FEELING BETTER! I feel like such a woman with all these mood swings.
  19. No problem. The hat will be knitted to your exact measurements and when complete, FedExed to your eyrie. What colours would you like your hat to be. Some talon covers to keep your talons warm? How about a matching scarf? Ooh, how about purple and pink? Purple's in mode at the moment. Yay, matching scarf! Bliberteefish.
  20. And I just blackmailed my best friend. Pretty badly, too, and hurtfully. I'm clearly not right in the head.
  21. I cut again. That didn't last long, did it? :closedeyes: Sigh.
  22. DO DUH MARIOH SWING YOH ARMS PHRUM SIED TWO SIED COME ON E'ERBODEH DO DUH MARIOH [i havent seen that show in a crazy long time, so thats all i remember. D: ] Thank god, someone who doesn't think I'm crazy when I say that. I love dancing to "Do you Love Me" in the Dirty Dancing style.
  23. Thanks a lot, JF. I suppose I'm too drained to cut anymore (and once the redness goes down the skin looks awful :closedeyes:). I think I just need time to distance myself from the horrors of the past weekend and try to move forward as best I can. I have been mving around a lot as I'm getting a bit stir crazy but I don't want to go out. It's a tricky situation. I'm still trying to keep my little panics in this topic for now. I will try to be as pleasantly upbeat as I can possibly be in the rest of the boards.
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