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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Sometimes Americans are so uninformed and that is really scary. Well, there are some funny moments in this video. Interviewer: Which Iraqi is most responsible for the country's upheaval? Usaf Islam, Osama Bin Laden or Barack Obama? Lady on street: The last one. Interviwer: Barack Obama. Why? Lady: Uuummm... because I've heard his name before? :lol:
  2. I can't believe to the extent that American colleges have shared rooms. They are, if anything, quite rare here. Even when I was offered the bad-quality uni-owned accomodation by my university it was a single room.
  3. It only takes three minutes to do a picture. You've been working on it for almost three DAYS!
  4. I had Pokemon red, my brother had Pokemon blue. The Christmas we were given them we just played non-stop. It was pure insanity but SO much fun! The later Pokemon were just crazy, but I suppose when you realise that the inventor of Pokemon had autism it kind of makes sense. Also: TV programme. That was my raison d'ĂȘtre for a long, long time.
  5. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Maybe I should, I have so much free time here, but I'm having enough trouble trying to recollect the German I haven't studied for two years. I'm on the verge of saying "Ich bin ein Berliner" (only I'll never be that stupid).
  6. Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore. Happy? Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group.
  7. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    It's my dream instrument to play. I play the piano but badly and I like it but I've never been crazy about it (we just had a piano for some reason). I think Lisa Simpson popularised it for kiddies of our generation.
  8. *screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo* You ate a poor little defenseless little bird who couldn't fly??????? *falls over again in shock* Survival of the fittest. AAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *is speechless* That's nature for you: cold, heartless, brutal and competative. If I didn't sniper down those falcons that I can see way over on the other side of the valley I'd be all out of biscuits!
  9. Saw two excellent films today. The first one was "Happy-go-lucky", a semi-indie film that's a bit like "Amelie" in the way that it has an optomistic protagonist but has an ominous undertone to it. For example, when someone steals her bike that was chained to a railing, she comes back, laughs and says "I didn't even get to say goodbye!". Second film was an Oscar-winner from Austria and is called "The Counterfeiters". It's about "Operation Bernhard", an operation that the Nazis had to flood the UK and US economies with counterfeit money in order to bankrupt them and in order to do this they used skilled prisoners from concentration camps. It was so sad yet concentrated on the ideas of following orders, believing in principles and never giving up. In addition, it really helped my German! And that was the LE review.
  10. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    The type that produces music...? I dunno, my loyalty lies with saxophones.
  11. This topic so needs to be bumped.
  12. I'm going to ask HampsterKing to see what he can co. What he can co! That's not that funny but I'm laughing. Maybe I'm just really, really tired.
  13. I forgot to ask before: am I allowed to post photos with other people in? And thanks for your compliments. THose shoes are my babies.
  14. I am awesome. Therefore, my restaurant will reign supreme forever. ... or until I become bored of this, whatever's sooner.
  15. Another new concept. The idea of this thread is to let people know about music that they may not have stumbled across otherwise. PLEASE try not to go off topic. I think this could work more than my other strange threads! The way it works is this: first you listen to the song that the person above you has posted. You then make a short comment in your post about it, whether or not you liked it, something like that. Then you write the name and artist of a song that means something to you and write a little description of WHY it means something to you. Please check that your song can be easily found on Youtube before you post it. The next person to post will then look up the song of the person above them, make a comment, post their own song, etc. The first song is my all-time favourite song, "Mr Night" by Kenny Loggins. It means something to me because it's so upbeat, easy to sing and dance to and always cheers me up.
  16. *screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo* You ate a poor little defenseless little bird who couldn't fly??????? *falls over again in shock* Survival of the fittest.
  17. Yeah, now my feet hurt like nobody's business. I'm gonna do the Vaseline-and-two-pairs-of-socks trick tonight so my feet can recover. I'm DEFINITELY wearing a pair of Cons tomorrow!
  18. And the one with the funny eyes, the equivalent of this one. Sort of, at least.
  19. Nothing like a little bit of friendly competition. I am SO running you guys out of business.
  20. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse, I saw you pep band pics. Lookin' good!
  21. I once found a bird that wouldn't fly away when I approached it, it just hopped away. So I ate it.
  22. See my pictures thread for the entire outfit.
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