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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Wizard of Oz. Except you will probably have to wait until next Christmas. Judy is SO much more than that film! I'm annoyed right now because a lot of the classical films I want aren't available in region 2 so I can't watch them.
  2. Horatio, you don't get anything until you've DRAWN US A PICTURE!!!
  3. Bidding on a new Elvis purse on eBay. So far I'm the only bidder. Not half bad.
  4. I had New York Chicken at Frankie and Benny's. I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it.
  5. Of course we have missed you!!!!!!! Silly eagle! Chasing spiders??? Why not just let them live outside where they belong? I couldn't leave you guys hanging. Lots of massive spiders live in our house for some reason, and they usually stay downstairs but one found his way to my bathroom. After about 12 hours he had made his way through the door of my bathroom into my bedroom and decided to hang out (ha, ha) just above my Sweeney Todd poster, therefore I called him Sweeney. When I left to come back to uni this morning he had disappeared. Hmm.
  6. Oi, you have to pay to be able to advertise in here.
  7. I hath been tagged. I had tons of fun doing this! Sorry about the writing...
  9. I'm really into Judy Garland at the moment so I saw "For me and my gal" over Christmas. I just kept on crying, so sad... but YAY for the happy songs!
  10. I'm baaaaaaaack. How is everyone? Sorry I haven't been online over this break, I've been rather peroccupied with chasing spiders and the like. But now I'm back at university, annoyed but available for your chatting pleasure. Miss me?
  11. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind? Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! Ummm... I'm not so sure. Wanna bet? I'm gonna rule the world one day, you'll see. And you think rodents should be honoured not eaten... is this correct? Honoured only in the sense that they are the staple foodstuff.
  12. I've had a tough few days. My mum found out about my cutting because my good-for-nothing brother told her about it. THAT was an awkward conversation. I'm going to see "A Little Night Music" today on the West End. Can't wait as I LOVED Sweeney Todd so this should be awesome.
  13. I exist, don't worry. I had a busy weekend and then a busy past few days, but in typical LE fashion I'm here when I'm feeling awful. Something not great but not THAT bad happened today which is making me feel sour, so here I am. My new thing is that because I lost a bet I can't cut for 3 months. And yes, I'm petrified. 15th March, here we come. And this is the abridged version.
  14. 36 hours. WHY CAN'T I SLEEP!?
  15. D: What did I do now? You are teh enemy, this is teh "fazin". But when we're done with this round you can have another go and we'll see which one is better. We can even have a vote. Nyeh.
  16. I feel your pain, Kat. I saw some gorgeous Jimmy Choos the other day that I will never be able to have. I don't like buying shoes online either but these ones were just MADE FOR MEEEEEE. I went to the two branches of the shop in the town centre but neither branch had the shoes in my size so I took a risk. Besides, I could always send them back if I wanted to. Horatio: Busteedtees uses UPS, so that may be right. Their vans scare me.
  17. Our faces look like they're melting. Very good! COME ON, HORATIO!
  18. I recycled around 30 coke cans today. The people watching me put them in the big bin must have thought I was a real coke junkie.
  19. You'll sleep tonight hopefully. Or you would have fallen asleep in class and will be awake this evening. I was determined for that not to happen! If I'm busy I don't notice so I went into the town centre to do some Christmas shopping... and buy myself things. Shopping makes it all better! I now need tons of conceiler to cover up my messed up eyes.
  20. They only take a register for lab classes and German classes. I'm doing really badly. As of right now, awake for 31 hours.
  21. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind? Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! Ummm... I'm not so sure. Wanna bet? I'm gonna rule the world one day, you'll see.
  22. I never mentioend that I saw the photos of you when you were little on Jesse's board. They are SO cute!
  23. Then you can have your own battle in the corner. TEH ARENA IS FOR TEH WAR. And every time you post something I laugh, so stoppit. Arkcher, you coward, come out and plaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy.
  24. On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Nine Arkchers a-goingaway* Eight members online Seven Kat's a jigging, Six HDers a-posting FIIIIIIIIIVE SAAANNNIIIITIIIIIEEEESSS Four pointless threads Three Nerdy Mushrooms, Two corn cobs, and an eagle in a pear treeeeeeeeeeee. * You are ruining teh Krismas.
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