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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her. Hope you had good gloves. One of the horses kept on spooking another horse and they were the two in front of me in the line when we were in the lesson, so Flo was getting a bit jumpy/didn't listen to what I said. I have riding gloves and now I have jods, a new hat, crop and riding gloves I look the part! All I need is a Puffa jacket and I'll look the real equestrian type. You will look too good to fall off. I've fallen off once already and it wasn't nice. At all. Then my mum freaked out and has been funny about me riding ever since. :closedeyes:
  2. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    WHAAAAAATTTTTTTTT? You are wearing Jesse's picture on the front of your dress? Have you a signed release? Are you paying him for the rights to use his face? To be fair, I don't know if it's a timber wolf. It's called "Nighthunter", though.
  3. :unsure: Oooooooooooooo-kay. The fleebits in my mind tell me to eat live kittens. SHOOBEBOOP. Live kittens are okay. Just not rodents. Changed my mind: rodents a la mode it is! *has all rodents roll in manure to side-track eagles* Tee hee... joke's on you, I bet that smells awful! At least you won't eat us. And we take a ferret shower... we just cover up the manure smell with Coco parfum. That's one strong perfume! I bet the manure sticks to your fur.
  4. Tim Curry went to my university so he is celebrated here. Every year the film society - of which I am a part - does a showing with those who know the audience participation rules playing along. I can't wait for this year's.
  5. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse, you'll be proud of me. I bought this a few weeks ago.
  6. Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her. Hope you had good gloves. One of the horses kept on spooking another horse and they were the two in front of me in the line when we were in the lesson, so Flo was getting a bit jumpy/didn't listen to what I said. I have riding gloves and now I have jods, a new hat, crop and riding gloves I look the part! All I need is a Puffa jacket and I'll look the real equestrian type.
  7. Not actually pregnant. Baby birds are a nightmare to look after... few! And those flying lessons are so expensive...
  8. What are you in the mood for right now? A moment ago I was in the mood for McDonalds chips but right now I'm looking forward to having fajitas again tonight. I get these mad cravings so often my friends think I'm perpetually pregnant.
  9. My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor. Now for some Busby Berkeley.
  10. :unsure: Oooooooooooooo-kay. The fleebits in my mind tell me to eat live kittens. SHOOBEBOOP. Live kittens are okay. Just not rodents. Changed my mind: rodents a la mode it is! *has all rodents roll in manure to side-track eagles* Tee hee... joke's on you, I bet that smells awful!
  11. I work in the land of Elvis. Don't you really want one of those black velvet artistic portraits of the king himself, adorned with fake jewels, glitter and shiny colours? I have this. My best friend gave it to me for Christmas. Oh my goodness... that picture is HUGE!!!!!!!! I know, right? I'm having a big problem finding somewhere to put it. As my mum said when she drove me up yesteday, "At least you have a handsome man in your room!" Your mother has a great sense of humour!!! Nah, she's just Brazilian and therefore THINKS she's funny.
  12. Am I that transparent? Cellophane, Mr Cellophane... ie. Yes.
  13. I had to look up Pikachu to remember how to draw him. By the end of the meme my hand was really tired! Eagles have hands? I can sometimes simulate an opposable thumb by twiddling my wings a bit. Also, no apostrophe!!!
  14. It rains. And it rains. My day has been spent painting and re-painting my nails. What a fun pasttime.
  15. :unsure: Oooooooooooooo-kay. The fleebits in my mind tell me to eat live kittens. SHOOBEBOOP. Live kittens are okay. Just not rodents. Changed my mind: rodents a la mode it is!
  16. I work in the land of Elvis. Don't you really want one of those black velvet artistic portraits of the king himself, adorned with fake jewels, glitter and shiny colours? I have this. My best friend gave it to me for Christmas. Oh my goodness... that picture is HUGE!!!!!!!! I know, right? I'm having a big problem finding somewhere to put it. As my mum said when she drove me up yesteday, "At least you have a handsome man in your room!"
  17. I saw Changeling today. I HATE Angelina Jolie but I thought the film was good, albeit disturbing. Now I can't stop watching the trailer for Beverly Hills Chichuahua... that has to be the best song EVER EVER EVER.
  18. I had to look up Pikachu to remember how to draw him. By the end of the meme my hand was really tired!
  19. A lot of Spongebob fans about, clearly.
  20. I call spiders cute names so they appear less frightening. However, my biggest mistake was calling one "Fluffy" because everybody's mind jumped to "hairy" and became more scared! I'm alive and kicking... just. Freezing, though.
  21. I work in the land of Elvis. Don't you really want one of those black velvet artistic portraits of the king himself, adorned with fake jewels, glitter and shiny colours? I have this. My best friend gave it to me for Christmas.
  22. :unsure: Oooooooooooooo-kay. The fleebits in my mind tell me to eat live kittens. SHOOBEBOOP.
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