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Everything posted by LifesEagle

  1. Maybe go food or fun shopping. Or watch another Busby Berkeley.
  2. I already did. Again, I can see right through you, you cheat. Cheat? I think not. Creative. You will not get away with this. I think I asked you this before, but why don't they ust make you an admin?
  3. Perhaps if he hears me, you will go after him for dinner instead of trying to eat me> I don't think I could pull off eating a wolf. I could probably eat some celebrities that we could live without, though.
  4. If you really want that coat it's on sale now, and according to currency converter it has gone down from $132.57 to $99.45. Also: I LOVE the picture! One of my friends calls me a Nomwich.
  6. I already did. Again, I can see right through you, you cheat.
  7. Horatio, don't let Jesse hear you say that wolves are bad!
  8. The steering wheel tasted like chicken. I helped groom Morgan that time so that's probably why he looks so good. I have seen her new haircut, she has pictures on FB.
  9. I work in the land of Elvis. Don't you really want one of those black velvet artistic portraits of the king himself, adorned with fake jewels, glitter and shiny colours? I have this. My best friend gave it to me for Christmas. Oh my goodness... that picture is HUGE!!!!!!!! I know, right? I'm having a big problem finding somewhere to put it. As my mum said when she drove me up yesteday, "At least you have a handsome man in your room!" Your mother has a great sense of humour!!! Nah, she's just Brazilian and therefore THINKS she's funny. Do you speak Portuguese? She never taught me, which my extended family thinks is a shame. I know a few phrases because my dad learnt Portuguese before they got married and sometimes they speak in "Portoocheese" as I call it (especially when arguing ). I might be going to do some charity work in Brazil this sumemr so I'll definately be learning some when I go out there!
  10. LifesEagle

    Jesse's topic

    Canis lupus keeps on coming up in my lectures. However did you get so popular, Jesse?
  11. I thought I'd share my latest LJ entry with y'all: My friends worry about me.
  12. I don't need those things. My restaurant has cool air. Daboomtsh.
  13. Not actually pregnant. Baby birds are a nightmare to look after... few! And those flying lessons are so expensive... We can cut down on the expense of flying lessons... I'll teach them. I now have the mental image of little baby eagles with aviation goggles and scarves fluttering in the wind. Exactly. I like that image. Now for me to get the new art program. Then I could draw their pictures. Please do! My Paint scribblings don't do my imagination justice.
  14. New year, new pictures. The horse ones are of me, my cousin and her horse Morgan/Morgie/Nibbles/Fat Ginge on New Year's Eve. The clearly fake horse one was taken a few days before in the coastal town of Brighton. The one of me and the Chinese girl (Laya) was taken at my prizegiving just before Christmas. The last ones were taken at odd times over Christmas. The one with me and the hat is probably one of my all-time favourite photos of moi. Oh, and the last one was when I got a little bit hungry.
  15. You are so sneaky! You can't get away with it that easily., using your god powers and whatnot.
  16. Very nice! I think it depends on how you save the files; with me it likes JPEG and nothing else. Since I do everything on Paint I have to make sure I save it correctly.
  18. I just plain rule. I just wanted to share that.
  20. There's something both cute and disturbing about that.
  21. One day -Kat- and I decided to fight the evil budgies that lived in the attic. So, armed with small Ikea lamps, we charged into the dusty loft space to be greated by the King of the Clipboard people! Boy, we were surprised. We dined with him at a glorious feast consisting of roast table and sauteed leather boots. We were eventually declared traitors to the Great and Glorious Kingdom of Blibby and had to battle some Battlefrogs TO DA DETH. That was fun.
  22. Not actually pregnant. Baby birds are a nightmare to look after... few! And those flying lessons are so expensive... We can cut down on the expense of flying lessons... I'll teach them. I now have the mental image of little baby eagles with aviation goggles and scarves fluttering in the wind.
  23. BANGA BANGA BANGA. Fun fact: My imaginary friend/pet as a kid was called Banga.
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