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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Quiet is good. I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz. Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see. Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. lol I guess so. Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak. Sports, sports, sports... B O R I N G !!!!!! Definite turn-off for a hamster like me. There are so many more things to life than sports. The only person who is exempt from this boring sports blather is my favorite motorcycle rider, Valentino Rossi. Hahaha agreed. I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own life, let alone the sports world.
  2. Then perhaps a better question is "successful at what?" For me, success would just be being happy, and at the same time doing what God wants me to do. Looking back at your life and feeling you were successful. Having no regrets. Then so far, apart from little things that could have been handled lately, I have been successful. If you can keep this mentality, then life will be very good for you. The little daily stresses, you will be able to deal easily with those. lol hopefully. I need to remind myself on a regular basis that little things aren't worth stressing over. Otherwise these things pile up and put me in a really bad mood.
  3. Quiet is good. I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz. Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see. Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. lol I guess so. Well, if he turns out to be some sort of dud, you will know immediately and place him in the friend category. On the other hand, you might be able to bring out his wild side. Well, as much as I hate to sound so judgemental, the use of chatspeak outside of things that really shorten typing (lol, brb, ttyl) is instant minus points for me. Next thing I noticed was his buddy icon, which was a penguin playing ice hockey. That combined with his away message about watching some sports game on TV signals to me: sports fan, which is minus points depending on how extreme he is about it. And I think his sn is something sports related too, but I don't know enough about sports to tell. But like I said, we'll see. Hopefully there's more to him than sports and chatspeak.
  4. Then perhaps a better question is "successful at what?" For me, success would just be being happy, and at the same time doing what God wants me to do. Looking back at your life and feeling you were successful. Having no regrets. Then so far, apart from little things that could have been handled lately, I have been successful.
  5. Quiet is good. I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz. Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see. Nice of Lindsay to ask first. Now to wait to hear what happens with Steve. lol I guess so.
  6. But that's just overall. There can also be success in smaller things. Like I would like to be successful in understanding this chem material.
  7. Then perhaps a better question is "successful at what?" For me, success would just be being happy, and at the same time doing what God wants me to do.
  8. Quiet is good. I am certain you did well on your exams and quiz. Quiet is good, but boring. I've been talking to Marius online on a somewhat regular basis, which is always fun. He's a very peculiar person. I've never met someone whose mind works the way his does, and that fascinates me. Ian, on the other hand, has not been online, which is rather depressing. But he wasn't feeling well and had work or something last I checked. Oh, and one thing of half interest did occur today. Lindsay (after asking first) gave her friend Steve my sn. She's been saying for awhile that I'll probably get along with him really well and all that. Although, despite the fact that I barely got a chance to talk to him (I had some last second studying that had to get done), I can tell that he doesn't quite seem like my type. But we'll see.
  9. Long Term Short Term There was a line that caught my mind, How I'll be here for all of time. I thought about junk mail and tests failed, About how those things don't matter. How I get caught in the rain, and it's such a pain, But that tree over there has been stuck in every rain storm for the past 50 years. I'm glad I'm not a tree. Don't worry about people who stick up their noses, stop and smell the roses, Because neither will be around for long, for better or for worse. The brand of clothes you wear has no impact when you compare to the friends you have and the memories you make. Many report that life's too short, but we all say, "In the long run..." Keep both in mind, sometimes it's okay to look behind, see where you've come from, and where you're going. Where are you going? As the wind's blowing? If that's good or bad I do not know. Make your decisions with clarity and precision, but don't worry about it too much. Don't let your guard down, as you fall in love, somehow, It's possible and impossible at the same time. Make sense, make cents, Pay the bills, but have time to kill. Remember what's important, and don't lay dormant, Lest life pass you by in a sigh. That is, of course, if you can figure out what "important" means.
  10. We still love you. Nobody can catch everything. At least you do a better job than me. And for the record, I did actually go to bed a little after 2am. And I'm pretty sure I did a good job on both my quiz and my exam. And of course I got into class and realized my lab report is actually due wednesday instead to today. Duh. Nothing else of interest happened today. It's been pretty quiet.
  11. Yeah that you have finished. As it is 23H00, when do you think you will be studying??? LOL Mm...2am maybe? Too much later than that, I won't be able to function properly tomorrow. I have some time to study tomorrow too.
  12. :wub: It is great to hear about two people in love. I'm glad you think so, Horatio. My friends don't wanna hear anything about it -Li The reason your friends don't want to hear is because of several factors. First, before He came into your life, you hung out with them.... A LOT. Now you spend more time with him and they feel neglected. Second, there is some wishful thinking on their part. They look at your dream relationship and wish they had something like this in their life. These are just a couple of the reasons. I think it is so very wonderful that you have a great relationship. It is so nice to hear about your times together. Thanks for sharing them with us. Horatio, I read your post and thought one thing: ALOT should be two words.
  13. I'm DONE! With my lab report anyways. Still have studying to do, but that can happen a little later.
  14. Yes, that does present a little problem. Now get off the computer and start studying. And, that's an order. But my lab report has to be typed. And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building. Get typing. Or else! Getting there. I've finished the first two sections of my report. Three more to go.
  15. Yes, that does present a little problem. Now get off the computer and start studying. And, that's an order. But my lab report has to be typed. And sorry for the delay in response. The fire alarm went off, and then my friend Christina came over and I had to let her into the building.
  16. But my report is due tomorrow, as well as exam and quiz studying.
  17. So, it's raining, and I need a haircut, and I'm bored, and I don't want to do my lab report or studying.
  18. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. Lucky you! lol Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work. *thinks about trying this* Hm...let's find out...Aw, "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" Lame. Let me complain to HampsterKing. *thinks we should have another topic called HampsterTube where videos are permitted* I could have sworn I responded to this post...oh well. I think uploading videos would be so awesome!
  19. Aw. That's kinda sad. I enjoyed having her around, mod or not. Is there a disclosable reason why she's no longer a mod (aside from no longer being active)? HampsterKing removed her mod status. After he did that she decided not to post here. I'm assuming then that you can't say or don't know why HK removed her mod status?
  20. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. Lucky you! lol Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked. I wonder if it was a few seconds long, if it would work. *thinks about trying this* Hm...let's find out...Aw, "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" Lame.
  21. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha LOL Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal. Lucky you! lol Today we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, and I took some video footage. That reminds me...let's see if I can upload videos here... It says "uploading file" but it's sure taking its time. But then again the video is almost nine minutes long... Aw, it doesn't look like it worked.
  22. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing. If I ever slept that late, I would be having some kind of panic attack that I had lost the entire day. Nah, my day generally runs until at least 1am anyways, so it's not really a big deal.
  23. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways. Coffee!!!!!! *brews a wonderful smelling Butter Rum pot of coffee* Hahaha I had two mint coffee flavored granola bars for breakfast. I also slept in until 1 today, which was a wonderful thing.
  24. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O Yes. I remember you saying that. Somehow that slipped my mind. lol that's alright. My brain isn't exactly functioning properly anyways.
  25. Aw. That's kinda sad. I enjoyed having her around, mod or not. Is there a disclosable reason why she's no longer a mod (aside from no longer being active)?
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