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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. And when you went for your walk... did your brain make your heart happy? *is a little confused by that satement* Sure, why not.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    If you think that is boring... just wait until you get to graduation day. It will seem even longer with all the speeches and stuff. That was one nice thing about having a graduating class or 70-something.
  3. Toto: Hello! Cheese: I hope so too. Horatio: lol most of the dreams I have shouldn't come true, and some of them violate basic laws of physics. Today was nice. I went for a walk to take some pictures, then realized it was dinner time and rounded up Derek and Christina, ate dinner, took another walk, then came back to play amplitude and DDR. It was nice.
  4. So, last night I had a dream that Ian proposed to me. And it was a really long dream, but I don't remember most of it. Probably because there were a couple discussion topics about proposing and all that on another website I'm on. Just thought I'd share that with you all.
  5. Woah. Just noticed the giant banner at the top of the page. Anyhow, update on life: Last night Marius, Brennan, and I went to a diner and Met Lindsay and her friend Danielle there. It was fun times. And today we got bored and wandered around a neighboring town and took some cool pictures at a water fountain. I'm chatting with Ian on aim right now, and he hasn't been doing so great. Apparently he's lost a lot of weight, can't really talk because of a sore throat, and is not happy about being stuck in the same room for so long. So I sent him a link to the pictures I took of the rose he gave me for my birthday, and that made him happy. I shoud take flower pictures more often...
  6. If you're going to get an iphone, I say wait at least a year after it comes out to buy one. That way the price will go down, and any bugs it has will be worked out.
  7. So, I wanna try a mini experiment type thing: How many lurkers are there in this topic? Like how many of you just read the posts but don't say anything? Come say hello or something. (in plain directions: If you're reading this post, respond to it)
  8. Ask your mother to get you one. Very, very good!!! I shall. xD How much are they? Because they're an exotic fruit, they're a little pricey. I forget how much though. They taste kinda like a green apple, only a lot more juicy.
  9. Hm...yeah, I think that when looking into a presidentia candidate, it's more important to look at their moral values than their religion. Fact is, most muslims, jews, and christians have the same basic moral values, at least in theory. Actually, most of the other religons do too. Pity people don't actually follow them...
  10. You mean, it's not just a neopets item? *has a nostalgia attack for having not played neopets for so long* Hahaha No, it's an actual fruit.
  11. *thinks... burning with passion... * Hahaha yeah, that's what the verse says. Which is funny because "passion" and derivitaves of that word, is a word that Ian uses a lot more often than most people. *thinks Hawaiian Passion* No... for all you who are thinking, love at the beach. It is a wonderful colour paint. Hahaha Or passionfruit. Ohhhh, passionfruit is so good!!! I don't believe that I have had it before. Have you had Star Fruit? I love starfruit!
  12. *thinks... burning with passion... * Hahaha yeah, that's what the verse says. Which is funny because "passion" and derivitaves of that word, is a word that Ian uses a lot more often than most people. *thinks Hawaiian Passion* No... for all you who are thinking, love at the beach. It is a wonderful colour paint. Hahaha Or passionfruit.
  13. She might curve the test if everyone did poorly on it. If not, get the whole class (and lots of parents) to complain to the higher ups.
  14. *thinks... burning with passion... * Hahaha yeah, that's what the verse says. Which is funny because "passion" and derivitaves of that word, is a word that Ian uses a lot more often than most people.
  15. So, Ian was able to sign onto im yesterday, so I chatted with him for a little bit. He turned of messaging capabilities on his phone, so he didn't get the rose picture I sent him, so I sent him the link to a better picture I had online, and that made him quite happy. I told him my conclusion about the burning with passion verse, and he said, "I completely agree!" and we then moved on to other subjects. He's still pretty sick and very tired, so I'm not going to tell him any sort of really shocking news until he's recovered his full physical and mental faculties. So I didn't tell him I got a haircut either. I'd also rather put off dropping hints that I like him until I can see him in person, or at least on the phone, so I can gague his reaction. Im is no good for that.
  16. *sees empty wheels in motion* Huh? Hammie ghosts returning to their cages and going for a run. Ah. Creepy.
  17. *sees empty wheels in motion* Huh?
  18. Wow, I think this is the ultimate in thread necromancy!
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with <insert that certain website that lots of college students use>. Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. -Effective communication -Academic Writing -Literary Expressions -Hist. Paths to Civ. -Calculus 3 -Franco-Italian Connections -French Advanced Expression through Film -Political Science And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor. Wow...what's your major again? Or have you even picked one yet? As for posting your schedule, I had no problems when I posted mine. It actually helped me, because I was able to look up other people in my class and ask them questions about the homework. Okay, sounds good. And I'm majoring in Math. For now, at least. I've heard that people change majors many times, so I'm aware that I may do that as well. Oh yeah, I might do a double minor in French and Music. But I'll probably wait to declare the French minor (it needs only four more courses because I start at a high level). I just want the music minor to fit its way into my schedule first. Awesome! Math, Music, and French are all good choices for you, I think. At least given what I know about you. And yes, even I changed my major once. It wouldn't surprise me much to see you go into physics or computer science.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with <insert that certain website that lots of college students use>. Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. -Effective communication -Academic Writing -Literary Expressions -Hist. Paths to Civ. -Calculus 3 -Franco-Italian Connections -French Advanced Expression through Film -Political Science And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor. Wow...what's your major again? Or have you even picked one yet? As for posting your schedule, I had no problems when I posted mine. It actually helped me, because I was able to look up other people in my class and ask them questions about the homework.
  21. Oh trust me, I know. And I won't try to make him change, because I know I can't change him. Only God can do that.
  22. *keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking* lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen. *believes it will happen* I hope so... *has a very hard time being silent* So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. *is very happy* I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship. I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too... From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you. It's *really* hard to say. He acts in a romantic way with pretty much everyone. It's just part of his character. Oh. *puts brain into mode B* Hahaha yeah. I think I'm going to wait until he's better before I say anything. I don't want to shock his system or anything. And I think that since he's been stuck in bed and thinking about me, there's a good chance he's been thinking about God too, and I don't want to interfere with anything God's trying to tell him. Because who knows? Maybe he'll come out of this illness knowing Jesus as the Messiah and his savior. *resists temptation to open my mouth* lol you can talk if you want. Thanks. You are hoping he will change. If you want a successful relationship, just accept him and respect his choice of religion. If you both just start your relationship and see where things go, and do not expect him to change, then you both will do well. If you are going into this relationship expecting he give up his religion and accept yours, then I suggest you do not start the relationship... it won't work. Oh I know that full well. I live by the idea that I should hope for the best and expect the worst. Of course I *hope* Ian will be saved, but I can't be foolish enough to expect it. I know better than that. And I'm in love with him as he is now, I doubt that will change. I know you know this, but I guess my choice of words was not good. You need to give up 'hoping' Ian be saved. Forget about it completely. Don't even think about it. If it is meant to happen, it will happen. But if you keep this thought in the back of your mind, it will undermine your relationship. It's impossible to forget about it completely, but I won't let it interfere with anything. We're such close friends, I think that if my hope for his salvation was going to hurt our relationship, it would have done so already. And I know that Ian is very stubborn, so it's not likely to happen except through an act of God. So my hope is not so much that Ian will change, but that God would cause Ian to change. So the pressure would be on God instead of on Ian, if that makes sense. LOL... it sounds like a way of convincing yourself that it is okay to keep hoping he will change. LOL lol Nah, I figure I can hope for things as long as I don't expect them. Like I hope sme random stranger gives me a million dollars tomorrow, but I can't expect it. Is it possible? Sure. Likely? No. I know that.
  23. Excellent idea. Walks are good. They are! And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting. *keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking* lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen. *believes it will happen* I hope so... *has a very hard time being silent* So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. *is very happy* I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship. I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too... From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you. It's *really* hard to say. He acts in a romantic way with pretty much everyone. It's just part of his character. Oh. *puts brain into mode B* Hahaha yeah. I think I'm going to wait until he's better before I say anything. I don't want to shock his system or anything. And I think that since he's been stuck in bed and thinking about me, there's a good chance he's been thinking about God too, and I don't want to interfere with anything God's trying to tell him. Because who knows? Maybe he'll come out of this illness knowing Jesus as the Messiah and his savior. *resists temptation to open my mouth* lol you can talk if you want. Thanks. You are hoping he will change. If you want a successful relationship, just accept him and respect his choice of religion. If you both just start your relationship and see where things go, and do not expect him to change, then you both will do well. If you are going into this relationship expecting he give up his religion and accept yours, then I suggest you do not start the relationship... it won't work. Oh I know that full well. I live by the idea that I should hope for the best and expect the worst. Of course I *hope* Ian will be saved, but I can't be foolish enough to expect it. I know better than that. And I'm in love with him as he is now, I doubt that will change. I know you know this, but I guess my choice of words was not good. You need to give up 'hoping' Ian be saved. Forget about it completely. Don't even think about it. If it is meant to happen, it will happen. But if you keep this thought in the back of your mind, it will undermine your relationship. It's impossible to forget about it completely, but I won't let it interfere with anything. We're such close friends, I think that if my hope for his salvation was going to hurt our relationship, it would have done so already. And I know that Ian is very stubborn, so it's not likely to happen except through an act of God. So my hope is not so much that Ian will change, but that God would cause Ian to change. So the pressure would be on God instead of on Ian, if that makes sense.
  24. Your poetry should be in a bound book for all to read. Talent is on your side. Maybe someday. And thanks again.
  25. Excellent idea. Walks are good. They are! And while I was taking my walk, I was praying, which was nice because I haven't had much time to do that lately. And in one part of my walk, I just stopped and took in the scenery (which, to be fair, was a soccer field, but the birds were singing and there was a sunset forming and it was really nice), and then I noticed a little piece of rainbow in the sky. Like a teeny tiny piece that only I was likely to notice (because I tend to notice rainbows, especially when I'm going through something and seeking God's help). And I was standing there praying, and I really felt that God's pushing me more and more towards Ian. And I've been praying that God lead me in the right direction for stuff like that. So, I don't know. Like I'm cool with it, happy about it, but I don't know quite what to do with it, like what action to take. It's interesting. *keeps my mouth shut because Jesusfreak already knows what I am thinking* lol :PI guess I'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens. If this is what God really wants for me, He'll make it happen. *believes it will happen* I hope so... *has a very hard time being silent* So, I just got off the phone with my mom, and she basically said she's okay with it, as long as I know what I'm getting myself into, and as long as he doesn't pull me down in my Christian walk. So, I think my next plan of action is to take a shower, because I just got up. And my next plan of action for the whole Ian thing, is to tell him I came to my conclusion on the whole "burning with passion" verse thing. *is very happy* I am thrilled that your mother is okay with a relationship with Ian. My feeling is that your mother sees you're in love. My thoughts are that Ian is not going to try and make you change your religion. If you both respect each other and do not try and change each other's beliefs, then I think you two will be a fantastic couple with a phenomenal relationship. I think it's less that than the fact that I've known Ian for four years, and that she knows I've been praying about it, and that I should know better than anyone else what God wants in my life. And I think my mom has been praying about it too, and feels the same thing. So, it should be interesting to see where things go from here. Aside from telling Ian my conclusion on that Bible thing, I need some good way to find out if he's in love with me too... From what you have mentioned of his actions... there is absolutely no doubt in mind that he is most definitely in love with you. It's *really* hard to say. He acts in a romantic way with pretty much everyone. It's just part of his character. Oh. *puts brain into mode B* Hahaha yeah. I think I'm going to wait until he's better before I say anything. I don't want to shock his system or anything. And I think that since he's been stuck in bed and thinking about me, there's a good chance he's been thinking about God too, and I don't want to interfere with anything God's trying to tell him. Because who knows? Maybe he'll come out of this illness knowing Jesus as the Messiah and his savior. *resists temptation to open my mouth* lol you can talk if you want. Thanks. You are hoping he will change. If you want a successful relationship, just accept him and respect his choice of religion. If you both just start your relationship and see where things go, and do not expect him to change, then you both will do well. If you are going into this relationship expecting he give up his religion and accept yours, then I suggest you do not start the relationship... it won't work. Oh I know that full well. I live by the idea that I should hope for the best and expect the worst. Of course I *hope* Ian will be saved, but I can't be foolish enough to expect it. I know better than that. And I'm in love with him as he is now, I doubt that will change.
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