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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Ah hah! This is how it was found. For the sake of my sanity, can you please remove "deleted" from both the quote I'm quoting and from this post? (or remove this post entirely) Thanks.
  2. I suppose we should introduce ourselves... Hi Marissa and Ian! I'm Jesse the Timber Wolf at your service *shakes paws* I'm an 18 year old guy, I live in Connecticut, I play the clarinet, I speak French, and I build custom Tomb Raider levels. I suppose that's everything in a nutshell. Oh, and I'm graduating high school today. *hands them a jelly micicle as a welcoming gift* Your graduation is on a Saturday? Anyways, congratulations!
  3. Um, so. Interesting story for you all. I don't know how she did it (I tried, and I couldn't even come up with it), but Ian's little sister somehow came across this whole thing by googling Ian's name. (I want to know what she searched for now...) And of course she told Ian. And he asked me about it. So I had to tell him. And he's okay with it, but only loves me as a friend. Which is okay. But yeah, bizzarre at any rate. So, if either Marissa or Ian are reading this, Hi! These are my hampsterdance friends, and this entire place is most of how I learned how to type. Oh, and to make this whole situation even more strange, while I was talking to Ian, both the kid Lindsay wants to set me up with and the guy from facebook that likes me IM'd me. *That* was strange. Anyways, tomorrow is Lara's birthday party, and I need to find my color ink cartridge so I can print out her birthday card and go to sleep...
  4. Sounds like you have a really fantastic time. I do have a question, they stopped the Batman ride because Nina brought her camera, is this not permitted? Why not? Because if you drop it, it becomes a rather dangerous projectile. And yay roller coasters!
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I think my parents said something like this. Like how people have to get a marriage liscence, they should also have to get a parenting liscence. But at the same time, and there is no good way to say this, we need stupid people to do lower level jobs. Because most smart people aren't going to be satisfied working at Mc Donalds or something like that for their entire lives. Has anyone read Strange New World? But as the more menial jobs get replaced by robots and computers, then I can see something like that making more sense.
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I saw Pirates 3 last week with my brother, and I really liked it. Did you know Keith Richards is in it, albiet only twice and for about 5 seconds? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Marius pointed that out. He was Jack Sparrow's dad right?
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    1. I am glad to hear that your parents have taught you about savings and checking accounts. 2. Airline pilots have an age 60 mandatory retirement. Yet the U.S. Government is discriminating against American citizens who are currently employed as airline pilots through age discrimination. Foreign airline pilots are permitted to fly within the United States up to age 65, yet American pilots must retire by age 60. This is not a job you take on a temporary basis. When you apply to an airline to fly as a pilot, you are anticipating a 20 to 30 year career, depending on what age you arrived at that airline. Everything is based on seniority, so you don't work for one airline and then go to another. You usually pick an airline, get hired and stay there until you retire. So, there are some good jobs that you are forced into retirement at a particular age. I know teaching in some places has a forced retirement age. In my high school I think it was 80. I think that a forced retirement agre kinda makes sense because some people, as they get older, start to lose it and are no longer fit for the job (I've had a couple teachers like that). Although I think that instead of forcing retirement at a certain age, maybe have people go through some sort of evaluation every so often after they hit a certain age. If they don't pass the evaluation, they can then be forced to retire, and if they do pass it, then they don't have to. As for why I didn't post there, it's because I posted here instead. And I know that if you do it right, investing in the stock market can be profitable. That's just not how I want to do it. And I don't have the time to devote to it either.
  8. I would think HK because he kinda already owns the website. And if TGHL was the president, he would actually be dictator. And besides, the president doesn't actually have to *do* anything. He/she only has to get other people to do things.
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Oh! And something just occurred to me, about your picking a major and a career and whatnot. I could totally see you being the computer/technology teacher in an elementary school. Just thought I'd add that.
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Hm...yeah, I have to side with Jesse on this one. Maybe it's just because I grew up with being on an ultra-tight budget, but the stock market scares me. It is, in essence, a gamble. A safer gamble than the casinos, but still a gamble. And I can't afford that. I think that if I were to have a great enough excess of money that losing a couple thousand dollars would be no big deal, then I'd probably invest in a couple of safe looking stocks. At the moment, apple looks like a good one, and certain alternative energy stocks seem like a good idea, although they might take awhile to catch on. And organic food stocks. Basically, I'd look into anything that people are going to look for in the coming years once they realize what they're doing now is unsafe.
  11. Wow. o.O So, last night I had a really interesting conversation with Ian, that makes me think that he is in fact in love with me, because I can't see any other reason for him telling me the things he told me, so that was really interesting. And after I woke up from taking a much needed nap today, I had a messafe from my friend Ruby from high school (who knows Ian and all about what's going on) saying that she thinks I should wait to tell him, because it's God's timing, and not mine. And I agree with her. I'm in no real rush to say anything to him, because I am waiting for God to lead everything the way it needs to go. And He hasn't yet given me an opportunity to say anything, and I think He probably won't for at least a little while, because it seems Ian is still working through some things, and God is still talking to him. I just hope his pride doesn't get in the way... Also last night, I saw Pirates 3. Good movie, quite funny, and actually had an ending, albeit a bittersweet one. And it gave some justification for the second one. Consequently, I'm not entirely sure how I did on my chem exam this morning.
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay plants! And I love the leaf piles. lol I'm such a nature dork...
  13. Dreaming of Reality Is this an illusion, or is it for real? What will happen when I say how I feel? Am I right? Is what I think true? That maybe, just maybe, you're in love with me too? Because, you know, I have hope for tomorrow, But I also fear that it might end in sorrow. For all I know, it's just all in my head, a dream to which imagination has lead. I really hope that's not the case, because I long to see your face, Smiling at me with that look of love, as God is working up above.
  14. Ooh, good call. *now imagines melted cheese and burnt up rocket bits dripping down the roller skates*
  15. *now has an image of said cheese on skates being propelled out of control by some rockets* You guys are something else...
  16. *imagines a piece of cheese on roller skates* Hahaha! I just have this mental image of a huge wedge of cheese on top of a pair of roller skates at a roller rink, not moving at all. XD
  17. Hey, I'm always here to talk. As for support groups, there's gotta be some out there somewhere. You just need to look. As for the world going downhill, yeah it is. It's sad. There's nothing we can really do about it aside from living the best lives we can. Support Groups would be wonderful, but most are Christian. Its really hard when you go to a group and all they say is "You have to believe in this god to quit" they dont exactly say that but... well i mean to me it seems kinda like the Spanish Inquisition for crack addicts "Your gonna have to keep suffering unless you belive in our god" Get what im saying? Yeah. Although of course being who I am, I think that God can help. Even so, somewhere out there, there's got to be a support group that's not faith based.
  18. You must be good. A hamster on roller skates is a sight to behold. Many years of practice. And a hamster on roller skates would, in theory, have an easier time because you have four feet instead of two. And our campus has been invaded by a bunch of high school-ish boys in white polo shirts and khaki pants. There are a couple hundred of them, I think.
  19. Hahaha yeah, I only fell once, and that was because some kid cut me off.
  20. *pops out from a bush* Hello or something! *chucks an apple flavored fishicle at JF and jumps back into the bush* Hahaha! *throws a few micicles at the bush* *catches them in the mouth* Thanks. lol you're welcome. So, today my friend Georgina invited me to go roller skating with her and her church. It was fun times.
  21. Hey, I'm always here to talk. As for support groups, there's gotta be some out there somewhere. You just need to look. As for the world going downhill, yeah it is. It's sad. There's nothing we can really do about it aside from living the best lives we can.
  22. *pops out from a bush* Hello or something! *chucks an apple flavored fishicle at JF and jumps back into the bush* Hahaha! *throws a few micicles at the bush*
  23. And when you went for your walk... did your brain make your heart happy? *is a little confused by that satement* Sure, why not. I was wondering if you were having happy thoughts about Ian. lol I always have happy thoughts about Ian!
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