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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone! *gives Jesusfreak a big hug* Have a really great summer! You will definitely be missed!!! *big hugs back* I'm probably driving you all crazy, but I'm at home now, instead of camp. I'll be going to camp tomorrow. I think. Mom keeps changing the plans. *jumps for joy for one more day* Sorry you are home for one more day, but yeah, aren't we lucky!!! I will be on all here all day because I am on line. What? Not standing in line for an iphone? I was sitting in line for my iPhone... which I now have! The Apple Store had wi-fi for everyone to use. They shut it off for about 30 minutes, and everyone panicked. I will show some pictures later of the wait. lol Horatio, you're crazy. That could be a distinct possibility! LOL Hahaha
  2. Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone! *gives Jesusfreak a big hug* Have a really great summer! You will definitely be missed!!! *big hugs back* I'm probably driving you all crazy, but I'm at home now, instead of camp. I'll be going to camp tomorrow. I think. Mom keeps changing the plans. *jumps for joy for one more day* Sorry you are home for one more day, but yeah, aren't we lucky!!! I will be on all here all day because I am on line. What? Not standing in line for an iphone? I was sitting in line for my iPhone... which I now have! The Apple Store had wi-fi for everyone to use. They shut it off for about 30 minutes, and everyone panicked. I will show some pictures later of the wait. lol Horatio, you're crazy.
  3. Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone! *gives Jesusfreak a big hug* Have a really great summer! You will definitely be missed!!! *big hugs back* I'm probably driving you all crazy, but I'm at home now, instead of camp. I'll be going to camp tomorrow. I think. Mom keeps changing the plans. *jumps for joy for one more day* Sorry you are home for one more day, but yeah, aren't we lucky!!! I will be on all here all day because I am on line. What? Not standing in line for an iphone?
  4. Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone! *gives Jesusfreak a big hug* Have a really great summer! You will definitely be missed!!! *big hugs back* I'm probably driving you all crazy, but I'm at home now, instead of camp. I'll be going to camp tomorrow. I think. Mom keeps changing the plans.
  5. Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone!
  6. Hahaha Yesssss XD I just found two of the hampsterdance CD's on Ruckus. (Happy times ten and Hampsterdance Hits) This just made my life all the more entertaining. Along with the following section of the music I have on my Ruckus player:
  7. Yeah for Friday! Congratulations to your sister's graduation. We all wish her luck!!! Sunflowers... how beautiful!!!!!!! You probably got an A on your Chemistry final and will ace your business ethics exam this evening. Good luck tonight. *please post pics of the graduation or at least the sunflowers* I'm expecting about a B on both of them. The chem just because it's too hard to remember everything, and business just because I'm really tired and running on about 5 hours of sleep. As for pictures, sadly, don't count on them going up any time soon, as I've still got tons of packing to do. You will have all summer to get them organized. lol something like that. I actually have quite a few projects I want to work on while I'm gone, so I don't go crazy.
  8. Yeah, as a biology major, I'm not sure how they coud remove your colon without causing lots of other problems in the process, unless they did a transplant or something. Wierd. As for the HK picture, I believe he posted it somewhere in my pictures topic.
  9. Yeah for Friday! Congratulations to your sister's graduation. We all wish her luck!!! Sunflowers... how beautiful!!!!!!! You probably got an A on your Chemistry final and will ace your business ethics exam this evening. Good luck tonight. *please post pics of the graduation or at least the sunflowers* I'm expecting about a B on both of them. The chem just because it's too hard to remember everything, and business just because I'm really tired and running on about 5 hours of sleep. As for pictures, sadly, don't count on them going up any time soon, as I've still got tons of packing to do.
  10. lol I feel loved now. I'm not gone yet. I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning, but the way my mom has things going it looks like I might at least be at home (with internet) on Friday. It's all sorts of complicated. My sister graduated yesterday, and I'm putting the pictures on my computer as I type. When we were getting her flowers, I insisted on getting her a rather large bunch of sunflowers. And I took my chem final this morning. I think it went okay, which is good. My business ethics exam is tonight, so I should probably get moving on the studying for that.
  11. Oh boy. The next few days are going to be crazy. Today is my sister's Graduation, so I'll be going to CT pretty much as soon as I get out of class. After that, I'm probably going to spend the night at camp (or at home if mom's too tired to drive that far), and then come back here to college first thing Wednesday morning, to take my exams and finish packing, and then go back to camp first thing Thursday morning, and then I'll be gone for the summer. Crazy.
  12. Oh, you're lucky. The only thing I fear is pain. Needles cause pain. And after what happened to my sister, I'm a little paranoid about donating blood now. (They hit a nerve, which now causes really nasty pain spasms in her arm, especially if she's stressed. It was a freak occurence, but still.)
  13. When it comes to blood work, I would do exactly the same thing. If you need some more excuses, just let me know, I have a zillion. I hate getting bloodwork done too.
  14. Hahaha that's crazy! Although looking back on it, most of the guys I've at least had a thing for had some musical talent. But right now things don't seem akward at all, much to my relief. As for the rest of the summer being interesting, that has nothing to do with Ian at all, it's more to do with the people at camp that are *cough* I'm not going to finish that sentence. You don't have to. lol that's what I figured. I figure that if you're old/mature enough to have a good idea of what I would have said, you're old enough to hear it. If that makes any sense.
  15. Hahaha that's crazy! Although looking back on it, most of the guys I've at least had a thing for had some musical talent. But right now things don't seem akward at all, much to my relief. As for the rest of the summer being interesting, that has nothing to do with Ian at all, it's more to do with the people at camp that are *cough* I'm not going to finish that sentence.
  16. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Sounds worth it to me. Finally people would stop replacing "you" with "u". Hahahaha That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.
  17. Things have a way of working themselves out. *sends Jesusfreak a care box of great snack foods* Yup. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the summer goes though.
  18. And another thing making me feel a lot better is that talking to Ian online the past couple days hasn't been akward at all. We both seem to be taking the "and now we're going to forget this ever happened" approach. Which is a good thing, I think. And I'm still not feeling any emotional strain with all of this, which sort of surprises me, but I guess seeing as how I put it in God's control, it's all okay and I don't need to worry about it. I like this. Today was rather boring. I went outside to start studying chem for about an hour before getting dinner by myself. So now I have a very slight tan. And at dinner the creepy pervy guy that works there started to talk to me, but was then distracted by someone who I guess was his boss, which was a relief. (Seriously, awhile ago my roomie and I took our dinner outside, and he came outside too and watched us. Creeeeepy.) And now I'm back in my room, bored, not really wanting to continue my studying, and with a lack of good snack foods. Nothing going on tomorrow aside from more studying and packing. Lame. Maybe if I get bored enough I'll call Ian and chat with him on the phone (because he said last night I could call him).
  19. What a beautiful poem. I understand completely. He is the type of guy romance novels are written about. BTW, sometimes I don't make it on around 23H00, but it is more like 02H00 as you have found out. Hahaha well, I figured I'd let you know ASAP. I told you in the email I just sent that it still shows up in the search though. Is there anything we can do to fix that? I've asked some smarter people then myself to answer your question. It is probably because I missed one deletion. Otherwise we can just delete the post entirely. It still shows up. It might be because Google (or my computer) has it cached and hasn't updated it yet, but I don't know how often Google updates things. The link supplied by google is www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?act=findpost&pid=115532 if that helps anything. Yes it helps. Would you like me to delete that post? Or wait a couple days and check the search. I just checked two search engines and no HamspterDance links were there. Can you empty your cache and then drag the other two caches into the trash? This way I believe you will not find the link. Nope, still shows up (provided I cleared the cache properly, I didn't see anything about cache so I deleted my temporary files and browsing history instead) On the mac, you have two additional caches, one is on the hard drive in the library; and the second one is in the computer files, mine is named Adam, and there is a library file and the cache is there. These caches are harder to find, but if you don't delete them, it will still appear. I check again and I could not find it. Okay, good. It still shows up on my computer through google, but on dogpile (which searches through google, yahoo, msn, and jeeves) did not come up with it. So I'm guessing (and hoping) it's just my computer. You have a cache which is one that most people never clean out and I believe that it is your computer. I did google, yahoo, msn, ask and did not come up with anything. Okay, good. That makes me feel a lot better.
  20. What a beautiful poem. I understand completely. He is the type of guy romance novels are written about. BTW, sometimes I don't make it on around 23H00, but it is more like 02H00 as you have found out. Hahaha well, I figured I'd let you know ASAP. I told you in the email I just sent that it still shows up in the search though. Is there anything we can do to fix that? I've asked some smarter people then myself to answer your question. It is probably because I missed one deletion. Otherwise we can just delete the post entirely. It still shows up. It might be because Google (or my computer) has it cached and hasn't updated it yet, but I don't know how often Google updates things. The link supplied by google is www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?act=findpost&pid=115532 if that helps anything. Yes it helps. Would you like me to delete that post? Or wait a couple days and check the search. I just checked two search engines and no HamspterDance links were there. Can you empty your cache and then drag the other two caches into the trash? This way I believe you will not find the link. Nope, still shows up (provided I cleared the cache properly, I didn't see anything about cache so I deleted my temporary files and browsing history instead) On the mac, you have two additional caches, one is on the hard drive in the library; and the second one is in the computer files, mine is named Adam, and there is a library file and the cache is there. These caches are harder to find, but if you don't delete them, it will still appear. I check again and I could not find it. Okay, good. It still shows up on my computer through google, but on dogpile (which searches through google, yahoo, msn, and jeeves) did not come up with it. So I'm guessing (and hoping) it's just my computer.
  21. What a beautiful poem. I understand completely. He is the type of guy romance novels are written about. BTW, sometimes I don't make it on around 23H00, but it is more like 02H00 as you have found out. Hahaha well, I figured I'd let you know ASAP. I told you in the email I just sent that it still shows up in the search though. Is there anything we can do to fix that? I've asked some smarter people then myself to answer your question. It is probably because I missed one deletion. Otherwise we can just delete the post entirely. It still shows up. It might be because Google (or my computer) has it cached and hasn't updated it yet, but I don't know how often Google updates things. The link supplied by google is www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?act=findpost&pid=115532 if that helps anything. Yes it helps. Would you like me to delete that post? Or wait a couple days and check the search. I just checked two search engines and no HamspterDance links were there. Can you empty your cache and then drag the other two caches into the trash? This way I believe you will not find the link. Nope, still shows up (provided I cleared the cache properly, I didn't see anything about cache so I deleted my temporary files and browsing history instead)
  22. What a beautiful poem. I understand completely. He is the type of guy romance novels are written about. BTW, sometimes I don't make it on around 23H00, but it is more like 02H00 as you have found out. Hahaha well, I figured I'd let you know ASAP. I told you in the email I just sent that it still shows up in the search though. Is there anything we can do to fix that? I've asked some smarter people then myself to answer your question. It is probably because I missed one deletion. Otherwise we can just delete the post entirely. It still shows up. It might be because Google (or my computer) has it cached and hasn't updated it yet, but I don't know how often Google updates things. The link supplied by google is www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?act=findpost&pid=115532 if that helps anything.
  23. What a beautiful poem. I understand completely. He is the type of guy romance novels are written about. BTW, sometimes I don't make it on around 23H00, but it is more like 02H00 as you have found out. Hahaha well, I figured I'd let you know ASAP. I told you in the email I just sent that it still shows up in the search though. Is there anything we can do to fix that?
  24. Ah hah! This is how it was found. For the sake of my sanity, can you please remove "deleted" from both the quote I'm quoting and from this post? (or remove this post entirely) Thanks. *cough*
  25. That's interesting. XD Hi Marissa! Hi Ian! Wherever you are and if you decide to read this. You guys should come here and post. Haha. Haha, random guy from facebook? Fun. Wait. Does that mean my friends could potentially find that I'm talking about them here? o_o I'm not so sure. I searched for Ian and went through about a zillion pages and nothing referred you here. I don't think you have to worry. I found out how it was done (see the other post I just made). Of course there's that one post where I copied something with his last name. Someone told me anonymously what to search for, and sure enough, there's one post here on hampsterdance that's the only thing it comes up with. And, it was actually not that hard to figure out. Which is why I asked you to remove said last name. If Ian hasn't actually read it, I'd kinda rather he be spared the details.
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