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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. LOL No, I wish I could take credit for that one. That was one typo I missed. Want me to fix it? lol that would be great.
  2. Hahaha yeah. I lucked out, it was barely raining at all when I had to go to and from class. Yeah, history classes always involve lots of reading. Luckily, in most classes, you can usually get away with only skimming it. Today was fun. We had a small DDR party in my room. Our across the hall neighbor joined us for a little bit with his metal mat. He's crazy! He was getting A's and B's on expert and challenge. And then I joined everyone else at the diner, came back, and made ramen.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I thought I saw him pop on, but then there was no post. I was sad not to hear from him, but figured he is pretty busy. *waits with Jesusfreak* Yeah, I've seen him online a couple of times. *sets some micicles out on a table*
  4. Um, did someone edit my topic title, or am I just really stupid? Because I could have sworn I titled it "Jesusfreak's Pictures" and not "Jesusfreaks Picures"
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Hm....Jesse's topic has been lacking in Jesse the past few days.
  6. I waited for you, but decided that you might be off doing something else. So I found another great book and started reading it for the second time. Mouse Guard: Fall 1152. Just a thought, when you all move in, aren't you supposed to be putting the bed frames together? LOL Hahaha well, I guess the top of the wooden part of the bed frame was taller than the bottom, so they wanted to take it apart and reassemble it upside-down so the tall part would be on the bottom and they'd have more space under their bed. Today's been good so far. It finally rained, so it's cooler out. I actually have my hair down right now and I'm not drenched in sweat. I had my 8am education class, which was good. I really like our teacher. When I got back I took a nap for a few hours, which I needed. Then I went to lunch with some friends, and now I'm back until I have class again at 3:30.
  7. I think that I'd rather leave some things in God's hands than my own, but that's not worth arguing over. Over winter break I plan on visiting with Phil a lot so we can get to know each other better, and then maybe things will happen. But for now there's not much I can do aside from chat online. As for my day today, it was good. I had my first bio lab, which was alright, then I went to dinner, then starbucks, and then choir, which was fun. They placed me as an alto (gee I never would have guessed that one... ). And I got Christina and Lara to go too, which is cool. So it looks like it's going to be fun. After choir, I hung out with Lara for a half hour, and then came back to my room. I was then summoned by my across the hall neighbors who needed help taking a bed frame apart. I left them my tools and went to take a shower, and now here I am.
  8. I don't like White Castle ~gags~ It makes me sick along with rootbeer Rootbeer makes you sick? Interesting. Yes rootbeer is evil. It first happened back in Texas I went to jack in the box with some friends ~wants tacos now~ and I ordered a small rootbeer then when we got back to my house I threw up and all I had was the rootbeer. and a couple of weeks ago livvie came over and we didn't have anything but rootbeer and I had forgotten about the jack in the box incident, so later that night i got sick. My life pretty much stinks. I miss drinking rootbeer I can't even have rootbeer floats ~curls up in fetal postion and rocks back and forth~ Aw. Thanks. Well I have my comfort food so I'm okay now. Tacos are yummy! Yeah I made my mom get me some I'm not a huge fan of tacos. Chicken fingers are good though, I just ate some. And the pizza in our dining hall is good. That's pretty much all I eat. And ramen. *thinks about the innards of young humans* I would die if I ate all that grease! LOL It's actually not too bad. Grease does bad things to me too. This morning I went to the job fair, and wrote my name down for student painter, and event set-up staff. Hopefully i'll get at least one of the two.
  9. Awesome! I love the lansdcape pictures, and the toilet is amazing. I want one like that. XD And the moon picture is really cool because you can see the reflection on the water. And you can totally see a rainbow in one of the pictures. Cool.
  10. I don't like White Castle ~gags~ It makes me sick along with rootbeer Rootbeer makes you sick? Interesting. Yes rootbeer is evil. It first happened back in Texas I went to jack in the box with some friends ~wants tacos now~ and I ordered a small rootbeer then when we got back to my house I threw up and all I had was the rootbeer. and a couple of weeks ago livvie came over and we didn't have anything but rootbeer and I had forgotten about the jack in the box incident, so later that night i got sick. My life pretty much stinks. I miss drinking rootbeer I can't even have rootbeer floats ~curls up in fetal postion and rocks back and forth~ Aw. Thanks. Well I have my comfort food so I'm okay now. Tacos are yummy! Yeah I made my mom get me some I'm not a huge fan of tacos. Chicken fingers are good though, I just ate some. And the pizza in our dining hall is good. That's pretty much all I eat. And ramen.
  11. I don't like White Castle ~gags~ It makes me sick along with rootbeer Rootbeer makes you sick? Interesting. Yes rootbeer is evil. It first happened back in Texas I went to jack in the box with some friends ~wants tacos now~ and I ordered a small rootbeer then when we got back to my house I threw up and all I had was the rootbeer. and a couple of weeks ago livvie came over and we didn't have anything but rootbeer and I had forgotten about the jack in the box incident, so later that night i got sick. My life pretty much stinks. I miss drinking rootbeer I can't even have rootbeer floats ~curls up in fetal postion and rocks back and forth~ Aw.
  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You take the best pictures! Aw, thank you and you're welcome! I love taking pictures... I love taking pictures as well, but there is a lot of talent lacking. Somehow what happens between the time by eye views the scene or picture potential object, and when the camera actually has the shot in it's memory bank... it never looks like what I thought I was taking. TBFOF is another great photographer. *hints at the need of more pictures from TBFOF* It just takes practice. I've taken over 12,000 pictures on my current memory card alone. And no, things never look exactly the same in person as they do in a picture. But sometimes you can make the thing in the picture look better than it does in person, which is kinda cool. 12,000! Yep. Digital camera+rechargable batteries=lots of pictures. Some body went snap happy. ~remember~ when I went to washington over the summer we went on an underground tour in seattle and my dad went completly crazy I think we have about 200 pictures from a thirty minute tour. LOL. Hahaha Those are the best though, because when you take that many pictures, at least a few of them generally turn out really really well.
  13. Thank you! You're very very welcome. Name change! Haha I saw the last person to post here was "Kay" and I was like, "Who the heck is 'Kay?'" Do you like it? I do. It's much more mature than your old one, and nice and simple.
  14. Thank you! You're very very welcome. Name change! Haha I saw the last person to post here was "Kay" and I was like, "Who the heck is 'Kay?'" You never miss a thing! You will definitely make a great teacher!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha I hope so...
  15. I don't like White Castle ~gags~ It makes me sick along with rootbeer Rootbeer makes you sick? Interesting.
  16. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You take the best pictures! Aw, thank you and you're welcome! I love taking pictures... I love taking pictures as well, but there is a lot of talent lacking. Somehow what happens between the time by eye views the scene or picture potential object, and when the camera actually has the shot in it's memory bank... it never looks like what I thought I was taking. TBFOF is another great photographer. *hints at the need of more pictures from TBFOF* It just takes practice. I've taken over 12,000 pictures on my current memory card alone. And no, things never look exactly the same in person as they do in a picture. But sometimes you can make the thing in the picture look better than it does in person, which is kinda cool. 12,000! Yep. Digital camera+rechargable batteries=lots of pictures.
  17. Thank you! You're very very welcome. Name change! Haha I saw the last person to post here was "Kay" and I was like, "Who the heck is 'Kay?'"
  18. White Castle... home of the sliders!!!!!! Hahaha yep. I didn't go, but my friends brought the food back. I'm afraid to eat it. Bad things will probably happen to my digestive tract. Dave and Marius also stuck around, and ended up in my room just chatting about things, mostly about relationships and our pasts, which is always interesting because it gives you new insight about people. When they came back from white castle, everyone was in my room, but gradually they left. Dave stuck around for awhile after though (he just left) which was kind of interesting.
  19. Today's been fun so far. I slept in until 1, and then went out with a bunch of friends. First we went to a thrift store (I got a suit jacket, the start of my much needed collection of professional clothing), then to a book and record exchange (where Dave bought "Kosher Classics"), and then we went to Dave's house, and then out for pizza. And now we're back and I'm doing laundry. Later tonight we've got plans to go to white castle.
  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You take the best pictures! Aw, thank you and you're welcome! I love taking pictures... I love taking pictures as well, but there is a lot of talent lacking. Somehow what happens between the time by eye views the scene or picture potential object, and when the camera actually has the shot in it's memory bank... it never looks like what I thought I was taking. TBFOF is another great photographer. *hints at the need of more pictures from TBFOF* It just takes practice. I've taken over 12,000 pictures on my current memory card alone. And no, things never look exactly the same in person as they do in a picture. But sometimes you can make the thing in the picture look better than it does in person, which is kinda cool.
  21. If there was some way I could let you know that you definitely are not strange, but know exactly what you are looking for in a guy, the search will take a bit longer. Ultimately, you will meet and have a relationship with the guy of your dreams. There are some girls who go out with a guy, just to be with someone, and it never ends good. So, if there was some way I could get you to enjoy your alone time and not consider it into loneliness, I would give you this gift. The right guy is out there, it just might be a bit longer before you two are together, but he will be well worth the wait. Oh I know. Although I am strange, which I thing is a good thing, and the type of guy I'm looking for is virtually nonexistant. Like I know the right guy is out there somewhere, but I don't think I've met him yet. lol eHarmony is looking better and better. And I wouldn't go out with someone just to be with someone. That's why I have friends. I'm just hoping the guy God's got for me comes along sooner rather than later.
  22. Today was a good day. I took a nap after class, and after dinner a bunch of us went to wal-mart. Then we hung out for awhile, went to the event that was going on in the dining hall, came back, watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, and hung out some more. Eventually it was just me, Marius, and Dave in my room talking about relationships. It seems Marius' recent distraction is coming from his interest in this girl Maggie, and anxiety over talking to her without coming across as a creepy stalker and without being put in the "friend zone" and all that sort of stuff guys obsess over. And he seems to be doing much better now anyways. And I've been feeling a bit of the loneliness (as in lack of boyfriend) lately too, mostly because there's no one for me to fix my interests upon. Ian, although my feelings for him aren't totally gone, I need to not dwell on for obvious reasons, and Phil is a good 5 or so hours away from here. Everyone else is pretty much out of the question based on faith alone, if not fundamental differences in interests. So now I'm just kinda stuck, and the stupid idea comes back with that I'm so strange, how willI ever find the right guy? And of course it all has to be in God's timing and not my own, but it would really be nice for me to have a guy to love and have love me, someone to talk to and just be with, you know? But really, this is mostly senseless rambling that probably most people can relate to. I just need to wait for God to set everything up and give me the go-ahead. And I need to go to sleep, because it's 4am.
  23. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You take the best pictures! Aw, thank you and you're welcome! I love taking pictures...
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You know, something just ocurred to me. It's been rather entertaining to watch the progress of Jesse's avatars. As time has gone on, over the years, they've grown more and more mature and sophisticated, like Jesse himself. Kind of interesting.
  25. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You will be! I don't take naps often, but now I've got morning classes and my bedtime of between 12am and 4am doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon, so naps will be necesary. 4 AM ?? What classes are you taking so early in the morning? Everyone here complains about 8 AM classes >_> I was thinking that Jesusfreak meant she did not get to bed until between the hours of midnight and four. So the earliest bedtime would be midnight and the lastest would be 04H00. Perhaps I was confused. Hopefully she is not going to be around midnight and getting up around 04H00! Hahaha it was the first. Being in college is like being in a different time zone sometimes. Most of my classes this semester are morning classes. My education classes (they're like two classes smashed together) run from 8am until 2pm tuesdays and thursdays, and my biology class is at around 9am the remaining weekdays. I took a nap today after class.
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