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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Assuming you're living with other freshmen, get used to it. Most of them don't realize that pulling fire alarms isn't cool anymore because it doesn't get you out of class. Either that or they haven't learned how to cook popcorn in a microwave yet. The fire alarm in our building (honors freshmen in one half, mostly seniors in the other) went off close to 20 times last year. Keep a warm coat/blanket and shoes near the door at all times, and don't forget your room key on the way out.
  2. It's up to you, really. If you don't like that you're attracted to men, remember that you don't have to act on your impulses (the same way that if you're attracted to women you don't have to act on your feelings). And if you choose not to act on your feelings, then you don't have to tell anyone you're gay because it won't matter.
  3. Okay... no more "diner" talk. We have only one good diner in this area, and they are originally from New York and operated diners up there, so each and every time you mention diner, I get jealous. So, the word "diner" is hereby banned, unless you invite me. It's not really a diner. They just call it that. They don't even have pancakes. You go in, stand in line select what you want from a touch screen thing, pay for it, wait for them to shout your number, and then go get it. Today after class I took a nap. Around noon, I was woken up by Dave pounding on my door to go get lunch (Marius was there too). After that we went to look at the posters they were selling in the rec center, and the spotted Christina playing pool with someone and went to watch. Then Dave left for class, and then Christina, so Marius and I headed back here. I think he's playing video games now. And I have homework to do. Oh, and Dave finally admitted that he likes Christina. I'm not sure what she thinks of him, but I think they'd actually make a good couple.
  4. Yesterday was awareness day, where all the clubs on campus set up a table so you can join them. This year it was outside instead of in the gym, so everyone's displays kept getting blown over by the wind. I also went to pilates and decided I don't really like it. After dinner I played DDR for a little while, and the rest of the evening was just hanging out with friends and going to the c-store/diner/starbucks. Oh, and today is national talk like a pirate day, for anyone who's curious. Seeing as I only have one class today, there's a good chance I'll go swimming with Lara, which should be fun. And inter-varsity is tonight, so I should go to that. After that (or in between it) I have homework to do for my ed class, and I should probably get my studying done for my bio quiz on Friday, because tomorrow's looking like it might be a busy day.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *gets tired just listening to Jesse's schedule and decides to take a nap* Long day. At least you are smart to get your calc homework done now. You would be much too tired later. And indeed I am tired. So I'm going to spend another half hour or so relaxing and then I'll hit the sack. It wasn't too bad getting through tonight I guess. Just not much free time. And having dinner at 3:30. Yeah, you'll get used to it. It's not so bad. Kay, as long as you're motivated enough to keep up with your work, college is amazing. However, if you're one of those people that chooses to get plastered and run up and down the hallways proclaiming your drunken state, then you'll fail your classes. And be hated by your neigbors.
  6. Today has been busy. Class 9-10 lab 2:50-5, dinner, and then chorus 6:45-9:45. Then another homework party. Tomorrow I have to go harass financial aid about my enrollment hold (it's been a week and a half already!), and Wednesday I'm planning on going swimming with Lara and maybe some other people (the pool opened today). Wednesday is also national talk like a pirate day. Thursday is Marius' birthday, and we're all planning on going to a coffee shop where his best friend from home's band is playing, which should be fun. So it's looking like a busy, but fun week.
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Sounds like my tuesdays last year. I have choir from 6:45-9:45. Soon you'll learn to stay up well past midnight. Most of my homework gets done between 10 and midnight.
  8. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Awesome! So far, today looks like it's going to be pretty boring. Which means there's a good chance we'll get bored enough to do something stupid. *waits for the 'did something stupid story'* We haven't done much yet, aside from Dave's consuming excessive amounts of caffeine at Starbucks. I sent Marius some ringtones he wanted, and sent some others I came across to people I know who would like them. And that was pretty much it. Now I'm waiting for Dave's music to finish copying to my hard drive (might take a few hours) and for my laundry to be done. With all the caffeine Dave had, perhaps you ought to give him your laundry. He might be up all night. lol nah, although I did order him to drink a bottle of water. And I'm happy to say that both laundry and file copying are done. Somehow file copying can take up lots of time. Laundry is not the favorite chore on my list. Well, now that is done, you can have some fun today. yup! Although I've got some homework that I should probably do today. I'll get to it eventually. You have a great ability to manage your time, so I am certain you will be able to enjoy the day and get your homework done. If by "manage your time" you mean "do your homework at the last possible second" then sure. lol nah, actually we ended up having a homework party in my room where I got as much of it done as I could understand.
  9. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Awesome! So far, today looks like it's going to be pretty boring. Which means there's a good chance we'll get bored enough to do something stupid. *waits for the 'did something stupid story'* We haven't done much yet, aside from Dave's consuming excessive amounts of caffeine at Starbucks. I sent Marius some ringtones he wanted, and sent some others I came across to people I know who would like them. And that was pretty much it. Now I'm waiting for Dave's music to finish copying to my hard drive (might take a few hours) and for my laundry to be done. With all the caffeine Dave had, perhaps you ought to give him your laundry. He might be up all night. lol nah, although I did order him to drink a bottle of water. And I'm happy to say that both laundry and file copying are done. Somehow file copying can take up lots of time. Laundry is not the favorite chore on my list. Well, now that is done, you can have some fun today. yup! Although I've got some homework that I should probably do today. I'll get to it eventually.
  10. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Awesome! So far, today looks like it's going to be pretty boring. Which means there's a good chance we'll get bored enough to do something stupid. *waits for the 'did something stupid story'* We haven't done much yet, aside from Dave's consuming excessive amounts of caffeine at Starbucks. I sent Marius some ringtones he wanted, and sent some others I came across to people I know who would like them. And that was pretty much it. Now I'm waiting for Dave's music to finish copying to my hard drive (might take a few hours) and for my laundry to be done. With all the caffeine Dave had, perhaps you ought to give him your laundry. He might be up all night. lol nah, although I did order him to drink a bottle of water. And I'm happy to say that both laundry and file copying are done.
  11. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Awesome! So far, today looks like it's going to be pretty boring. Which means there's a good chance we'll get bored enough to do something stupid. *waits for the 'did something stupid story'* We haven't done much yet, aside from Dave's consuming excessive amounts of caffeine at Starbucks. I sent Marius some ringtones he wanted, and sent some others I came across to people I know who would like them. And that was pretty much it. Now I'm waiting for Dave's music to finish copying to my hard drive (might take a few hours) and for my laundry to be done.
  12. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. I love shopping!!! Today is homecoming and my dress is gorgeous I'll post a picture and my shoes are really awesome. And me and megan are friends again so to celebrate my mom took us out shopping!!!!! so yeah I'm really happy I'm estatic. Woo!!! only 8 hours and 30 minutes to homecoming!!!!!!!!! Awesome! So far, today looks like it's going to be pretty boring. Which means there's a good chance we'll get bored enough to do something stupid.
  13. *is too busy to reply as I am baking cupcakes for Campsoup's birthday party* Hope to see you there. Ooh....cupcakes...
  14. Today was good. We went to bingo, and none of us won anything, but it was still fun. Once Marius gets out of the shower we're going to watch "How I Met Your Mother"
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! I'm glad to hear you're doing chorus, I love chorus. The trick to high notes is to put more air behind it and use what they call your "head voice." You'll learn. And as for calc: you're taking calc 3 as a FRESHMAN. That's insane enough as it is.
  16. To Wait To wait, perchance to see, Just what God has in store for me. To give, perchance to take, hoping that my heart won't break. I wander, hoping to arrive, waiting to feel truly alive. So I wait, and look to the sky, waiting for God to tell me why.
  17. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. Hamsters are excellent at yoga. Just look at the contortions we can twist our bodies into. Hahaha Yoga is good for improving flexability and balance, toning muscles, and relaxing. Doesn't help my virtually nonexistant cardiovascular system though. But that's what DDR is for. DDR will definitely get your blood flowing and your heart racing! Indeed! To finish out the day, I went to the diner with some friends, and then Marius, Kim, and I watched Corpse Bride. Good movie. I haven't seen that one, I will add it to the list. My movie list is so long I am not sure if I will ever get through half of them. Hahaha mine too. It's a lot like Nightmare Before Christmas if you've seen that one (both are Tim Burton movies)
  18. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. Hamsters are excellent at yoga. Just look at the contortions we can twist our bodies into. Hahaha Yoga is good for improving flexability and balance, toning muscles, and relaxing. Doesn't help my virtually nonexistant cardiovascular system though. But that's what DDR is for. DDR will definitely get your blood flowing and your heart racing! Indeed! To finish out the day, I went to the diner with some friends, and then Marius, Kim, and I watched Corpse Bride. Good movie.
  19. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright. Hamsters are excellent at yoga. Just look at the contortions we can twist our bodies into. Hahaha Yoga is good for improving flexability and balance, toning muscles, and relaxing. Doesn't help my virtually nonexistant cardiovascular system though. But that's what DDR is for.
  20. Now you know why I am not a shopper! Yeah. Shopping's not so fun when you don't really like what you're looking at. Plus I had to get pants and shoes (as well as jackets and shirts) and it's really hard to find pants and shoes that fit me properly. Today, aside from class and food, I took a long nap and went to yoga. We have a new yoga instructor this year, but she seems alright.
  21. Yesterday was tiring. Right after class, mom came over to drop off some stuff and take me out shoppng for a good 7 hours. I came back to fins a whole bunch of people in my room playng boggle, so I watched them and started on my homework. Then most of them left, leaving just Lara and Christina. Unable to put up with Lara in my present state of tiredness, I went over to chill with Marius for awhile. I went back to my room when everyone else was gone, and took a quick nap before our hall meeting, where they talked about wellness and their expectations of us. Then I went back to my room to finish my homework, and some other people came and hung out at the same time. And then I went to sleep.
  22. Hahaha yeah. I lucked out, it was barely raining at all when I had to go to and from class. Yeah, history classes always involve lots of reading. Luckily, in most classes, you can usually get away with only skimming it. Today was fun. We had a small DDR party in my room. Our across the hall neighbor joined us for a little bit with his metal mat. He's crazy! He was getting A's and B's on expert and challenge. And then I joined everyone else at the diner, came back, and made ramen. Yeah, I don't know how people get so crazy good at DDR. I stink, I can barely get by on Light mode Practice makes perfect. I used to be really bad at DDR. But boredom and friends that play too helped me get up to a decent level. The kid that joined us yesterday was just insane.
  23. You should. If nothing else for the experience of living somewhat on your own.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That is the best thing I've seen all day. XD
  25. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I thought I saw him pop on, but then there was no post. I was sad not to hear from him, but figured he is pretty busy. *waits with Jesusfreak* Yeah, I've seen him online a couple of times. *sets some micicles out on a table* Meanwhile he is posting in your topic. Hahaha I saw that!
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