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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Want to explain that to me? xD But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing. OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK................. omg I was fantasizing about my future job. I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3 Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head. Umm......
  2. I hope you find your wisdom and guidance. As for your general sanity, I could always take you out to Sanity Springs Spa for a little rest, relaxation and recuperation. Your sanity belongs to me, so if you come up with the right bribe, I could give it back to you. Hahaha
  3. My mind is a very mixed up and confused place right now. Prayers for wisdom and guidance and general sanity would be great. Aside from that, today was nice. The guys and I went out to good-will, came back just in time for dinner, and then we went out for a walk, which was fun times as always. Then I went grocery shopping with Lindsay, Brennan, and Dave. And after that we chilled in my room for awhile, and then went to Marius' room to watch the earlier episodes of Heros. And now I'm back here in my room.
  4. Those kind of days rejuvenate the body. They do. And I always forget how much it throws me off when I start ignoring God. It's so strange. I get all confused and lose my ability to focus on anything. And then I realize I haven't been praying often enough or trusting God with things, and it's like, "Duh, that's why I'm so stressed out" and then I get back on track, and everything's all better. That's great that you can get back, focus and destress. It is. Today has been a fairly relaxed day too. A bunch of my friends are going to some on-campus concert in an hour, but I think I'm just going to chill here instead. Sounds like a great day... yours and Jesse's. Today was so busy and lots of stress. But now I want an ice cream and there is none here. (Which is really a good thing. LOL ) lol yeah. I just got back from taking a walk. The moon is so bright that you can even see colors without a flashlight. Although I wish it would rain, it's so hot out. I do have a lot on my mind though. Lara's seemed all upset and moody all day. I think she's mad because we do things without her and don't invite her. But she needs to understand a few things: most of what we do is spur-of-the moment, completely unplanned. Many, dare I say most, of our friends don't like her, because they think she's annoying (and she can be). So when these things happen in someone else's room, I'm not at liberty to invite her over. Also, not only does she live on the other side of campus (it was her choice to take that RA position), but she's constantly busy between classes, clubs, and being an RA. So half the time she wouldn't be able to make it out anyways (instead she'd probably try to get the entire group to do it at a time that fits her schedule, because that's how she is. So at the end of it all, there's not much I can do about it. And it bugs me that she gets so upset. She wouldn't talk to me about why she was so upset today, but she apparently told Christina, who says she was told in confidence. So I think Lara's mad at me for some reason. Part two of what's been on my mind: try as I will to get over it, I still have feelings for Ian. And I have to ignore them, because I know it's not going to work out (and he has a girlfriend). But when it comes down to it, I still like him. And I know that's normal, but it bothers me, and it's not good for me. And it's hard because there's no one really there that it would work out with. Except maybe Phil, but he's too far away right now. And it's even more frustrating because I know, logically, that I don't need a boyfriend! But emotionally, I feel like I do. It's stupid. Normal, probably, but still stupid. So I'm all sorts of frustrated now. :glare:
  5. Those kind of days rejuvenate the body. They do. And I always forget how much it throws me off when I start ignoring God. It's so strange. I get all confused and lose my ability to focus on anything. And then I realize I haven't been praying often enough or trusting God with things, and it's like, "Duh, that's why I'm so stressed out" and then I get back on track, and everything's all better. That's great that you can get back, focus and destress. It is. Today has been a fairly relaxed day too. A bunch of my friends are going to some on-campus concert in an hour, but I think I'm just going to chill here instead.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Laptop+wireless+outside=awesome. Naps also = awesome. As for the hoverboard, you'll figure it out.
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *moans at the tight squeeze but squeezes Jesse back* Hmmmm.. looks like I need to go back and do some reading, I've missed a lot. Hoverboards, aye? Yes, I mentioned it back at round post #750, it's for my tomb raider level series. I will take a screenshot when I have gotten a good start. So, for those of us that aren't quite to educated in the realm of video games, care to explain what exactly a hoverboard is? It sounds really cool.
  8. Those kind of days rejuvenate the body. They do. And I always forget how much it throws me off when I start ignoring God. It's so strange. I get all confused and lose my ability to focus on anything. And then I realize I haven't been praying often enough or trusting God with things, and it's like, "Duh, that's why I'm so stressed out" and then I get back on track, and everything's all better.
  9. Yesterday was a good day overall, even though I didn't hang out with my friends much. It was nice to have some alone time. Inter-Varsity was last night, which was fun, and much needed. I realized that I haven't been trusting God with things as much as I should, and it's really stressing me out. So now I'm getting back on track. After IV, I came back and got some homework done, had friends wandering in and out of the room, and then I went to sleep.
  10. Congratulations on being selected for the choir group!!! Colds... horrors! I really hate stuffy noses. Thanks! Yeah, as for the cold, it just seems to be an occasional persistant cough when I'm in my room, so it's probably mold or something. Uck!!! That makes it uncomfortable to say the least. Is there anything you can do to check for mold? Nah. I mean there's stuff I could do, but it'd be more trouble than it's worth. It could definitely be worse. And the 95 degree weather today hasn't been helping much.
  11. Congratulations on being selected for the choir group!!! Colds... horrors! I really hate stuffy noses. Thanks! Yeah, as for the cold, it just seems to be an occasional persistant cough when I'm in my room, so it's probably mold or something.
  12. My week so far has been rather dull and uneventful, aside from watching House with an unusually large group of people. I think I'm getting sick, probably with that cold thing everyone else seems to have. Either that or something in this building is aggrivating my allergies. Oh, I was selected for women's ensemble in choir. I forget if I mentioned that. And that's pretty much it.
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I agree on that! Microsoft products are the absolute worst. Hey now. While I agree that windows highlights codes wierd, I find it much easier to navigate. Seriously, the whole only one mouse button thing confuses the heck out of me. And yes, it does say the 11th for Jesse's joining date for me too. Haha, well we're in the same boat there. With this laptop I keep hitting the right button with my thumb instead of the left one, and when I use a seperate mouse I accidentaly press down both fingers because I keep thinking it's all one button. BTW control-clicking is like a right-click for the mac. Ah, goood to know.
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I agree on that! Microsoft products are the absolute worst. Hey now. While I agree that windows highlights codes wierd, I find it much easier to navigate. Seriously, the whole only one mouse button thing confuses the heck out of me. And yes, it does say the 11th for Jesse's joining date for me too.
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    lol get used to it. *joins party*
  16. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3 I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart. Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here. I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends. I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person... I've been here since, like, 7th grade, I guess? maybe 8th. Freshman year of high school. So I've been here almost 5 years.
  17. Today was fun. I slept until almost 2. Then I went out shopping with Lara, which was fun. I got back just in time to meet up with a few friends for dinner, then came back to my room to play DDR for awhile. Around 8:30 we went to the rec center/starbucks, and then Lindsay and I went out to Laras building to see part of her disney movie marathon (the movie we stayed for was lion king). And now I'm back here waiting to see what happens next.
  18. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3 I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart. Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here. I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends. I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...
  19. The rest of today went better. We went out shopping for a little bit, then Lara and I made dinner in the kitchen in my building. I stopped by the room down the hall because they were playing DDR. Well, I ended up playing, and didn't return to my room until about 4am. The people there are are really cool. So I have some new DDR friends.
  20. You should. If nothing else for the experience of living somewhat on your own. Well, if all goes how my friend and I would like it, her and I would end up rooming together. And that would be amazingly fun. As long as you get into the same college, you should be able to room together. There's usually a space in the housing application to request your specific roomie. WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????????????????? Colleges allow guys and girls to room together in the same room? I can understand a co-ed dorm, but co-ed roomies????? *falls over in shock* What? No. Hehe, I should have specified. Roomies must be the same gender. Although how does that work for gay couples that want to room together? That seems a tad unfair...
  21. On wednesday Marius' mom came over to drop off some small birthday presents and a cake (which had not only misspelled Marius, but also the word Birthday). Later in the evening I went to Inter-Varsity, and after that met my friends at the coffee house/pub on campus (it's dual purpose depending on the day, Wednesdays it's a coffee house with live (usually bad) music. Yesterday was mostly spend studying and being in class, except for when we went out with Marius to see his friend's band, like I said before. They were actually pretty good, but as is common there, it was way too loud for the small space where they were performing. Today I'm pretty sure I failed my bio quiz, but I got to take a nice long nap from about 10:30 to 1:00, and then went to get lunch with my friends (perfect timing). I got back to find two emails from my mom: one harassing me to get a job, and the other telling me my account balance (after she added money to it) and telling me, "Spend wisely, unemployed one." And she really doesn't seem to get it. Unless you have connections, it is IMPOSSIBLE and let me repeat IMPOSSIBLE to get a job on campus, unless, as one of my friends so put it, "you're cleaning sewers naked or something." And I haven't been spending much money either. I never do. The one expensive thing I needed was an ink cartridge for my printer, which, since it only came in a two pack (one black and one color) was a good $30 or so. Plus I had to take out $20 in anticipation of buying a choir folder. So I emailed her these things and asked her to stop harassing me. I think having both me and my sister at college is taking a toll on her.
  22. You should. If nothing else for the experience of living somewhat on your own. Well, if all goes how my friend and I would like it, her and I would end up rooming together. And that would be amazingly fun. As long as you get into the same college, you should be able to room together. There's usually a space in the housing application to request your specific roomie.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Assuming you're living with other freshmen, get used to it. Most of them don't realize that pulling fire alarms isn't cool anymore because it doesn't get you out of class. Either that or they haven't learned how to cook popcorn in a microwave yet. The fire alarm in our building (honors freshmen in one half, mostly seniors in the other) went off close to 20 times last year. Keep a warm coat/blanket and shoes near the door at all times, and don't forget your room key on the way out. I'm guessing you speak from personal experience? Maaaaaaybe.
  24. Wait, you're gay? *is baffled as to why she doesn't know this* My mind thinks you were away for not posting as much when Jesse posted the original post. Uh, I guess so, because this is news to me.
  25. Wait, you're gay? *is baffled as to why she doesn't know this*
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