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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Tomorrow is my last day of student teaching! I have mixed feelings. I'm going to miss the kids, but I'm really happy to be graduating. Graduation is on the 14th. For anyone who knows what college I go to, the commencement ceremony will allegedly be broadcast on the university website, for anyone who cares to get up early enough to watch. It looks like I might be staying at Grandma's house (which grandma no longer lives in, if you recall) for the summer, provided I can find a way to support myself during the summer. I'll need money for food, gas, and internet. So, we'll see. I don't know that I'll be able to get a job to support myself (any teaching job wouldn't be during the summer). Things are going wonderfully with Shane. At this point, it seems like it's not "if" he proposes, but "when." He said he wants both of us to have jobs first, which is understandable. He's really a great guy, and he always goes out of his way to make me smile.
  2. Aaah topic neglect! Things have been kinda busy. Spring break was good, I went home for the second half of it. My parents are remodeling the bathroom, so I helped out a bit with that. School has been keeping me busy; I have all subject areas in student teaching now. My portfolio was also due this past Tuesday, so that took up a lot of my time as well. Things with Shane are awesome, I drove him home for a job interview last weekend and got to spend some time with his family, which was good. Last Thursday I got inducted into Psi Chi, which is a psychology honor society. Mom and my sister came, and brought Shane along as a surprise. This weekend is my cousin's bridal shower, and I get to see Shane (he's closer to where the shower is, so I'm going to the shower from his place). My graduation is coming up soon too, which is really exciting.
  3. That makes sense. I know my grandmother has AAA, but I don't know if that applies to my car too or not.
  4. Hehe, nice. I've already downloaded a bunch of apps (all free). Let's see... Pandora Facebook Meebo (signs into a bunch of IM clients at once) Skype Echofon (for twitter) Google (used for my google calendar) Google Earth The Weather Channel (better than the weather app that's pre-installed) Wikipedia Medscape (from WebMD) Yellow Pages Epicurious (recipes) Zippo Lighter (basically a lighter animation, amusing for concerts if you don't normally carry a lighter) iGlowStick (it's a glowstick on your ipod! ) Lightsaber (Same basic concept as the last two, only a lightsaber. It even makes noise.) Solitaire Tap Tap (a music/rhythm game like DDR or guitar hero) MMazeLite (one of those marble maze games that you tilt your ipod to play) Pocket Tanks (Shane has this on his computer and loves it. Basically you have a tank and try to blow up the other tank by choosing your type of explosive, angle, and power) Pretty Particles (It's silly, you have to see it to understand) Doodle Buddy (Sounds like the brushes thing you were talking about before) $ Origami Lite (origami for paper money!) ICHC 2.0 (pictures from the cheezburger websites, lolcats and such) xkcd (pulls comics from the popular website, incredibly geeky) Philosoraptor (amusing statements) WTFact (random useless but interesting information) In other news: This seems to be the week of bad things happening to or around people I know. Shane: Having a bad day today, someone he didn't know but lived in his dorm killed himself last week. Dad: Somehow got a virus on his computer, but was able to clean it up. Lara: Having a hard time with her class because she can't get a book she needs. Christina: Injured her foot and her computer died again. Jess: Her family got in a car crash, and no one knows anything else. Phil: His great grandmother died, which was coming, but still sad. So yeah, interesting. o.O
  5. Ah, nice! I already have a few of those, or ones that are similar lol. What do they all do? o.O
  6. They're just called wild roses, as far as I know. If you do an image search on them, they're the little white ones, similar in shape to cherry blossoms, but they grow on tangly pricker bushes.
  7. itunes actually hasn't worked for syncing my music to my ipod. The plugin with wmp, however, worked perfectly fine. So far it's pretty cool. Anyone have any suggestions for interesting apps?
  8. Oooh pretty! Those are the same flowers that are in bloom where I am right now as well. I love spring flowers. There are a couple wild rose bushes too, the little white ones that don't look like roses, and they smell amazing.
  9. I finally caved and bought an ipod touch. So far it's pretty cool, but I still plan to get a plugin to use windows media player instead of itunes.
  10. *headdesk* Teachers make mistakes too, but that's pretty bad. Good thing you noticed.
  11. Hehe nice. At least you're getting started on things. I very rarely start things more than a week before they're due unless other people are involved.
  12. Hehe Usually this time of year is stressful for some reason, so enjoy the relaxation of not having much to do.
  13. Hehe, thanks. I love daffodils too
  14. Apparently Christina left it home because she had to take the train back to school, and wasn't able to bring it back, but I guess Lara and Christina are gonna go get it, or something.
  15. Yaaaay you're back! I'm good, hope I haven't nauseated you too much on facebook. How are you?
  16. Just go with friends. Don't go with a "date" that you're not actually dating.
  17. I doubt it, they knew I was sort of okay with it, or at least okay enough to not tell on them. I might ask later. My guess is the RA saw it when she did fire safety inspections Friday night at the start of spring break.
  18. Leguan's talk about daffodils reminded me of some pictures I took last week....
  19. We have your rain now. I think the RA may have noticed the chinchilla and told the roomies to take it home, but I don't know, since no one has said anything to me about it.
  20. Yeah, but at least they fixed it shortly after I called. The weather has been gorgeous all weekend. I spent the night at Shane's house before bringing him back to school today. Yesterday we went to a St. Patrick's Day parade, which was fun, though I got sunburn. We also went for a nice walk in the woods, rented a movie, went out to dinner, and went grocery shopping. It was a really nice weekend overall. Now I'm back at college, as are my roomies. I didn't notice the chinchilla back though, which is interesting.
  21. Yeah. Sometimes it gets warmish, but never hot like it should. It finally got warm enough to shower yesterday, which was good.
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