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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    OMG!!! I absolutely love that idea!!!!!!! Hahaha XD I like the idea. If anyone tries to get me in trouble for hitting them with water, they get in trouble for being obnoxious.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Um, well we had a power outage for 4 hours on Thursday. Everyone was being obnoxious cause they were board. Fortunately I had my can'tthinkpad, my iBook, my iPod, and my DS all with good amounts of battery life to keep me occupied. Oh, and music theory homework. Otherwise it's just the people on my floor being dumb. Like drawing X rated things on signs (I consider it a sign of creativity to be interesting without being X rated) and playing wiffle ball in the common room. And the girls that come over to our suite do even worse things that I won't mention here. I don't know. I'm kind of tired of college life at the moment. It happens, especially if you're in freshmen housing. Last year, despite it being honors freshmen, the fire alarm went off more than 14 times in one semester, and we had people draw penises on our whiteboards. If you have the opportunity, live in wellness (substance free) housing next year. And wiffle ball in the common room sounds fun, you should ask to join them. And I agree, people at college can get pretty obnoxious. I'm currently considering purchasing a super soaker to deal with the ones who scream outside my window past quiet hours.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! So, do you have any entertaining college stories to tell us yet?
  4. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, despite my having seen Jesse several times lately, he's been neglecting his own topic.
  5. Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. I just hope all goes well with the other people I need to talk to...
  6. I just got back from talking to my advisor, and he's totally on my side. It looks like I'm probably going to withdraw from the class, but there are some people I need to talk to, including the science department chair (because the teacher I have a problem with is a science teacher) and the provost (about my scholarship, to make sure it's not in jeopardy). So I'm making progress, little by little. And in even better news, IT'S THE WEEKEND! (Hey, I need to have something to be happy about).
  7. Yeah!!!! So, you're finally going to get your license! Good Luck !!!!!!!! Nice... I like how you are just going to happen to be at Phil's school! Have a great weekend. I can hear your heart speeding up already. Not sure if it posted or not, the internet died for a moment, so I'm re-posting. Anyways, yeah, I'm going to *try* to get my liscence. No guarantees. I'm pretty nervous about it. And I'm really looking forward to seeing Phil. I'll see him over winter break too, and if I have my liscence that will be easier. So I have motivation now.
  8. So I've got some good news today: The heat finally broke, bringing much needed rain and below 70 degree weather. And I'm able to meet with my advisor tomorrow afternoon. So that's all good. Also good: I get to see Phil a week from tomorrow! I'm going home next week for a driving test on Saturday, and my sister has an open house at Phil's college (becase she's hoping to transfer there), so being that I'm going to be in the car anyways, i'm going to hang out with Phil while they're at the open house. And that makes me happy.
  9. Thanks I did talk to her today, and explained what was really going on, and she's okay now, so peace has been restored. You were so kind to take the time to be a great friend. I hope she took it in the spirit it was given... from the heart. Yeah, it seems a lot of it was just little things that she thought were being done specifically to her, but were in fact just the way we normally act towards everyone. However, I'm now in a rather upsetting state of distressed. Don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but on my first bio quiz I got a 50. Anyone who knows me knows I wasn't exactly happy about that. I also mentioned that I spent the entire weekend studying my butt off for the quiz on Monday. I got a 62. The class average on both was a 60-something. I'm pretty sure that is most of the class is failing quizzes, that's a reflection on the teacher's skills, not the students' skills. And there were a couple questions on the quiz that most peope got wrong, and one that the teacher himself brought up because so many people got it wrong. Not only was the question totally irrelevant to our knowledge of cellular biology (it was a question about which scientists were the first or second to look at DNA as a transforming agent or something. This is biology, not history.), but EVERYONE in the class agrees the question was too vague and easy to misunderstand. So now I'm upset, to say the least. Four quizzes are 25% of our grade, lab is 25% of our grade, and two exams are 50% of our grade. If the exams are anything like the quizzes, I'm screwed. Oh my! I can understand how you are worried. When you have these kind of exams and tests to look forward to, this makes the studying so much harder. You have no idea how to study. I hope the teacher grades on a curve. No curves, no extra credit, nothing. He fails as a teacher. Hopefully I'll be able to get ahold of my other academic advisor soon and get this all fixed.
  10. Thanks I did talk to her today, and explained what was really going on, and she's okay now, so peace has been restored. You were so kind to take the time to be a great friend. I hope she took it in the spirit it was given... from the heart. Yeah, it seems a lot of it was just little things that she thought were being done specifically to her, but were in fact just the way we normally act towards everyone. However, I'm now in a rather upsetting state of distressed. Don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but on my first bio quiz I got a 50. Anyone who knows me knows I wasn't exactly happy about that. I also mentioned that I spent the entire weekend studying my butt off for the quiz on Monday. I got a 62. The class average on both was a 60-something. I'm pretty sure that is most of the class is failing quizzes, that's a reflection on the teacher's skills, not the students' skills. And there were a couple questions on the quiz that most peope got wrong, and one that the teacher himself brought up because so many people got it wrong. Not only was the question totally irrelevant to our knowledge of cellular biology (it was a question about which scientists were the first or second to look at DNA as a transforming agent or something. This is biology, not history.), but EVERYONE in the class agrees the question was too vague and easy to misunderstand. So now I'm upset, to say the least. Four quizzes are 25% of our grade, lab is 25% of our grade, and two exams are 50% of our grade. If the exams are anything like the quizzes, I'm screwed.
  11. Thanks I did talk to her today, and explained what was really going on, and she's okay now, so peace has been restored.
  12. Good luck. I admire you for taking the time to try and explain. And you are right, she probably will not listen. It's worth a shot. I'd hate to lose a friend over a stupid misunderstanding.
  13. Okay, things have reached a new level of rediculous. I walked into my room after getting out of choir last night to find my roomie and Lara watching heros, and said hello, as I normally do. Lara didn't even aknowledge my existance. I ended up leaving and going to Marius' and Brennan's room because it was too awkward. I took a quick survey of everyone else, to see if they knew why Lara was so mad, and apparently she's being like this to everyone (except Christina). I think it was Derek that said he waved and said hello to her, and she didn't say anything but instead made one of her classic "I'm mad at you and not talking to you faces." And yes, she has a face for that. So I think I'm going to try and get ahold of her later today to talk this out, because it's gone too far. She has no right to be this mad at me over something that's not my fault. The others she has a bit of a right to be annoyed with, but 1.) she's overreacting, 2.) she's at fault too and the source of her own problems, 3.) she needs to realize that the others just don't like her. Talking to her probably isn't going to be pretty, because I'm going to have to tell her a lot of things she's not going to want to hear. I just hope she listens to me....
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Want to explain that to me? xD But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing. OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK................. omg I was fantasizing about my future job. I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3 Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head. It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects. but Cheesey that was mean. *stalks away* *grabs Kay and brings her back* *pulls away. runs away, hides in corner* Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it. We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends. *rocks back and forth clutching legs* Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music? Absolutely. *sits with Kay listening to music* *switches from rocking back and forth to meditating* All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something. I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds. I must be pretty strong then. lol that's one way to look at it. I can't say I remember most of what happened to me, I think most of it has been blocked from my brain, but I remember enough of it. And I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for what I had to go through. And I like who I am today. Just remember: be the best person you know how to be, and be yourself, no matter what. The people that are mean to you don't matter. And they're probably going to fail at life. You're better than that. Those are and always will be the words to get me through those days. Thankyou. You're very kind. I appriciate what you said, it means so much. You are most welcome.
  15. You are totally on target when you say there is nothing you can do about Lara. I think you are quite perceptive about her and how to deal with her. Being the person you are, I am sure this bothers you, and I am sorry this happens. It can add to any stress you are already having. Poor Dave, wisdom teeth removal, how awful. I feel for him. Marius, now this is interesting. October and April... the change of seasons, so to speak. I wonder what causes the inability to sleep and the disturbing dreams. Marius would be a great case study. Good luck on your Bio test tomorrow. Perhaps this week will be better. Yeah, I talked to christina (my roomie, and a mutual friend of mine and Lara's) about it, and she agrees that Lara is being rediculous, among other things. Having teeth removed, to my understanding, is painful. But he seems more depressed than usual too, so I think something might be up. Interesting, I hadn't considered the changing of the seasons. I'll have to mention that to him. Yeah, Marius is an interesting person. His brain works quite differently from most people, and he's extremely perceptive about most things, especially with reading body language. It's really fascinating. Thanks I'm feeling quite a bit more confident about this exam than the last one. It's on stuff I know pretty well. I still have tons of studying to do though.
  16. To put it in the best way I know how, I'm sensing a disturbance in the force. Like things just don't seem right today. Part of it has to do with Lara. For some reason she got all mad at me because I wouldn't come visit her on the other side of campus yesterday. Now, normally I would have, but this weekend I had/have a lot of work to do, including studying for a bio quiz and housekeeping like laundry and all that fun stuff. But I'm pretty sure she thought I was just making up excuses. So she's all mad, and it's not really my fault, as explained before when she was all mad. The other thing is that both Dave and Marius seem like they're not right today. Dave's problem is probably largely due to having his wisdom teeth taken out and thus being on all sorts of drugs. And Marius just claims to be tired (apparently twice a year, in October and April, he can't sleep for a couple weeks, and when he does, he has really disturbing dreams). And I haven't seen Lindsay or Brennan all day, despite their both being on campus. So everything just seems rather out of balance today. Oh well, back to bio studying. I'll have to pull Dave and Marius aside later and make sure they're actually okay. There's nothing I can do about Lara until she gets over herself.
  17. And today is only Friday... you still have two more days to go. So, when you answered the question, did you select the first choice or the second choice? 1. Will not 2. Might What question? The limewire question... to copy or not to copy... that is the question. Oh yeah. I clicked might first, and that didn't work so I went back and picked the other one. XD I wonder if they are keeping a running tally on how many people click on the other choice. ...........................................................OR................... ............................................... This way there is the appearance that everyone will do the right thing. LOL I'm guessing it's more for the second one....
  18. And today is only Friday... you still have two more days to go. So, when you answered the question, did you select the first choice or the second choice? 1. Will not 2. Might What question? The limewire question... to copy or not to copy... that is the question. Oh yeah. I clicked might first, and that didn't work so I went back and picked the other one. XD
  19. And today is only Friday... you still have two more days to go. So, when you answered the question, did you select the first choice or the second choice? 1. Will not 2. Might What question?
  20. I am SO bored! Pretty much everyone went home for the weekend. I think I did pretty well on my exam yesterday. Today I went swimming with Kim, which was nice. Then I went out to the good will store with Lara and her friend Bruccy who's visiting from out of town. And I got brown dress shoes which fit and don't cause excessive pain (not an easy task). And that's pretty much it. I downloaded limewire today, which is proving to be beyond awesome. But now I'm running out of songs to download.
  21. 06H00... that hour will build character. If I was your teacher in personality class, you would get an A++++++++++, no exams needed, you have a great personality! lol Thanks. Nah, the class is about learning the factors in someone's personality, it's a pretty cool class.
  22. Today was my first day in the middle school. I didn't really do much aside from check to make sure the kids were writing stuff down. They put me in a 7th grade biology class, which is good. The one down side is that I had to get up at 6am. But it's worth it in the long run. Today I have an exam in my personality class, which hopefully won't be too tough.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Want to explain that to me? xD But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing. OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK................. omg I was fantasizing about my future job. I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3 Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head. It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects. but Cheesey that was mean. *stalks away* *grabs Kay and brings her back* *pulls away. runs away, hides in corner* Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it. We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends. *rocks back and forth clutching legs* Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music? Absolutely. *sits with Kay listening to music* *switches from rocking back and forth to meditating* All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something. I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds. I must be pretty strong then. lol that's one way to look at it. I can't say I remember most of what happened to me, I think most of it has been blocked from my brain, but I remember enough of it. And I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for what I had to go through. And I like who I am today. Just remember: be the best person you know how to be, and be yourself, no matter what. The people that are mean to you don't matter. And they're probably going to fail at life. You're better than that.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Want to explain that to me? xD But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing. OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK................. omg I was fantasizing about my future job. I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3 Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head. It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects. but Cheesey that was mean. *stalks away* *grabs Kay and brings her back* *pulls away. runs away, hides in corner* Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it. We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends. *rocks back and forth clutching legs* Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music? Absolutely. *sits with Kay listening to music* *switches from rocking back and forth to meditating* All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something. I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.
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