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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Thanks In more entertaining news: I'm in a hippy costume for Halloween, until later tonight when I put on my fairy costume for the Halloween dance thing.
  2. My grandfather passed away today. It was sooner than expected, but he died peacefully. My dad has been in Florida with him since yesterday, and my mom will be joining my dad on Thursday. My sister I'm sure is pretty upset (she hasn't been doing too well in the first place, she's extremely homesick), but I'm doing alright. Marius was at my door within seconds of my telling him (I was chatting with him online when I got the phone call). So it's going to be okay.
  3. Absolutely! Ian will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Thanks. He was apparently on facebook today and updated his status, so that's a good sign, but when I just tried to call him he hit what my friends call "the F___ you button" (the ignore button). So I guess he's busy. I guess that let's you know where you stand. Hahaha Ian has a long history of not answering or returning phone calls.
  4. Absolutely! Ian will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Thanks. He was apparently on facebook today and updated his status, so that's a good sign, but when I just tried to call him he hit what my friends call "the F___ you button" (the ignore button). So I guess he's busy.
  5. Speaking of cars: Lara and I called Ian (using Lara's phone) and left a voicemail saying to come visit and all that. He called Lara's phone a little while later (I was off doing laundry) and said he can't talk now, because he was just in a really bad car accident. So I called and got his voicemail. So now I'm more than a little worried. Not just for his health, but he's a commuter taking 21 credits and has a girlfriend, and I'm pretty sure he can't afford a new car. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.
  6. So... have you asked for a car for Christmas? *sends Jesusfreak all the dirty hammie laundry* Hahaha Nah, but there's a good chance I'll get an extended battery for my comp for Christmas. Although my mom is thinking about trading in the van and getting two small cars, one of which will likely be mine. The only issue is finding a way to pay for the gas and insurance, and I have no job, partly because I have no car, which is because I can't afford it, because I don't have a job, because I don't have a car....
  7. Today has been a nice day. I got to sleep in, and then met with Meagan about our psych exam project thing, then went to dinner, and then watched the last two weeks' episodes of Heros (Brennan records them on his computer). Then I put my laundry in (I'm pretty much out of clothes, since I wasn't around last weekend and thus didn't do my laundry). And I've been feeling oddly peaceful, which is good. The lack of stress is nice. So we'll see how long that lasts....
  8. Just to clarify... you have successfully removed Biology out of your life and replaced it with Psychology, but you cannot do secondary education and psychology, so you now are elementary education. Whoa... they sure can make things difficult and teacher's are in short supply. Sounds like they do not want additional teachers. Haha really. I guess it's because you can't really get certified for much with a secondary ed and psych degree. So...you can't teach any psych in high school that way? How would you do it then? You would go as a social studies major, and fill up your general electives courses with psych classes. But you'd have to take lots of history type classes too as part of your requirements.
  9. Just to clarify... you have successfully removed Biology out of your life and replaced it with Psychology, but you cannot do secondary education and psychology, so you now are elementary education. Whoa... they sure can make things difficult and teacher's are in short supply. Sounds like they do not want additional teachers. Haha really. I guess it's because you can't really get certified for much with a secondary ed and psych degree.
  10. Okay, so, now that I have some free time I can elaborate on the past few days. They've been busy. Saturday and Sunday I was at camp for Lobsterfest. My cousins came over, and that was kinda fun. Sunday I got back here (realizing I left my power cable in CT). After bringing all my stuff back into my room and saying goodbye to my mom and sister, Marius presented me with a small action figure of Cheif Chirpa (an ewok star-wars character of some sort) to congratulate me on passing my driving test and to "remind me of my heritage" (there are jokes about my living on Endor being raised by ewoks. Because apparently CT is Endor). And then a few of us saw Hairspray, which was playing on campus. Monday was lots of meetings, and yesterday was lots of classes. Today was more meetings (after finally being able to sleep in for once), and I got the paperwork filled out and signed for my major change. They won't let me do secondary education and psychology, so now I'm elementary education and psychology. I might pick up a middle school minor to have something to fall back on too. Then I had a meeting with the girl that works in the same class as me for student teaching to work out our lesson plan on photosynthesis. Then I ate dinner, and now I'm relaxing (a novel concept, I know). Later on is inter-varsity, and then hopefully an early bedtime before waking up for class in the morning.
  11. lol I know the feeling. So today I finally got my power cord! Yay! It's nice to have my own comp back.
  12. This warrants a big obnoxious text in reply: CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!! I knew you would pass !!!!! Thanks! Although of course I left the power cord to my computer at home, so I have less than 2 hours battery life to last me until tomorrow when I get it back.
  13. I feel this warrants big obnoxious text: I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!!!!! It was a lot easier than I expected (didn't even go on the highway or make a k-turn), and the guy was really nice. And my liscence picture even looks good!
  14. I am so excited for you... both with Phil and the fact that I am positive you will pass your driving test. Good luck!!!! Thanks! I'm not too worried about my test. I'm not really expecting to pass it, just because I haven't driven since August. But I'm getting up early tomorrow morning to clean out the car and get some extra practice in (that didn't really happen today ). If I don't pass, I'll just schedule another one for the middle/end of winter break. No big deal. As for Phil, he really seems to enjoy my company (and I often have a hard time telling when people enjoy my company aside from them telling me), and I enjoy his company. He even gets along really well with my parents (although my parents are pretty friendly people) So who knows? We'll see what happens over break.
  15. So today was fun. After my parents and sister found where their open house was, I went with Phil to his physics class, which was amusing because the teacher didn't even notice me. Then we went back to his room where one of his roomies and the roomie's girlfriend were hanging out, and we played mario kart, which was fun times. We then met up with my family after the open house, and Phil showed us around some other parts of campus, and then we went out to dinner at one of the restaurants on campus (which was actually really nice). So a good time was had by all, despite the rain all day. And tomorrow is my driving test....o.O
  16. Hope your father's birthday was good, even though he is having a tough time. I will keep your grandfather, father and entire family in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Thanks. When I called my dad, he had just landed from flying, and it was a gorgeous day out, so I think he had a good day despite the fact that Mom, my sister, and I are all out of state. We'll celebrate his birthday on Friday when we come home for the weekend of mass insanity. I'm glad to hear your father had a beautiful day for being up in the skies with the birds. Have you ever read the book, Tuesdays With Morrie. If you haven't read it, you should, especially now. Never heard of it, actually. What's it about? It is a really short book, that is a true story. Mitch Albom is a sports writer for The Detroit Free Press (I believe this is the correct newspaper name), and the book is about him spending Tuesday's with a professor he had when he was attending university. His story is about their meetings and the profound effect the professor had on him. I absolutely, positively guarantee you will love it and you will walk away with a deeper meaning. I do hope you get it from the library and read it. This book is one you can't put down and you will finish it in a flash. Sounds interesting, I'll keep it in mind.
  17. Thanks I got ahold of the provost (or at least several people that work for him) and have determined that my scholarship will not be affected by withdrawing from class. I also discovered a lack of secondary ed/psych double major checksheets in with the rest of the check sheets, so I hope I can actually claim it as a legitimate double major (don't see why not). I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow morning, and have to start picking classes for next semester asap. So hopefully all that will go well. Sounds like you are opening some new doors and will get what you want. What are the benefits of claiming a double major or having a major and a minor? All education majors here are required to have a second major. Nothing like putting pressure on soon-to-be teachers. I had no idea. You don't also need a minor as well, do you? lol really. Actually, the required double major is one of the reasons I picked this college. Speaking of that, I talked to my advisor this morning, he supports my idea of taking the psych second major, but I have to get all sorts of crazy permissions and stuff like that. Basically, psych isn't listed as a double major for secondary ed because you can't get a job just teaching psych (or at least it's really hard) without having some other degree in, like, history or science or something. However, I'm planning more on the counseling idea, and if I'm going to be working with high school aged kids, I'd like the secondary ed degree too. So the idea is that instead of psych being the second major to my secondary ed, the secondary ed is more like the sedond major to my psych. If that makes sense. In the mean time, I need to get permission to resgister for my psych classes (because I'm not yet a psych major) and then on Monday I need to talk to the associate dean of education and convince her to let me have psych as a second major. Add to this that I can start registering for classes on Friday. Oh, and I withdrew from my bio class today, so I now effectively have four-day weekends (not counting Choir Monday nights). Sounds like you have had a really busy day today. Sometimes I wonder how doing something simple can take so much time and energy and running back and forth between different people. In today's world, you would think that your advisor could just email the associate dean of education and get this all accomplished in a day, instead of a week. Good luck. Four-day weekends... yeah!!! I need a couple of those. Haha really.
  18. Thanks I got ahold of the provost (or at least several people that work for him) and have determined that my scholarship will not be affected by withdrawing from class. I also discovered a lack of secondary ed/psych double major checksheets in with the rest of the check sheets, so I hope I can actually claim it as a legitimate double major (don't see why not). I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow morning, and have to start picking classes for next semester asap. So hopefully all that will go well. Sounds like you are opening some new doors and will get what you want. What are the benefits of claiming a double major or having a major and a minor? All education majors here are required to have a second major. Nothing like putting pressure on soon-to-be teachers. I had no idea. You don't also need a minor as well, do you? lol really. Actually, the required double major is one of the reasons I picked this college. Speaking of that, I talked to my advisor this morning, he supports my idea of taking the psych second major, but I have to get all sorts of crazy permissions and stuff like that. Basically, psych isn't listed as a double major for secondary ed because you can't get a job just teaching psych (or at least it's really hard) without having some other degree in, like, history or science or something. However, I'm planning more on the counseling idea, and if I'm going to be working with high school aged kids, I'd like the secondary ed degree too. So the idea is that instead of psych being the second major to my secondary ed, the secondary ed is more like the sedond major to my psych. If that makes sense. In the mean time, I need to get permission to resgister for my psych classes (because I'm not yet a psych major) and then on Monday I need to talk to the associate dean of education and convince her to let me have psych as a second major. Add to this that I can start registering for classes on Friday. Oh, and I withdrew from my bio class today, so I now effectively have four-day weekends (not counting Choir Monday nights).
  19. Hope your father's birthday was good, even though he is having a tough time. I will keep your grandfather, father and entire family in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Thanks. When I called my dad, he had just landed from flying, and it was a gorgeous day out, so I think he had a good day despite the fact that Mom, my sister, and I are all out of state. We'll celebrate his birthday on Friday when we come home for the weekend of mass insanity. I'm glad to hear your father had a beautiful day for being up in the skies with the birds. Have you ever read the book, Tuesdays With Morrie. If you haven't read it, you should, especially now. Never heard of it, actually. What's it about?
  20. Hope your father's birthday was good, even though he is having a tough time. I will keep your grandfather, father and entire family in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Thanks. When I called my dad, he had just landed from flying, and it was a gorgeous day out, so I think he had a good day despite the fact that Mom, my sister, and I are all out of state. We'll celebrate his birthday on Friday when we come home for the weekend of mass insanity.
  21. Thanks I got ahold of the provost (or at least several people that work for him) and have determined that my scholarship will not be affected by withdrawing from class. I also discovered a lack of secondary ed/psych double major checksheets in with the rest of the check sheets, so I hope I can actually claim it as a legitimate double major (don't see why not). I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow morning, and have to start picking classes for next semester asap. So hopefully all that will go well. Sounds like you are opening some new doors and will get what you want. What are the benefits of claiming a double major or having a major and a minor? All education majors here are required to have a second major.
  22. Thanks I got ahold of the provost (or at least several people that work for him) and have determined that my scholarship will not be affected by withdrawing from class. I also discovered a lack of secondary ed/psych double major checksheets in with the rest of the check sheets, so I hope I can actually claim it as a legitimate double major (don't see why not). I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow morning, and have to start picking classes for next semester asap. So hopefully all that will go well.
  23. That Department Chair appears to need a frontal lobotomy. Psych is great and you would love the field. Besides, you can hang your own shingle out and have your own business. I have a friend who is a psychologist and he is the coolest guy, has his own office and makes his profession work for him. I hope that works better. Haha really. And taking psych instead of bio gets me out of all the chem classes that I would have had a hard time with too. Haha, yeah, I guess that's the thing about a bio major. My roommate is a bio major (neurologist) and he's doing chem and bio at the same time. He doesn't seem to enjoy it much at all. Being a math major, my science is physics...mauahahaha! I hope you will enjoy your psych journey. You've always been brilliant in math. If you're schedule and sanity permit it, consider an education degree as well. I hope I enjoy my psych journey too. My mom made a good point to take some business management classes as well, which would help if I wanted a job as a principal or something. However, I also have some bad news. My grandpa (the one who has cancer) is not doing so well. They give him 3-6 months left to live. This is going to be tough on my dad, whose birthday is tomorrow. I have to make sure I call him...
  24. That Department Chair appears to need a frontal lobotomy. Psych is great and you would love the field. Besides, you can hang your own shingle out and have your own business. I have a friend who is a psychologist and he is the coolest guy, has his own office and makes his profession work for him. I hope that works better. Haha really. And taking psych instead of bio gets me out of all the chem classes that I would have had a hard time with too.
  25. Yeah, so, talked to the bio department chair today. She was not helpful at all. She's pretty convinced that the problem is me, not the teacher. And also that ALL the bio classes require that specific form of fact memorization that not only am I not good at, but does not help you learn or understand anything. So at this point I'm considering switching my bio major over to psych. Be a high school psychologist or something. I kinda like psych better anyways.... We'll see what happens. I still need to see the provost about my scholarship...
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