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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I must comment on paragraph two before getting to paragraph one... BRAVO !!!!! *gives a long round of applause* You should feel special, because you come across the internet as extremely special, with so much going for you! I feel very honoured to know you! Your teacher did a terrific thing to let you know that you are a step above the rest. Congratulations!!!!! As for Nikki... I believe you have guessed correctly. If she is that insecure now, it will never get better. If not you, it will be someone else that makes her insecure. Adding her to your facebook is a great idea, but I do not believe it will fix the problem. As you have probably figured out, the problem is her insecurity and the fact that you are Marius' friend. Good luck! Wow, the feeling specialness just doesn't end. For the all essay version of the take home final for education, there was a question where you had to talk about two of your classmates. This is what one of my classmates says she wrote about me (after asking me for some info about myself that she didn't already know, and I edited it for safety reasons): Terry was born in [insert name of town here] and lived there her entire life. Through out the past year and a half her major has changed quite a few times. Originally she was a secondary education physics major, but considering that the physics department was almost non-existent due to the lack of students in the program, she changed her major to biology instead. After spending some time in more biology classes she decided that was not right for her either and switched to elementary education and psychology, her current major. Terry is strong willed and strays from what most people would call the norm. I admire her greatly for this because she is confident and does not care what others think about her. This is a statement that not many people can say and actually mean. She enjoys taking pictures of just about everything and outdoor activities such as hiking. The Christmas season is also her favorite time of the year and she loves almost everything about it. Terry is also very resourceful. She can teach you how to microwave ramen noodles and use various tools to take apart a bed. Friendly is another adjective that describes Terry well. You can always find her with her door propped open sitting at her computer welcoming passersby into her room. I can honestly say that I am glad to have gotten to know her better this year. Yeah [insert warm fuzzy feelings here]. As for the Nikki thing, I don't know. I'm going to hope she's one of the logical types that once she understands me, and my ideas on dating and stuff like that, that I'm really no threat, and, if anything, potentially one of her greatest resources if she's going to be dating Marius (seeing as I've known him over a year, and we're very close friends). Marius is kinda like a cousin to me. (Not a brother, because that would be annoying.)
  2. Haha. I love Marius. He just came into my room and said, "Do I look pretty?" He was headed off to the business building to see some presentation thing that had something to do with Nikki. I've gotten to spend more time with her. She's SO quiet. There's still something about her that makes me uneasy though, and I think she might not like me for some reason (I'm going to *guess* it's because she thinks I'm a threat because I'm always around Marius, even though I would never date him, but she doesn't know that yet I don't think.) So, I'm not sure what to make of that, but I'd like for us to get to know each other a bit better. Maybe I should just add her on facebook.... In slightly more positive news, actually there are a couple things. Today is the last day of classes for me. After this I just have two take-home exams to do by Monday. Also, as Brennan and I were walking into our education class, one of our professors (the best one I've had so far, in fact) immediately ushered us out of his classroom and into his office. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, because I knew we didn't do anything wrong or anything like that. He gave us each a book, and went on to explain to us that he thinks we're the best of the best, and that people will say some people have the potential to be great teachers. He said that we don't just have the potential to be great teachers, but that we *will* be great teachers. And he said some other stuff that I don't remember, and commented on our obvious sense of ethics as well, but the part about having the potential to be something versus actually being something was what stuck in my mind. So I feel special now.
  3. I'm glad you are happy! You can keep all that snow up north. Haha
  4. And we had even more snow today! It makes me so happy!
  5. There was SNOW today! That is all.
  6. It snowed here too (southern connecticut), but only a thin layer that is all melted away now. It was more harsh at my house (norther connecticut) and they couldn't come down to see my concert Which was fun btw, and wow our chamber ensemble is really good! Maybe I'll be part of it someday. When my voice is stronger. I'm glad your concert went well too. My parents did come down (my mom can drive through anything), but they decided to stay in a hotel near the college instead of going to camp as they had planned. So, today I was woken up to our lovely RA shouting down the hallway something about the entire campus having a power outage. And he was right. Good thing the internet still works. Lucky...when we had a power outage there was no internet, even for several hours after the power was restored. And it was at night so there were a bunch of bored people around me. At least I had my DS, my two laptops, my ipod, and my cellphone to occupy my time. Was it caused by a storm or something? Did you have any classes cancelled? The wireless was out, but the wired connection works fine. The power's back on now anyways. I didn't have class today anyways, but I think a few classes might have been canceled. Not sure what caused it, probably the wind, we've got some crazy wind going on today. Wow, yeah I was just outside and the wind was VICIOUS! Almost as vicious as Steven Colbert. Well, not really. Colbert Report... He's great. Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only person on the intertubes who's never watched that. You are not alone. There are lots of people who have not watched that show. In fact, even his kids are not permitted to watch him. I don't remember seeing it. I probably have, but I don't remember.
  7. It snowed here too (southern connecticut), but only a thin layer that is all melted away now. It was more harsh at my house (norther connecticut) and they couldn't come down to see my concert Which was fun btw, and wow our chamber ensemble is really good! Maybe I'll be part of it someday. When my voice is stronger. I'm glad your concert went well too. My parents did come down (my mom can drive through anything), but they decided to stay in a hotel near the college instead of going to camp as they had planned. So, today I was woken up to our lovely RA shouting down the hallway something about the entire campus having a power outage. And he was right. Good thing the internet still works. Lucky...when we had a power outage there was no internet, even for several hours after the power was restored. And it was at night so there were a bunch of bored people around me. At least I had my DS, my two laptops, my ipod, and my cellphone to occupy my time. Was it caused by a storm or something? Did you have any classes cancelled? The wireless was out, but the wired connection works fine. The power's back on now anyways. I didn't have class today anyways, but I think a few classes might have been canceled. Not sure what caused it, probably the wind, we've got some crazy wind going on today.
  8. It snowed here too (southern connecticut), but only a thin layer that is all melted away now. It was more harsh at my house (norther connecticut) and they couldn't come down to see my concert Which was fun btw, and wow our chamber ensemble is really good! Maybe I'll be part of it someday. When my voice is stronger. I'm glad your concert went well too. My parents did come down (my mom can drive through anything), but they decided to stay in a hotel near the college instead of going to camp as they had planned. So, today I was woken up to our lovely RA shouting down the hallway something about the entire campus having a power outage. And he was right. Good thing the internet still works.
  9. The choir concert was today, and despite my having a cold, it went pretty well. My parents came to see it, and took me out to dinner afterwards. It was nice to have real food. When I got back we had a short homework party in my room, which was good because we all got work done. Oh, and it snowed today! I was happy about that, even if it's all rain now.
  10. Tsk, tsk. Ooops! I'm glad you're in New Jersey. lol yeah I caught that typo too. As for passing my cold on to my friends, I'm pretty sure I *got* it from them.
  11. Good news: I'm glad your in New Jersey. Bad news: All those people around you will give the cold back to you after you have gotten better. Haha I usually get a cold in the fall, and I didn't get one last year, so I'm really long overdue for one.
  12. Good news: Sore throat is pretty much gone. Bad news: Now I have congestion and a runny nose.
  13. This topic is lacking in my poetry. I finally wrote two tonight. "How" Sometimes I wonder, how life will go on. Not if, but how. Because life always goes on, things work their way out, but what method? What way? How will things go today? And what of tomorrow? Will it be like yesterday? "Shifting" My world is shifting, My mind is drifting. I'm not sure what to make of this. To be happy or sad, Apathetic or mad. My story goes on, but pieces seem to be starting over from scratch. Things go so far, and suddenly stop. Why? I wish I knew. And starting again, will it be the same? Or by comparison lame? So I hold my head high, I at least have to try. I'm waiting to see what happens.
  14. Haha, so do I! Good luck with your concert. Bring a tape recorder then post it here so we all can hear! lol I wish I could! Wouldn't that be fun! Go to your local spy shop and get one of those teeny-tiny spy cams and you could post the concert on you tube. But of course, I would definitely do it from an anonymous computer in let's say Manhattan (NYC), with an anonymous name, because I am certain someone would be looking for the culprit. Oh and when you are using the anonymous computer, make sure you have a wig and dark glasses, just in case they are filming you! lol oh my.
  15. Haha, so do I! Good luck with your concert. Bring a tape recorder then post it here so we all can hear! lol I wish I could!
  16. Haha, so do I! Good luck with your concert. lol thanks, you too!
  17. Today was my last day with the middle school kids. It's kinda sad because they were a lot of fun, but I'm not going to miss getting up at 6am. I have a sore throat too, which isn't fun. I don't get sore throats too often, especially not for this long, so I really hope it's not something serious. Plus I've got a choir concert on Sunday.
  18. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Isn't there an overall amount of credits to meet in order to graduate though? At my school you need 120 credits to graduate. My roommate is driving me crazy. He's eating right now. It sounds like he's giving off electrical sparks with his smacking. It makes me feel sick. And blasting youtube movies. He also keeps walking in when I want to practice clarinet, and I can't play with him in the room. Or with the door open. I also have a billion projects to do. I have a french one due December 12, a history one for December 7, and an optional math one for December 6 (gives me 2 points on my final grade). I should probably add stuff my presentation for music theory tomorrow, and I also have to write a paper for Music Theory, and I still haven't received the topics for it. No response from my mentor or academic adviser about being a sophomore next semester. I might take things into my own hands if I get impatient enough. I just don't know how. Maybe I'll approach the registrar. Maybe fill out a degree waiver form if I have to do it that way. So must stuff. I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin. There is a different number of credits for each major, I forget how many. I hate it when people are noisy when they eat. It gets me crazy. That's when I put my headphones on, which is what you should tell your roomie to do. There is NO excuse for blasting youtube. As for the clarinet thing, I suggest agreeing on a set time for him to be out of the room so you can practice (or do it when he has class). If all else fails, tie a sock to the door. Projects: Oh boy do I know how you feel. I generally start with whatever is mandatory and due the soonest and do that one first. Your college should list somewhere how many credits you need to be a sophomore. If it's like my college, I know to be a junior you have to have at least 60, so a sophomore should have at least 30 I think. Something like that. Why do you need to know? And above all else *BIG HUGS!* Relax (or at least try to). Everything will be okay. God promises to never give you more than you can handle.
  19. Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though. Probably a good idea. Safety first. They have some great Holiday scents in air fresheners. Yeah. I've got yankee candle's balsam and cedar air freshener. It's really expensive, but it smells so good! Does it last long? Yep it does. I had my door open today, and some guy in a random group of people walking by said, "It smells like Christmas!" Also, watched House today, and House fired the one person I hated, which made me happy.
  20. Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though. Probably a good idea. Safety first. They have some great Holiday scents in air fresheners. Yeah. I've got yankee candle's balsam and cedar air freshener. It's really expensive, but it smells so good!
  21. Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though.
  22. So, I'm back at Rider. They have the heat turned on full blast, so now my door and window are both open to maintain a reasonable climate. o.O And I'm listening to Christmas music, which makes me happy. And I have peppermint tea.
  23. I have too much to do and not enough time motivation to do it. Take home test for psych, packing, etc. Boring. And I get to go back to Rider tomorrow, which should be fun. I miss my friends from there. It's going to be a sad day when we all graduate and move away. I'll have to get them all to get webcams.... Oh, we also saw Enchanted on thanksgiving. It was really cute.
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