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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Hello everyone! Past three years huh? Well if you want the long story, you could just read this topic. lol in all seriousness though, the highlights: I graduated high school, am in my second year of college with a double major in elementary education and psychology, and I finally got my driver's license. As for the rest of the boards, it's just quieted down a lot since the revamp.
  2. You are like a cleaning tornado! And the current state of my room reflects that. All the stuff that came out of the aforementioned sections is now on my floor. So I need to sort all of the out before I can get the dusting and vacuuming done. And the vacuuming will have to wait until tomorrow because for some reason my mom is already asleep. I guess you wore your mother out. She's awake again now, I think she said something about not feeling well. So that means there's a good chance we're not going to church tomorrow, unless someone wakes me up in time to drive my sister and I down there. Vacuuming and dusting are still going to happen tomorrow though, because I just took a shower and don't care to cover myself in dust again. Oh no... I hope your mother is not getting sick. Those kind of colds and flu are awful. As far as church goes... have you ever heard of an alarm clock? Me too. It's not good when mom's sick. As for the alarm clock thing, if I can avoid having to wake up early, I will, and I don't enjoy driving down main street in my town. But on the other hand, I don't mind going to church either. So if someone wakes me up, I'll go. And if not, I won't. Doesn't matter much to me either way.
  3. You are like a cleaning tornado! And the current state of my room reflects that. All the stuff that came out of the aforementioned sections is now on my floor. So I need to sort all of the out before I can get the dusting and vacuuming done. And the vacuuming will have to wait until tomorrow because for some reason my mom is already asleep. I guess you wore your mother out. She's awake again now, I think she said something about not feeling well. So that means there's a good chance we're not going to church tomorrow, unless someone wakes me up in time to drive my sister and I down there. Vacuuming and dusting are still going to happen tomorrow though, because I just took a shower and don't care to cover myself in dust again.
  4. You are like a cleaning tornado! And the current state of my room reflects that. All the stuff that came out of the aforementioned sections is now on my floor. So I need to sort all of the out before I can get the dusting and vacuuming done. And the vacuuming will have to wait until tomorrow because for some reason my mom is already asleep.
  5. So, I spent basically all of today cleaning my room. I'm more than halfway done. DONE: Main Floor Clothes (4 trash bags of stuff I don't wear anymore) Under Bed (keep in mind my bed is lofted) Drawers Dresser Tops IN PROGRESS: Shelves TO DO: Other Corners/ Under Dressers/ Etc. Vacuuming/Dusting I'm surprised I got as much as I did done today, I was expecting this whole room cleaning thing to take at least a week.
  6. You will be celebrating one hour before I will. Haha well then, now it's Christmas for both of us! True!!! Tennessee is sooooooooooooo cold. I wish I was celebrating Christmas in Florida. Quit your whining. You have to learn to appreciate the cold. That coming from a wolf. LOL I can't wait until the heat comes in the summer and you can't get your log cool. Don't be silly. The windows were carved in rectangles, we can put air conditioners in them It's a bit tough with the shedding and all, but not too bad here. That's what I get for trying to out-think a wolf with a 3.958 GPA!!! Hahaha LOL You know it got me thinking though, imagine how awesome it would be to make a home out of the massive log of a fallen sequoia tree or something like that. It would be so cool! I would love it! Those trees are so huge! It would give new meaning to the term "log" cabin. Haha that is true. So today I finally got a few hours of free time to get my room cleaned up. I can see my floor now! Although my room isn't nearly done. I need to clean up the tops of my dressers and shelves, then sort through the several boxes of random stuff I have on my floor, get the giant mirror out of my room (this this is about 6' x 4' and came from my parents' room. It got put in my room because they were fixing their wall and I was away at college. They never put it back), clean out under/behind my bed, and then clean out my drawers. At that point, I will try on all my clothes and find out what fits and what doesn't. Clothes that don't fit or I don't like will go to goodwill. Also, lots of stuff is going to be boxed up and put in the attic. So I have my work cut out for me. Most of the reason I need to get my room so thoroughly cleaned (usually "cleaning my room" means "put lots of stuff in drawers and boxes, and throw out some stuff") is because there's a good chance my grandmother will be coming to live at our house within a year or so, and they're going to put her in my room. So my room needs to be organized and ready to move, and the amount of stuff I have needs to be small enough to fit inside my sister's room. And oh boy do I have a lot of stuff. It barely fits inside my own room. You have way too much energy for me. Another very good place to donate is The Salvation Army - Domestic Violence department. You have to be very specific as they are two separate entities. The people in the domestic violence group deal with anyone who has left their home, and this is usually with only the clothes on their back. Then they are given clothes from donations. I think that is a great place to donate, where they really help someone get on their feet. That's pretty cool. Although to be fair, "give to goodwill" generally means "dump clothes in the nearest available clothes drop box on our next shopping trip"
  7. You will be celebrating one hour before I will. Haha well then, now it's Christmas for both of us! True!!! Tennessee is sooooooooooooo cold. I wish I was celebrating Christmas in Florida. Quit your whining. You have to learn to appreciate the cold. That coming from a wolf. LOL I can't wait until the heat comes in the summer and you can't get your log cool. Don't be silly. The windows were carved in rectangles, we can put air conditioners in them It's a bit tough with the shedding and all, but not too bad here. That's what I get for trying to out-think a wolf with a 3.958 GPA!!! Hahaha You know it got me thinking though, imagine how awesome it would be to make a home out of the massive log of a fallen sequoia tree or something like that. It would be so cool! I would love it! Those trees are so huge! It would give new meaning to the term "log" cabin. Haha that is true. So today I finally got a few hours of free time to get my room cleaned up. I can see my floor now! Although my room isn't nearly done. I need to clean up the tops of my dressers and shelves, then sort through the several boxes of random stuff I have on my floor, get the giant mirror out of my room (this this is about 6' x 4' and came from my parents' room. It got put in my room because they were fixing their wall and I was away at college. They never put it back), clean out under/behind my bed, and then clean out my drawers. At that point, I will try on all my clothes and find out what fits and what doesn't. Clothes that don't fit or I don't like will go to goodwill. Also, lots of stuff is going to be boxed up and put in the attic. So I have my work cut out for me. Most of the reason I need to get my room so thoroughly cleaned (usually "cleaning my room" means "put lots of stuff in drawers and boxes, and throw out some stuff") is because there's a good chance my grandmother will be coming to live at our house within a year or so, and they're going to put her in my room. So my room needs to be organized and ready to move, and the amount of stuff I have needs to be small enough to fit inside my sister's room. And oh boy do I have a lot of stuff. It barely fits inside my own room.
  8. You will be celebrating one hour before I will. Haha well then, now it's Christmas for both of us! True!!! Tennessee is sooooooooooooo cold. I wish I was celebrating Christmas in Florida. Quit your whining. You have to learn to appreciate the cold. That coming from a wolf. LOL I can't wait until the heat comes in the summer and you can't get your log cool. Don't be silly. The windows were carved in rectangles, we can put air conditioners in them It's a bit tough with the shedding and all, but not too bad here. That's what I get for trying to out-think a wolf with a 3.958 GPA!!! Hahaha You know it got me thinking though, imagine how awesome it would be to make a home out of the massive log of a fallen sequoia tree or something like that. It would be so cool!
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! I got a new external hard drive (a massive 500 GB) and a red octane DDR mat, so now I have two. And DDR Supernova 2. And of course the usual smaller gifts as well. 500 GB...wow lol yeah. Probably more storage than I'll ever need. Nowadays you can get two terrabyte drives for about $400.
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! I got a new external hard drive (a massive 500 GB) and a red octane DDR mat, so now I have two. And DDR Supernova 2. And of course the usual smaller gifts as well.
  11. You will be celebrating one hour before I will. Haha well then, now it's Christmas for both of us! True!!! Tennessee is sooooooooooooo cold. I wish I was celebrating Christmas in Florida. Quit your whining. You have to learn to appreciate the cold. That coming from a wolf. I can't wait until the heat comes in the summer and you can't get your log cool. lol yeah, this summer I'm planning on being at home instead of camp, and at home it's usually about 5-10 degrees warmer. I'm going to see about getting an air conditioner for at least the living room.....But at least I'll have internet!
  12. LOL I didn't read the post and thought your pajamas were an upside down Christmas tree shirt. Love the pictures!!! I will take some tomorrow and post them. Haha thanks! I still need to get shots of the tree....
  13. You will be celebrating one hour before I will. Haha well then, now it's Christmas for both of us!
  14. Weee pictures! I'm bored. One is just because I like it, and the other because it's sorta Christmasy (note the penguin pajamas).
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. WOW! Congrats! That is excellent for your first semester! *bows* Thank you You are most welcome.
  16. And you forgot one big thing... go out for a drive! I did that today. I thought I was going to end up helping to clean up the house, but I ended up driving Dad all around town to run errands. The past few days I've been out shopping with mom, and all the stores are so crowded because it's almost Christmas. I don't mind people, but I don't like being around that many of them at once. At least all my Christmas shopping is done though. Tomorrow we have church, and Tommy's coming with us as usual. After that, we're going to go get and hopefully set up and decorate the Christmas tree. Then I've got lots of room cleaning and present wrapping to accomplish.
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. WOW! Congrats! That is excellent for your first semester!
  18. So, I'm at home now, I have tons of unpacking to do. Ian has IM'd me a few times, and we're still talking just like we used to, which makes me happy. That's pretty much it. Once I get my room in order, I'll have to call/IM Phil and see about getting together and playing DDR or something.
  19. This is great news! I am glad everyone is happy and just in time for the holidays! Me too. And I'm also happy that I wasn't wrong about Nikki liking Marius because I was seriously doubting my ideas about how people act when they like someone.
  20. Eeeeee good news! Marius just IM'd me. He ran into Nikki today, and she told him that he caught her off guard the other day when he asked her out, and she wanted to say yes. I was right! So he's happy now.
  21. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic. Doesn't really bother me either way. I'm not sure trees outnumber people by quite that much though... but it's by enough to make where I live pretty boring. Unless you're fascinated by trees. Take a look at my topic and you will see my rant. I really did not want to rant in your topic! Haha okay. And rant I did! LOL So I saw. At the moment I'm taking a break from the massive pack-a-thon I've been having, because I'm going home tomorrow. And get this: (I really can't believe I get to say this one) I've been praying the past few days more than I've been (because I hadn't been praying nearly enough) about the usual things that I'd neglected; God's will in my life, etc. As soon as I started my break of this pack-a-thon, Ian signed on. And then he actually IM'd me! And now we're talking like nothing is strange at all. I really thought he was purposely ignoring me. So, I'm not quite sure what to make of all this.
  22. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? I have a new neighbor that bought the property to the south and the first thing they did, was cut down nine old beautiful oak trees, two of which belonged to me. Their attitude is so arrogant, nasty and mean, I tried to be nice, but they told me to live with it. I said that I really didn't have to live with it, so he said "Sue me"!!!! Well, I can do that. In addition, when I went to introduce the new neighbor to the gentleman who cuts my lawn, this guy stuck his finger in the air, wagging it back and forth, saying, "I've seen him." Of course, this jerk of a guy has no idea of my feelings on people who are racist and that the appraised value of the tree is about $130,000. I will be so happy to see him in court. When he applied for the permit to cut down trees, he never put the two trees on the permit, so in essence, it was illegal for him to cut them down as well as them not belonging to him. Two doors to the north, we have another tree hating neighbor who is like a thorn in your foot. I bought these flat rocks to keep people from driving across our lawn, doing donuts as they go, and he reported us to the city as he did not think they were up to code. One of them I had to put in my neighbors driveway (the neighbor between us to the north), but I immediately called my neighbor and asked permission. Their real home is up in your neck of the woods, Fairfield, Conn. and this is their holiday home. Anyway, this nosy neighbor called the neighbor who's driveway I was borrowing, and complained about my actions and the rock. They said I was erected another Stonehedge. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I mind my own business and treat people how I would like to be treated. I would like to live in peace and harmony with the environment and not invade my space on that of the critters. We have an habitat friendly back yard and I am working on the front yard. We have planted trees, shrubs and plants that feed the wildlife and provide them with shelter to make their homes. Okay... I need to stop before I spend my ranting. Ah, gotcha. Some of my relatives are having a very similar problem with their neighbors. It's so bad, they're actually considering moving just to get away from them.
  23. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic. Doesn't really bother me either way. I'm not sure trees outnumber people by quite that much though... but it's by enough to make where I live pretty boring. Unless you're fascinated by trees. Take a look at my topic and you will see my rant. I really did not want to rant in your topic! Haha okay.
  24. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic. Doesn't really bother me either way. I'm not sure trees outnumber people by quite that much though... but it's by enough to make where I live pretty boring. Unless you're fascinated by trees.
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