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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I can only imagine just how happy you are!!!! Have a really great day! It was fun. We spent most of the day playing video games, mostly DDR, which was fun times. So nice to hear you have a great day. You deserve days like this. Yesterday my dad, sister, and I spent the night at camp on our way down to grandma's. It was a bit chilly, but I had my winter sleeping bad and ended up being too hot. And then there was the flying squirrel that broke in and made all sorts of noise and kept me from sleeping. When we were almost at grandma's house, some lady pulled out in front of us and cut us off. She was then all over the road, doing at least 80 in a 45. We lost sight of her around a turn, and when we rounded that turn, sure enough she had crashed into someone pretty hard. It's amazing she wasn't hurt, her car was totalled. We were the first car behind her, and my sister is an EMT so we pulled over to make sure she was okay, make sure someone called 911, and tell the cops what happened. We're pretty sure she was on some sort of drugs because she had pinpoint pupils, a heartbeat of 240 (at least twice as much as it should be), and was kinda slurring her words. And then we had the family Christmas party, which was fun times. And now I'm back at grandma's house. I was helping dad try and get a webcam system to work for grandma, but he seems to have given up on that for the night. We're going to leave reasonably early tomorrow, because our home is expected to get hit with a pretty decent snowstorm tomorrow night and all day Monday. *becomes all excited and happy like a five-year-old because of the snow* Talk about a lot of excitement. Never in my wildest dreams can I imagine being "hot" in a sleeping bag, while camping out in the NORTH!!!!! As for the flying squirrel, I just love those little guys! Of course, they are relatives of mine, but we have to use planes to fly as we have no "wings". Regarding the lady, it is great that your sister is an EMT, she was able to check on the people in the accident and make sure no one was really hurt. Have a safe trip back home. Hopefully after you have returned safely to your nest, then there be a blizzard. lol I know. It is easy to be hot in a sleeping bag. We had a fire lit in the cabin, and my sleeping bag has a 15 degree (F) rating, it's meant for the winter. Flying squirrels are beautiful creatures, but not when they're making lots of noise while I'm trying to sleep. I thought it was a mouse until I shined a flashlight at it. Jenny being an EMT comes in handy pretty often. And I don't see any reason why we shouldn't get home safe. We should get home before the snow/rain even starts, but even then, my parents can drive in anything.
  2. I can only imagine just how happy you are!!!! Have a really great day! It was fun. We spent most of the day playing video games, mostly DDR, which was fun times. So nice to hear you have a great day. You deserve days like this. Yesterday my dad, sister, and I spent the night at camp on our way down to grandma's. It was a bit chilly, but I had my winter sleeping bad and ended up being too hot. And then there was the flying squirrel that broke in and made all sorts of noise and kept me from sleeping. When we were almost at grandma's house, some lady pulled out in front of us and cut us off. She was then all over the road, doing at least 80 in a 45. We lost sight of her around a turn, and when we rounded that turn, sure enough she had crashed into someone pretty hard. It's amazing she wasn't hurt, her car was totalled. We were the first car behind her, and my sister is an EMT so we pulled over to make sure she was okay, make sure someone called 911, and tell the cops what happened. We're pretty sure she was on some sort of drugs because she had pinpoint pupils, a heartbeat of 240 (at least twice as much as it should be), and was kinda slurring her words. And then we had the family Christmas party, which was fun times. And now I'm back at grandma's house. I was helping dad try and get a webcam system to work for grandma, but he seems to have given up on that for the night. We're going to leave reasonably early tomorrow, because our home is expected to get hit with a pretty decent snowstorm tomorrow night and all day Monday. *becomes all excited and happy like a five-year-old because of the snow*
  3. I can only imagine just how happy you are!!!! Have a really great day! It was fun. We spent most of the day playing video games, mostly DDR, which was fun times.
  4. Yay good news! Phil is coming over tomorrow! Which makes tomorrow super insane, but fun. Lots of driving involved. And also me getting up early(er than usual).
  5. Oh my! Maybe you should feed it more. Once I had an old laptop and it was infested by ants. I overfeed my laptop enough as it is. The sims2 games take up a massive amount of memory.... Ants? That would mess things up I can imagine.
  6. Now that deserves an award!!! *hands Jesusfreak The Double Gold Star Award* Good one! lol thanks
  7. So, I was sitting here with my computer, and I kept smelling chocolate. And I was wondering where it came from. Turns out chocolate had somehow managed to melt itself all over the bottom of my laptop, and, consequently, my pants and bed. Oh well, my sheets probably needed to be washed anyways.
  8. You all should be proud of me. I survived my first time driving alone. And no one even beeped at me. And I also called Phil to make sure he's still alive and to see when he has free time. (for some reason, both driving and calling people on the phone make me very nervous) Oh, and interesting addition to the dream thing. Later that night, Marius got really sick. But he's better now.
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Interesting. If I knew more about what's been going on in your life, I might be able to explain a few of the things in it. At the very least, I can assume you've been playing sega and/or sonic games lately, or saw someone else playing them. And I would also guess that you were at the mall lately. If you're still in CT, I might guess the crystal mall because it's two floors and has that chandelier that looks like it might belong in a castle. I'm also guessing that home and your family have been on your mind or in conversation lately. Or any number of these things might have been in something you saw on TV lately. Those are my guesses.
  10. Now that makes your dream seem more real. lol there were a few things about the dream that made it impossible to be real, but it was quite vivid. Only once in a while do I have one of those vivid dreams and when I do, it really sticks in your mind. Yeah. I rarely remember my dreams, and even when I do, it's usually just jumbled bits and pieces. There were a few odd things about this dream though. One was that I remembered exactly what marius was wearing. Also, some of the people looked like anime characters, cartoon style, which has never happened. And some of the people I was interacting with closely were people I don't know from real life.
  11. Now that makes your dream seem more real. lol there were a few things about the dream that made it impossible to be real, but it was quite vivid.
  12. So, interesting addition to that dream I had. One thing I didn't mention (because I didn't think it was significant) is that I noticed and remembered what some of the people were wearing. I just told Marius about the dream, and that I remembered he was wearing his trogdor shirt and black jeans. Turns out, that's what he was wearing earlier today.
  13. Religion, of course. That's probably the main reason why. "My religion does not decide my actions, it drives them." Oh, so I guess it just drove you to flat-out oppose abortion and same-sex marriage, while the first issue really should be handled on an individual basis and NOT by the government, and the second issue could not possibly defile the term "marriage" more than heterosexual couples have already defiled it. Really, people place too much importance on a single word, like it's some kind of special, holy word even though the bible doesn't make it such (maybe other sacred texts do?). Sorry, mini-rant there. So anyway this "fair tax" plan of his is actually kind of interesting. It takes away everything, including the IRS, except a sales tax which is raised to 23% or something. My dad says that our family would probably be paying less. Just think, no poopy self-employment tax (which, in Connecticut at least, is 100% more tax), no struggles over what things were "earned" or not, no losing HALF of all your winnings (I think that's just ridiculous! What's the point?? You win Who Wants to be a Millionaire and you can't even be a Millionaire!) My family seems to like him, mostly because of the tax thing I think. I'm so tired of religion in politics. Can anyone explain why the government has to make moral decisions? Are people too stupid to have their own morals? Sadly, yes, people are too stupid to have their own morals it seems. But that's still not the government's place. Tell your parents to look at Ron Paul. He's got big plans for lowering taxes as well. He also says that it should be up to the states, not the federal government, to decide things like same-sex marriage and abortion. To me, the person you choose to marry and whether or not you have an abortion, should never be decisions of the state. I think these are totally personal choices and should be left to the individual. I agree that the government has no place in marriage. As far as they're concerned, it should be all civil unions, for legal purposes only. For the abortion thing, however, beliefs on when life begins is an issue that makes it not just a personal choice. If you think a fetus isn't a human life, then I understand why one might think abortion is a personal choice. However, many, if not most people (including myself) think that fetuses are human lives, and that killing them is murder. When you look at it that way, abortion affects TWO people, not just the woman who wants one. It also affects the unborn baby. I'm not saying everyone agrees with that, but if you can look at it from that perspective, you'll understand why so many people are so against abortion.
  14. Religion, of course. That's probably the main reason why. "My religion does not decide my actions, it drives them." Oh, so I guess it just drove you to flat-out oppose abortion and same-sex marriage, while the first issue really should be handled on an individual basis and NOT by the government, and the second issue could not possibly defile the term "marriage" more than heterosexual couples have already defiled it. Really, people place too much importance on a single word, like it's some kind of special, holy word even though the bible doesn't make it such (maybe other sacred texts do?). Sorry, mini-rant there. So anyway this "fair tax" plan of his is actually kind of interesting. It takes away everything, including the IRS, except a sales tax which is raised to 23% or something. My dad says that our family would probably be paying less. Just think, no poopy self-employment tax (which, in Connecticut at least, is 100% more tax), no struggles over what things were "earned" or not, no losing HALF of all your winnings (I think that's just ridiculous! What's the point?? You win Who Wants to be a Millionaire and you can't even be a Millionaire!) My family seems to like him, mostly because of the tax thing I think. I'm so tired of religion in politics. Can anyone explain why the government has to make moral decisions? Are people too stupid to have their own morals? Sadly, yes, people are too stupid to have their own morals it seems. But that's still not the government's place. Tell your parents to look at Ron Paul. He's got big plans for lowering taxes as well. He also says that it should be up to the states, not the federal government, to decide things like same-sex marriage and abortion.
  15. So, having just read up on Huckabee a bit, I'm shocked that he's so popular. Really? I mean I agree with one or two things he said, but really? A lot of the things he says are just so illogical....
  16. Of course we noticed that Clinton moved to NY *just* so she could become senator. BUT... what idiots elected her???????? I would have booted her butt back to Arkansas. Even that state did not want the Clintons back. I don't know. I would think that people would vote for someone who, you know, lives in their state? It's so dumb. Kinda makes me afraid of the people that vote these days.....
  17. Anyone else notice that Clinton moved to NY *just* so she could become senator? Anyways, Ron Paul has my vote. It's a shame he's so under-publicized. The media isn't too fond of him. Anyways, go find the wikipedia page for "ron paul political views." Most of his ideas are identical to mine. I was shocked.
  18. I had an interesting dream this morning (afternoon, really). I remember something about a schoolbus, but that had nothing to do with the rest of it. The rest of it involved some sort of journey, on foot, straight across the country, through the woods. Somehow me, a girl with pink hair, and two guys were with us. And apparently I liked one of the two guys, I can't remember his name now, but he had curly short brown hair. We arrived at the Midwest, and it appeared to me like a movie, I'm pretty sure there was background music too. There was a huge cliff we had to get down. We watched another girl go down by basically letting herself fall, and periodically grabbing at trees to slow herself to a stop. We all agreed it looked painful and that she was crazy. So I was looking for a way down by climbing, and got just far enough down so my head was barely above the cliff and I got stuck. Most of the rocks were really loose in the ground, and a number of them actually fell when I pushed on them. Some of the rocks I pushed off somehow made a flat space I was able to slide my body into, underneath the ground where everyone else was standing. While I was sitting there, the pink haired girl crouched down above me (she looked like an anime character) and told me that I needed to tell the guy I liked that I like him. I remember finding that one spot in the space I hollowed out was cold, as if it had been frozen. Then I decided that the way I was trying to get down would never work, and also that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get myself up. So I asked the others for help. Now, somehow, at this point, the area around the cliff that I was facing was enclosed in a building, it looked like the part we were in was a sort of lobby-hallway. And somehow a few of my real life guy friends were there, and it was Marius who came to help me. The others didn't seem to notice that I was actually in danger of falling to my death. Marius was able to pull me up most of the way, but because I was standing on a ledge about a foot below the edge of the cliff, I needed him to pull me at least to a standing upright position, or so I was leaning forward and not backwards. So I kept shouting, "You need to pull me over! Guys, come help him!" I think Kevin is the only one that helped him, and some others might have run over to watch (I think Brennan was there too). I woke up about then. I figure the reason I was stuck in a backwards position in my dream is probably because I was sleeping on my back. So, it was interesting to say the least.
  19. You play apples to apples too? We love that game! It's so much fun! And there are so many ways to play it too. I like to just play indefinitely, no winning or losing, just playing for fun. @Horatio: Yes. It teaches me that I'm quite out of shape. I'm quite goofy with that game. Once the word was "friendly" and I put down "angry hornets" Don't get many points for that but I do it for humeric value Oh, it depends on who you're playing with. I've gotten points by putting down things like Michael Jackson for "innocent." And HK can't be that out of shape if he's a firefighter, that equipment is heavy! Some cards are almost unbeatable, no matter what adjective you put them down for...like Helen Keller. (It's amazing how versatile she is!) Haha, our trump card is Denzel Washington. Hiroshima and Meat Cleavers are always big with us.
  20. You play apples to apples too? We love that game! It's so much fun! And there are so many ways to play it too. I like to just play indefinitely, no winning or losing, just playing for fun. @Horatio: Yes. It teaches me that I'm quite out of shape. I'm quite goofy with that game. Once the word was "friendly" and I put down "angry hornets" Don't get many points for that but I do it for humeric value Oh, it depends on who you're playing with. I've gotten points by putting down things like Michael Jackson for "innocent." And HK can't be that out of shape if he's a firefighter, that equipment is heavy!
  21. You play apples to apples too? We love that game! It's so much fun! And there are so many ways to play it too. I like to just play indefinitely, no winning or losing, just playing for fun. @Horatio: Yes. It teaches me that I'm quite out of shape.
  22. Glad to hear you got the new year started off by having fun. *nods* My legs are still sore from playing DDR.
  23. So, our New Year's party thing last night was fun. We played DDR and apples to apples, ate lots of food, and set off fireworks.
  24. My room is now completely clean! I dusted and vacuumed today, which was the last thing I needed to get done. Now I can have friends over and not worry about my room being a mess. *dances around newly cleaned room* It's still a bit cluttered, but that's how it's always been, so it doesn't bother me at all. My parents are pretty happy that my room is in decent order as well.
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